Anthony: I miss George. Vos: 'Cause you have the same hairdo.

144  2015-12-03 by DeRosas_livelihood


The full quote:
"Cause you have the same hairdo, ok, alright. Listen."

He has a compulsion to disallow any dead air when he's on a roll.

I think it's because he always think there's a chance of bombing. Vos bombs more than anyone else but I sort of respect him more for it. He'll let a joke bomb and it doesn't put him off making another one.

Absolutely. In his head he thinks that everything coming out of his mouth is a real zinger but O&A have conditioned him into spewing verbal diarrhea after any joke to lessen the blow of a potential bomb. It's fascinating.

It's a shame prevention disorder. Vos Syndrome.

I like when he bombs and you can tell he was trying to be really mean but it just hits the ground like a fish flopping on the deck of a boat.

Vos bombs a ton, but when he hits, Jesus Christ he hits hard. And he's quick as fuck too. Vos has had me in tears laughing. Probably only Patrice has made me laugh harder.

here's da ting

"I kill on stage"

I eat da coochie

You forgot the slurp

Vos is one funny motherfucker.

"Your hair looks like an old black woman's pussy" killed me. Vos rules.

that was Patrice's joke from the Sheen roast.

It wss a pretty hacky old joke when Patrice did it.

Vos is a quick mofo.

Funny Mofo*

Funny Mo*


Opie was the funny mofos guy ????!


hair jokes always make me laugh

Ant looks like George, if george was the surface of the moon....

.....bombarded by meteors

....for billions of years

...going through a teenage acne phase.

Vos was great the other day, wish he would come on a couple times a month.

I suspect Opie is keeping "his guys" off of TACS for the foreseeable future. It will be interesting to see when Jimmy comes back.

Opie is not even that dumb to start doing that. And if he were wouldn't Vos have cancelled this appearance?

He might not have known or if he did he might have been afraid of the additional backlash it would cause. Ant would have gone nuts if Opie pulled Vos back.

that was a brilliant exchange.

Otto's wife had a good zinger after this happened.


2015-12-02 00:46 UTC

I know where @AnthonyCumia can get a wig cheap-Its one of Burt Reynolds old discarded toupees @RichVos @TheCumiaShow

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Here's the thing - right on your scalp.


If you cut that picture in half and showed me the side with Ant and told me the other half had an even douchier person, I'd bet a million dollars it didn't, and lose.

The Faggot and Tennille

Please tell me this is real

This are really funny, thank you very much

He meant they're both artificial.

the joke doesn't even make sense. You don't miss someone else because you both had similiar hairstyles. Vos is as stupid as a block.