What relation does Travis have to the whole O&A/TACS/o&j thing these days?

2  2015-12-03 by axeheadroad

Seems like a good guy.


Yo Travis, where you at with this Opie thing?


#1 all time off mic laugher

I prefer Than, but we're all entitled to our opinion right gang?

Just collecting his paycheck so he and his wife can go spend a few weeks at Disney each year. Oh, and maybe bring his daughter there too!

"His" daughter

NO! Bad redoak_candor. We like Travis and we don't make such flippant attacks toward him.

Doctor Gaaaay!


He chimes in on a few Nopies with good ship steering abilities and he seems like a decent straight man that Anthony needs, and he has a work/personal relationship.

Third Mic to Travis.

I prefer Than, but we're all entitled to our opinion right gang?