The Opesters restrains himself from saying "All In". 14:30

11  2015-12-03 by smokinswindler


he is such a fucking dope! if he would just own his shit at least he could maintain some dignity, but he's so obviously affected by the criticisms of redditors.

How could he. He's never even seen the subreddit, he don't give a fuuuuuu

You gotta go all i- ya gotta go with a vhs tape! I said puriod again!

Me: Those haters on reddit don't bother me in the fawwwchin' least

I'm fine with that as long as he keeps making lists... Love myself a good list... Sam top ten things that look like vaginas?! Go! Period.

people who don't timestamp are worse than Opie.

How could he. He's never even seen the subreddit, he don't give a fuuuuuu