Letter to Opie; Opie read this if you want to know why you get all the hate.

1  2015-12-03 by Timmy_branmuffins

It's very simple. Just go to your own archives and relisten to the first few shows from when you came back live after Anthony's firing. Now keep in mind all the shit that's came out since then. What you claimed in those early days/weeks directly contradict EVERYTHING that's came out since. You've exposed yourself as a me me liar.. PERIOD! BRO!

Since you're reading this let's continue with the reality of what happened yesterday. When Jimmy was telling you to fire him.. It wasn't an if you don't like me then.... It was an I'm sick of your shit and want to go do radio with Anthony, but if I quit I'm in a breach of contract so you have to fire me! 😉 Get it?? So do him and 99% of the fans a huge favor and fire him so he can move on. It's going to happen in October so you're just delaying the inevitable anyway. Do you think if Anthony had his network up like it is now with the NY studio and all the shows he would've ever signed a 2 year deal with you?? From the beginning he said he felt you both didn't stick up for Ant... And you were a broken record.. "I absolutely went to bat for Ant" and we all know now that complete bullshit.

The most honest thing I think you've said in the last year was when you were pissed that the company couldn't get you a picture with U2... Because YOU'VE NEVER ASKED FOR ANYTHING FROM THEM! Like helping out you cohost for one? You get the hate because all you do is lie!