Lady Di has called in. She thinks shes on a ship in the navy

27  2015-12-02 by Dennyislife

See. She's gone crazy. What a few days on the show...


She needs Opie to tell her how to steer it?

They are probably feeding her lines again.

"Above all else, real."

God did I hate that fake bullshit.

Opie: "Oh my god, Di, why are you calling the show!?"

Lady Di: " ... Wait, you called m--"

Opie: "So how many Natty Ice's have you had you pig?"

Like when you could hear Sam feeding Bobo lines not knowing that we could hear him too, or when Opie would hang the phone up on Di trying to get a laugh but he would play the dial-tone sound too soon and you heard her talking over it still.

"Above all else, real!" ...Yuck.

I'd hate to say "that's the bit' but that's the case in both instances. They'd make jokes about Sam in the other room and Bobo veering away from the lines he was being fed. And Opie has said the dial tone doesn't even go off when he hangs up on someone and he has to open a dead line to use it, it's just used for effect.

Exactly. I have no problem with stuff like that, they used to feed Bobo and intent David lines all the time and it was great.

acting like that's a big deal is reaching

You are correct. People really nit-pick how 'real' the show is. When they figure out everything's not organic they think, "Aha! Frauds!" when in reality it's just a silly comedy show. You're not supposed to over analyze these things. Of course a lot of it isn't 'real'.

Of course, it's a silly radio show that isn't real. But Opie, in his delusional fog, LOVED to claim how his show was sooooo much better than others because they were REAL!

It wasn't said sarcastically. He truly believed he was superior because they didn't do "fake bits".

Having dopey little bits isn't the issue. It's the guy making all the proclamations about broadcast integrity, talent, and whatever other delusions that people like to point at

In comparison to other popular radio shows, though, O&A were a lot more true to real life and honest discussions. Opie bleated on about it a little too much, but still, it's kind of true.

Like when you could hear Sam feeding Bobo lines not knowing that we could hear him too,

That was meant to be pretty obvious. Jimmy pointed it out a few times: "Let me guess, there's a certain mulatto hatemonger back there?"

Not fake at all.

Lol at Jimmy trying to pretend Anthony was still there.

just now or for the past year and a half?

Anheuser Soze

This is sad. She's in a hospital.

It's more of a care home type place than a hospital.

Do we know what happened

shes gone crazy and lost her mind.

No, she joined the navy. Pay attention.

It seams that way. Very sad. Edit: I just saw your post from Nov on this. She went crazy. Damn

Someone please upload this.

The USS Drunk Fatso

We are living inside a David Zucker movie.

Holy shit. She is gone.

She has lost her ever loving mind

where she going?

Well that's confirmation that she's finally lost it.

Last time she was ever around some semen, right gang?

And if she was on a ghost ship, those goblin seamen would be gobblin' semen!

Or sumpthin'. tss tss

No no no no, I sucked off a bunch of hobos under a bridge quite recently.


2015-08-07 23:18 UTC

Here is a picture of me when I was in the Navy, if anyone is interested.

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Colin Quinn with a Dennis DeYoung reference....What are the odds?...hmm....


feels like a bit.

You think Lady Di is a brilliant actor?

She's not a brilliant anything. That's why I didn't say "has to be a bit"!



You know it's bad when you drank so much that your brain decides your happy place is an alternate universe where your only sources of positivity are being in the military and calling a radio show that has shit all over you for 20 years.

can't bear to listen to this, but it sounds like a Stangel Brothers bit.

Lady Di, pretend that you're on a ship and we'll buy you a case of beer.

unless they've been uploading videos with a actor playing her son since 2012 who has given me info tallying with this i highly doubt it.

I can't decipher what you're saying there, but all her calls have been fake. They call her and pretend that she's been on hold for hours.

She really was on hold for hours. Thats how she listened to the show.

This is fake shit where they feed her lines to distract from Oquie's breakdown yesterday.

Unless her son and Dr Steve are in on the bit your incorrect sir

From my perspective her "son" is just some random screen shots of smart phone convos. Where is Dr. Steve affirming her lunacy?

Check his last tweet. He's obviously been a bit more guarded but hes in the know.

Yeah. Wow. Bet she was committed, non-voluntary. Can't care for herself, and is delusional. She's never leaving wherever she is.

Those places rush people out whether they're ready or not (source: i have an awful family)

She's never leaving wherever she is.


If she goes on O & J or TACS in that condition, I'll plotz, I will!

If only that were true. Obviously, it's the best thing for her at this point. But the only way she'll remain in the nut bin is if she's a danger to herself or others. If the only new development is that she thinks it's 1985? Nobody gives a shit. We interact with people like this every day, many times without knowing it. Since she's fucking broke, they'll send her home with some meds to become the crazy neighbor next door who talks loony shit about about being in the Navy and how great President Reagan IS instead of was. Well the good news is, we can go ahead and lay the "get a job" talk to rest, once and for all.