Crazy Lady Di phone call audio

45  2015-12-02 by Dennyislife


I think I heard a large red-skinned man throw a water fountain through a window in the background


With my asshole. I hear with my asshole

Paleskin no get heap big joke.

Damnit, I opied you hard


Lady Di will throw a water buffaler through the window in the remake.

So she'll jump through a window?

I had the exact same thought. It sounded like the cuckoo's nest in the background.

She's no more delusional than Opie.

she doesnt actually think she's in the navy. she's just embarrassed and lying to try and save face over the air.

Opie is a pompous, autistic, narcissist with a testosterone deficiency yet he has the gall to mock other people (in this case, a severely depressed, delusional alcoholic with no next of kin).

With almost everyone else remotely associated with the show, you get the sense that they do feel some sort of pity for the woman but not this nitwit. Fuck him, fuck his viral spiral 'fans' and fuck his ego.

Somebody should post this on videos and sees if it gets any traction. I normally hate witch hunts, but if there's anyone who deserved it, it would be this cunt.

Well, I copied and posted your comment, making some changes so I didn't completely plagiarize the whole thing.

To where?

Lady Di is now Sara Goldfarb from Requiem for a Dream.

Harold, I'm gonna be on radio!

I'm hoping her friend Marion ends up like the Marion in the movie.

"Lady Di and Marion! Ass to ass!!"

Wearing her finest red Monkees T shirt.

she's gonna be on television

Holy fuck, this is such a sad phone call. I really need to know more about what is going on with her and how this happened.

I'm really feeling like I need to send her some Monkees DVDs for Christmas. God damn she thought Ronald Regan is the president right now. I'm really heartbroken for her.

I tried but couldnt even listen. It gave me emotions that im not comfortable with.

I got a massive erection, too.

i hav pecka

Yeah, me too, took me back to when I used to work as an orderly.

how this happened.

Gonna go out on a limb and say brain damage from rampant alcoholism

My sister is in med school and her first guess after hearing this call was Korsakoff's Syndrome.

Dr Steve and a caller have said she'd get that in the past. The caller said it during her intern week and dumb opie thought it was a "cough" syndrome

uhhh too much floooid

Just heard the audio a few days ago. The caller even knew it would be about a year or so

She was ALREADY displaying signs of ALCOHOL-RELATED NEUROPATHY during the INTERNSHIP. The inability to control her BLADDER and BOWELS was most likely ALCOHOL related. She and MARION mentioned Di's POOR diet, which compounds NUTRIENT absorption problems seen in ALCOHOLICS.

I don't FEEL bad for her because SHE was OFFERED help and REFUSED it. It should serve a LESSON for ALCOHOLICS or those around ALCOHOLICS though.

can you link?

Sometime during the intern week. Worth listening to it all. Sorry can't remember what day

Opie & Anthony: Lady Di's Internship:

*Korsakoff's Cough

Opie thought it was a cough

Here's one.

Whoa, it's a pictue, bur it has a hole in it. How you do that?

If I had to guess, she went into shock from withdrawal. I worked in a nursing home for a bit while interning and worked with a few patients who talked JUST like this. Although when I asked them what year it was, they would think it was the year they are remembering and not get even close to the current year. They had Alzheimer's or just general dementia.

She went crazy at home. I don't think she stopped trying to quit herself.

Hm. Could just be run of the mill dain bramage then.

Yeah just probably got worse wo the alcohol. Im sure they Assisted her best they could through the wd

Here's a list of causes that result in dementia-like flashbacks and confusion. There are a couple substance abuses, doesn't list alcohol specifically though.

Fuck her! She is a fucking pathetic drunk that had opportunity after opportunity to get help and chose not to.


ALCOHOLISM and ADDICTION are not DISEASES. CANCER is a DISEASE. YOU don't WAKE UP one morning and NOT have CANCER. You can WAKE UP one morning and STOP drinking!! Rates of RECOVERY are almost EXACTLY the same with and without TREATMENT.

She'll navigate the ship into the nearest natty iceberg


Hey-O!!! Hahaha.

That is the saddest thing ever.

Opie trying to turn it into a bit every now and then is infuriating.

Fucking sounds like she could go to sleep and not wake up at any moment and Opie can't drop his hack radio voice.

yeah jimmy caught him before he brought up the rumours of her being a fruit loop though. ran away with colin and hookin in disneyland were great though!

She must be calling on a payphone, places like that usually don't allow cell phones. I bet the apartment is rented out to someone else by now, and all of her stuff is in a dumpster somewhere. She'll never leave where she is now. Pretty sad. She'll die some night of a stroke or heart attack, and that will be it. The only good thing is, she's not on the street, swallowing hobo cum. She'll get fed, bathed, and sleep in a bed, until the end.

RIP Lady Di. It's over.


Fuck I agree with everything you wrote and it really hurt my feelings...

You are absolutely right

Hospitals provide phones for their patients. In a rehab /psych ward she is calling on a community phone used by all the patients there. ..Dial 9 to get out and then dial the number.

what a worthless piece of minutia

Oh mah gawd. She really went fucking nuts. I thought the other posts were just goofing on her...

She must have some pretty fucking bad wet brain.

I'm not sure this isn't stroke induced...

Wow...scary stuff.

This has been a damn good week though.


Holy shit.

They have pools on navy ships now?

They're the Fun Ships!TM

Jimmy: "I'm surrounded by delusional retards."

Edit: So, I finally listened and holy shit. Can anyone make out the voices in the background of her phone call? I wonder if it's some crazy person babbling (other than lady Di).

But, man, this is sad to listen to. I feel like a homo.

Can anyone make out the voices in the background of her phone call? I wonder if it's some crazy person babbling (other than lady Di).

Pure speculation but my sister is in med school and has worked at a home for elderly and disabled people. She actually mentioned after hearing this that the people in the background sound like nurses who are just going along with whatever she says, she said that's exactly what they're trained to do. And now with Dr. Steve's tweet I guess it's all but confirmed, it's just a matter of where exactly she is. Very sad.

I think she's in a shelter probably smoking crack.

i was surprised at the part when she asked where they were to one of the people in the background, and then she says "I know we're on a ship, but where?". ARE they on a ship? because it really did sound like the person said "we're on a ship."

It was probably another patient that was getting sucked into her delusion. Kinda like how women get on the same menstrual cycle when they're around eachother.

Also, what a random fucking thing to comment on.

This actually made me sad


I think they way they both said "We love you" to her was telling, she'll be gone soon.

Lady Di-Hows Anthony doing? Opie-i guess he's alright.

She brings up Anthony later on by accident and opie says in the back. "thats alright". Nobody asked you, shuttup.

She watching a Maury show about cheating relationships, perfect topic for opie and jimmy and anthony.

She brings up Anthony later on by accident and opie says in the back. "thats alright". Nobody asked you, shuttup.

Who cares?

The way he said it

This shit is fake. The Navy isn't going to let a 55 year old woman who they discharged back into the military. That's not how it works. This is 100% a bit.

There were plenty of other signs during the call, but the protocol error was the most egregious.

Oh, literal, loonybinKKK

I love this post if you're being a wise ass or if you're oblivious.

This shit is fake. The Navy isn't going to let a 55 year old woman who they discharged back into the military. That's not how it works. This is 100% a bit.

I was under the impression that she was suffering from dementia as part of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. It would make sense to why she thinks she was on a ship and having weird dreams at night.

Hey guys! I found Opie's user name.

Hi, Opie!

Haaiiiiiiiii sniff

You are not Opie. Period.

It's Korsakoff's cough syndrome. Get it right.

Isn't she 51?

Everything is falling apart.

that was goddamn sad!

I'm completely unsurprised Tits & Jimmy pretended nothing happened yesterday. Typical.

thats exactly how i predicted would happen, they were making up in the end of that fight, and jim has to keep them checks coming

Jimmy got into it on his advice show. Said when he got in, Collin was already there. Really telling show. Alluded to Opie bringing guy he has better chemistry with, mentioned Collin several times. Also, said he "isn't interested in being a junior partner." That the pay discrepancy is really annoying to him.

Jimmy got into it on his advice show. Said when he got in, Collin was already there. Really telling show. Alluded to Opie bringing guy he has better chemistry with, mentioned Collin several times. Also, said he "isn't interested in being a junior partner." That the pay discrepancy is really annoying to him.

Jimmy got into it on his advice show. Said when he got in, Collin was already there. Really telling show. Alluded to Opie bringing guy he has better chemistry with, mentioned Collin several times. Also, said he "isn't interested in being a junior partner." That the pay discrepancy is really annoying to him.

Jimmy got into it on his advice show. Said when he got in, Collin was already there. Really telling show. Alluded to Opie bringing guy he has better chemistry with, mentioned Collin several times. Also, said he "isn't interested in being a junior partner." That the pay discrepancy is really annoying to him.


I don't think it's a bit. It was said a while ago that she was in the looney bin, detoxing and hallucinating about Bill.

/u/drsteve103 ? Comment?

I can't comment, but I hope I will have permission to soon. It certainly is a cautionary tale.

Lol, even the completely mentally gone Lady Di can unintentionally get the upper hand on them by mentioning ant.

That'll be the last call from her.

27 mins in for those who don't do time stamps

Thank God. All I heard was up to a needy Mrs. Hughes so I bailed. "Col you think Aziz recognized me last night...i dont think he did...hes done our show several times..."!!!

Thx for the stamp.

Is she running some con to stay somewhere for free?

She's in the loony bin. She's pretty obviously lost her mind.

Fair tradeoff for square meals and no bedbugs.

Free? Sorry to break it to you pal but yours and my tax dollars are paying for the treatment of this fucking pathetic waste of a life.

Yep, and I don't mind paying for the government to house lunatics cause I don't want them on my streets for damn sure.

This seems a little hokey to be true.

No way. There is a tone in her voice of not being all there. I picked up on it the second she opened her mouth.

I would agree, but she is NOT that good of an actor. Based on her mannerisms, tone, etc, %100 believable

It seems like they knew to ask the exact questions that would make for unbelievable answers. She could have surely been prepped. And it wouldn't be all acting; she's still a confused old alcoholic, just wielding a couple of pre-placed buzzwords like boat and navy.

That's what I'm saying though. I worked with 80-100 year olds with dementia who would have days where they thought that they were in their 20s and the 30s. The pattern is on point with that phone call.

Tbh, I've had times where I questioned if she was all an act, like Bobo. So this possibly being fake was definitely on the forefront of my mind going in. Still buying it.

I agree that she sounded weird and loopy, and the background noise was consistent with that from a hospital or rehab or such, so she could really be institutionalized, but still don't you think that they could've asked her to ramp the situation up for the radio and pounded that bullshit about being on a navy ship into her beforehand?

No. This sub doesn't get to insult Jimmy (and to a lesser extent Colin) acting ability. Then think they just pulled off this performance.... The way Colin went from "Hey Di" to im not making a peep for 5 minutes going along with Jimmy's serious quiet voice told me it was real.

Yesh doesn't line up with the fact we've known she is in an Institute and has dementia and was calling people thinking they were bill

It's actually a pretty reasonable progression. She's always sounded a few blackouts a way from this mindstate. And it's been years. This is about the age it would fully catch up to her.

i have puk we kan plae

This is sad as fuck. Just kill the old hag and be done with it. The Lady Di character and saga peaked with the internship. She won't ever be that funny again, so it's best to just LEAVE IT ALONE from here on out.

Lady Di internship was the greatest week. Water buffaler. Poor Di.

i internchip

what is tvhat?

Jesus, that's actually pretty morbid. She has lost her fucking mind, literally

Did anyone else get violently aroused

Fawk Yeah! My peckah is as hard as a nail.

I hope someone with the resources puts together a chronological timeline of all of her calls and appearances when she dies. It would be a hell of a listen.

There's a best of lady di Playlist on youtube that does just that. I just finished it a week ago. It's fascinating. Sad to see it end this way though.

Linkage? I'd LOVE to hear it and I have the Google skills of Sam Roberts. Hopefully this works lol. its on steven knight's youtube channel

this starts in 2013, her first appearance goes back to at least 2005

Great, the audio is now gone due to a copyright claim.

Sound is muted on the link. Anyone have another?

Lady Di called in. Jim, Opie, and Colin didn't no it was here right away (probably using a phone at the care home).

She sounds different. She's less upbeat and she didn't talk as fast as she usually does.

Then it only took a minute or so to realize she is out of it. She legit thinks she's in the Navy and on a ship that just went around the US. They didn't even goof on it because of how dire here health is.

Then they start asking things like when she was last at her apartment, if she still talks to Marion, etc. That was in the first 5 minutes or so before I lunched out. Opie was talking to someone who he's known for years, and was at least at one point for everyone a fan favorite, and he couldn't drop his radio voice. He didn't sound sincere at all asking about her health. Jim and Colin on the other hand did.

Hey thanks for the explanation. That really sounds sad actually.


2015-12-02 15:24 UTC

@JimNorton @iamcolinquinn @OpieandJimmy @OrbaniDiana and her "shipmates".

[Attached pic] [Imgur rehost]

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"Who's the president?"

"Ronald Regan"

"You like him?"

"uh...yeah...he's cute..."

She was relatively with it a few months ago...what the FUCK!?

ALCOHOL-RELATED DEMENTIA. She has PERMANENT brain damage. You don't come BACK from THIS.

Something to THINK about the next time YOU have a NATTY ICE with/for breakfast!!

Anti depressants.

Doh geezus

Holy shit. Even her voice and cadence sound different.

Depressing as fuck to hear, but knowing her past how could you expect it to end.

Oh please more, more! I want so badly to hear from her shipmates.

Chris Kyle, Chester Nimitz, Oliver Perry, Lady Di, and several pink elephants, all sharing a berth.

Yo ho ho and a case of Natty Ice.

Maybe Dr. Steve would do an AMA on the O&A subreddit. I want to know, technically, what happened to her brain.

Wet-brain. Don't know the official medical term for it, but you could probably google it.

I really do too. I am truly fascinated.

I want to come aboard!

wat is vhat ?

A chip of foolls rght sock cucka?

Home run, CHIPPAH!!

What the fuck..................

Di's Word of the Day: "technically"

Mirror? Not available for me.

I guess Jimmy felt bad for Opie and decided to play along with his Lady Di on a ship bit.

Jim: Where are you, Lady Di?

Opie: Lady Di, where are you?

Di: I'm on a ship

This doesn't seem like a bit. Di can't act and there is definitely a tone in her voice that says she's not there anymore. It's pretty sad.

It's a bit

It's not a bit, we've known she has dementia. It's possible she remembered the number and called in, as the screener said. Someone here has been in touch with her son and everything lines up with what he said.

Holy fuck.

Ooh, look. It's time do deflect the heat onto someone slightly crazier.

This is really sad to hear.

Maybe another Vacadrian to lift her spirits.

This reminds me about the eminent fate of my mother in the very near future.

Damn Lady Di taking shots!

"Hey hows Anthony doing?"

Never heard someone sound so much better and worse at the same time.

If you look at the "best of lady Di internship" on youtube there's a guy who 100% said lady Di would be in a mental institute due to drinking. He even said it would be about a year. He said it's a specific dementia syndrome alcoholics get.

What the fuck man. Why'd you delete the video. I just started listening to it before I went to class and when I come back its gone.

Come on man, you can't tease me like this OP. At least post it unlisted.



Vernon C. Bain Correctional Center

Dummy is in a floating jail.

Anyone else getting "Video Not Available"?

Had to switch to US with a VPN to listen.

Why are they being so nice? is she really in the loony bin? I'm not up to date with that is happening to her.

Because being mean to someone who has lost their mind would be a very shitty thing


I don't know what to think about this...

All she wanted was a natty ice! Just a natty ice! And they wouldn't give it to her!

I couldn't make it all the way through. This call has got me seriously upset. This is going to be one tough afternoon.

So she faked being crazy to get institutionalized.

You really think she could give up booze for a free bed?

She seems like the type of person who could figure out how to get drunk in a mental hospital.

Yet she is not drunk.

Yeah, because that is what she always strived for. Idiot.

I'd rather the old sow had just keeled over, this is depressing and not even easy to make fun of. I mean you can but why bother, may as well mic up a real cow.

It makes me glad I can have a couple drinks on the weekend and not become consumed with the desire to get shitfaced drunk everyday.

WTF is going on here?

Didn't they ban Di a few months back?


I'm surprised he didn't lose it when he brought up anthony

How the fuck are so many of you out of the loop on this? I guess I come here too much.

This is a fucking bummer, and yeah that dude pointed this pointed this out during the internship week, fuck its creepy

No no no I'm not on a naval ship.


Bitch has lost her mind

She's more than likely in a Naval Hospital. That may be why she thinks she's on a ship. Pretty common for most people who were in any kind of military service to have access to healthcare via a military hospital type facility . If that isn't the case then she probably has some kind of medicaid / medicare that's paying for her healthcare if the NAVY isn't covering it. She has some severe alcohol related dementia / wet brain thing going on for sure.

Last place i knew she in wasn't military related Sir.

Just a speculation. Regardless I hope she gets the help she needs.

are you touched?

Good job going after Fez and Lady Di. Tough guy

What did he say?

I would agree, but she is NOT that good of an actor. Based on her mannerisms, tone, etc, %100 believable

No way. There is a tone in her voice of not being all there. I picked up on it the second she opened her mouth.

i have puk we kan plae

Wet-brain. Don't know the official medical term for it, but you could probably google it.

It's actually a pretty reasonable progression. She's always sounded a few blackouts a way from this mindstate. And it's been years. This is about the age it would fully catch up to her.

Well, I copied and posted your comment, making some changes so I didn't completely plagiarize the whole thing.