Ant is still a bitch.

0  2015-12-02 by RickMirer3

Yes, Opie was awful yesterday because he brought shit up on air he refused to elaborate on.

But let's not forget what a whiny asshole Cumia is.

He got bashed by Andy Kindler and had to whine about it...when this is a common event at JFL that has gone on for yearsthat no one addresses. He was so thin skinned that he had to dedicate his own basement show to it. He STILL holds a grudge against Joe Derosa for not kissing his ass when he knowingly (before lying about not knowingly) went on a white nationalist radio show after being fired for racist tweets.

When he realized that no fans of O and A subscribed to his basement show (because he realized he had little to offer comedically ..and had the freedom to do ANYTHING he wanted to and fell back on something that a billion other radio hosts do...right wing talk and rants...) he had to fabricate that he was a victim and dedicate multiple shows in a row to Opie, how awful Opie was to work with (even though he was too much of a pussy to ever bring it up with Opie after 20 plus years aND never would have left if not fired), and basically obsess about his old partner like some jilted lover while at that point, Opie had taken the high road. Even Jim Norton acknowledged that when Opie talked about how well O and J was doing (whether true or not) that Opie wasn't taking shots at Anthony, but Ant was so thin skinned that he had to bitch about it on air. Then on that show he fanned the flames of the Opie wife's sex tape rumour by not denying it...even though he knows it was bullshit, and then tweeting a photo that referred to it...then did the only thing Anthony knows how to do...which is bitch about it and play the victim card.

Then...he has some too cool for the room dude bro named Gavin who brags about how he "drives drunk on 7 beers maaaaaaaaan" bash Opie on his show and males T shirts about it...again because his business is struggling.

And the end of the day Ant is bitter that he got fired, he is bitter because of this myth in his head that Opie would be his white knight in shining armour to come to his rescue when his own racism cannes him, bitter that he wound up in a basement after 20 years of having a career while Opie got a channel named after him and a 7 figure deal, and bitter that the only thing he has now is a collection off sycophants on reddit who bash Opie in the hopes of getting a compound invite in exchange for buying T shirts that no one will understand the references to.

Bitter bitch is the only way to define Ant's current state. He never had the balls over 20 years. You only walk on eggshells around your wife, your partner, your friends, if you are an absolute pussy with no spine.

The same way he couldn't call off his wedding or his marriage until years in... And to think, Anthony started this whole thing years ago because that pussy whipped fuck had to demand to have his average at best crack whore girlfriend at the time sit in on their afternoon show.

Ant is a bitch.


Yea, at the end of the day Anthony is entertaining and Opie is not. I couldn't give less of a fuck about who you are as a person if you make me laugh a lot.

What if Hitler was hilarious? Shinkle bout it.

He was, ever see his work?

I think you meant "used to be" entertaining.

He sucks on his own show.

Bloody Period!

Fair enough, here's what I ment:

When I start thinking about Ant's bad qualities I also have countless hours of great entertainment to remember and it makes me care about his negative side a lot less.

When I think about Opie's bad qualities, well thats all there is to think about him

shood chanje tamp on

Hey there fella, you are being pretty controversial!

Will this comment get through???

TLDR - Fuck you're an overachiever

Sure is!

Whoa! You're just throwing intolerant and hateful rocks of verbal garbage here, and I won't sit quietly as you do this, thus, then.

Your behavior is EXACTLY the OPPOSITE of what Mr. Anthony Cumia stands for. He is a tolerant, patient, and loving soul and you do yourself a disservice by stating otherwise.

yus iz rite, sanet on urff

Yes Anthony is still a bitch



He also said he would have re-signed with Sirius if he hadn't been fired while simultaneously bashing Opie. He's that kind of two faced creep I hate working with: passive until it's too late to do anything about it, then it's somebody elses fault.

Ant Sucks.

U don tork bout mi frend lyke tvhat coksukka!?!! i fuk u mu


Bruh, that's not your real name is it? Making it super easy for millionaires to doxx you



Poof goes the comment!!!!!

maybee goe 2 gae barr 2 suk pecka

hoem run

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maybee goe 2 gae barr 2 suk pecka

hoem run