CQ gets caught telling lie, is good natured & trashes himself. Hopefully Gregg will take something from this besides the "numberssss".

8  2015-12-02 by smokinswindler


There are two difference between Colin's lie and Opie's lies.

Colin lied to make the story funnier - he didn't do it to make himself look cool/tough/smart.

When Opie lies, he becomes the star of the story. He was the cool kid the ran numbers in high school, caddied for mobsters, yelled at two lawyers during juror selection, etc.

Colin also fessed up on his own, after he had his fun. Opie will swear to the day he dies that he had to stop running numbers because he was too successful and he feared being caught.

When Opie lies, he becomes the star of the story.

What, you mean he didn't have a ten round fight with a scuba diver underwater?

If only there was a comic who was willing to burn the OnJ bridge that would go on this shitty show and call out Opie on his bullshit and lies.

This is a direct message to all the haters. He posts a lying video one day after he was talking like he had truths nobody knew? Clearly he's realized he made a big mistake

CQ is lovable

The hardest ive laughed at the show in a long time. Colin is just great
