Solid logic, not hypocrisy. Period.

225  2015-12-02 by ryanasimov

"Why would Gavin say shitty things about me? He's never even met me!"

--Gregg 'Opie' Hughes, a person who built a radio career saying shitty things about people he never met.


She is so far mentally ill at this point, it's almost not funny anymore.

I thought you were talking about Sinead O'Connor for a moment.

I'm not saying they're the same bald, saggy titted, ageing attention-whore...but has anyone ever seen Sinead O'Connor and Gregg Hughes in the same room?

She's a scheduled guest and he's gonna Open the show with a deep track of hers

Nah that's still a bit funny.

In fairness to the madman, this isn't Opie's special crazy. Everybody in the business "heats up" insanely when anybody (they think is) outside it or beneath them in it talks a little of the kind of shit they talk all day every day.

For example, one cheerful bachelor whose shtick is saying that everyone he doesn't know and sees on TV or hears on the radio or reads about on the internet needs to brush their teeth with an ISIS AIDS shotgun, who published a book that's not especially unlike a stalker-fantasist manifesto about a list of famous people he doesn't know but has a complexly awful personal relationship with, who...

It's all of 'em. Even otherwise reasonable guys like Stanhope go straight to Do I know you? when the mildest not-even-insult comes in.

Next time you're listening to a show from the golden years, notice how it's the one topic Opie and the comic guests can communicate on the same level about.

They don't question the shittiness. They may not like it, but they understand it. Every famous person from Jesus Christ to Justin "my family killed him" Stangle gets beat up. I'm sure that none of them like it, but for some mentally ill reason, bam's cuck can't handle it at all.

Despite thousands of hours of dissecting audio of Opie talking, none of us have met him either. Time to shut down the forum & regroup, fellas.

But if we loved him despite never meeting him then everything would be a-okay,

some of us have but still none of us actually know any of them

After listening to yesterday's fight, it doesn't seem like Yimmy knows tits either.

They're not reeeaaalllyyy chhhlllosssse... sniff

You don't text me, duuuuuuuuuuuude

vice versa. but then again does anybody know exactly what someone else is feeling. unless they have some twin telepathy shit then no

I have, treated me better than Ant. Nice guy

Gavin should do a show titled "Why would Opie say shitty things about me, he has never even met me?" with guests Terry Clifford, Maxwell, and Todd Pettengill.

I'd listen for just Todd Pettengill!

This is Dr. McCuckoldtits from the clinic, am I speaking with Mr. Hughes? Good, the results of the paternity test are back and Bam Margera is Hudson's father.

In Opie's mind, is he just as incredulous about the opposite reaction? "Why the fuck would any of the listeners like me? They've never met me!"

whoa, mind is blown

U shood git a towl 2 cleen up mess

I've never seen karma build over the years and then suddenly tumble on someone so hard.

Yes... it's like watching a group everyday work to push a boulder up a hill to a cliff..... then finally they get it over the hump and it crashes into a house. A shitty, untalented big titted house

The image of a house with tits actually kinda turns me on.

Well I'm already the moderator of /r/chairswithdicks so maybe they got an opening.

The torpid sloth comment could only come from Anthony propaganda, not Gavin formulating an opinion for himself after listening to o&a clips on youtube

Jim: Well were the things he said about you personal or professional?

Sweatermeat: ....proessional

Here's da tang...given that the show is "above all else...REAL", shouldn't we have a moderately accurate impression of Gregg Hughes, the actor that plays Opie on the O&J show? Based on what's been broadcasted, he seems like a real piece of shit. On the other hand, according to Opie, his radio coworker of 15 years doesn't know the first thing about him, so maybe I'm wrong.

you think gavin sat and listened to old o&a clips? you're delusional. gavin never listened to a single O&A show. he doesn't know who patrice o neal is. gavin just hopped on the gravy train.

It's a gav-spiracy spiracy spiracy

He uses the same type of shitty logic to justify the cake stomp. "It was 7 years ago" Who cares, you still did it.

And he now claims to have given the cake bum thousands of dollars.

In opies defense he is closer to the bum than he is to jimmy

The bum will be second mic after Jimmy leaves.

Opie uses shitty phrasing on that assertion: "Andrew has probably made thousands of dollars from fans of the show over the years.

Listening to yesterday's show... So uncomfortable and Opie is so passive aggressive. He hints at shit and then surprised that Jim brings it up. What a dick bag.

He was making shit up to make. Himself the victim. I hate that faggot

wat itz a bag 4our dik

home run chippah!

The funny thing is the slothster has probably never personally met one "hater", yet he shit all over them every chance he gets.

probly smel bad

Jimmy doesn't know him either, and he's worked with him for 15 years. Only a few close trustworthy individuals in Gregg's life actually know him.

his wife/gf was mad that Ant was divorcing his wife 15 years ago...after that it was all downhill. And the bitterness continues to this day. Both ways. PERIOD

Pretty much.

He has zero friends, he's a fucking liar.

I know, I was being 100% sarcastic.

You drove a multi millionaire-Forrest Gump IQ'd-shock jock to mental collapse. Take a bow.

What a pussy. Give up the social media and travel you dunce. You let reddit ruin you. For shame

I think my biggest problem with Opie is that he relentlessly would attack radio "holes" and yell and scream about how they ruined shows....when he is in fact the biggest example of what he calls a hole EVER.

For an awesome example, go and listen to that old bit where they bash that Connor Peterson song. Jimmy and Ant are ruthless but Opie's going "GOLLY YOU GUYS ARE MADMEN! YOU GUYS ARE INSANE, WOWZERS!". His weird hatred of Uncle Paul bits, etc.

It's just the worst kind of hypocrisy. I hate feeling embarrassed for a guy on the radio when I listen, I should be laughing, not cringing constantly for him


Jim: was it personal or professional critcisim? FagTits: Professional Jim: well why does he have to meet you to criticize you professionally?

Amico had the best line about Gavin/Opie on LoS last night: "Opie got mad about something a fictional character said."

I'm not gonna support Gavin. I think he's a snake and a phony. Within five years, Anthony will be talking to us about their inevitable falling out.

I could see how people would think that but I think Gavin is a pretty real guy under all the character shit. Listen to his newest JRE, he just wants to hang out with Ant and talks about how he thought him and Ant were gonna be friends and going out all the time but hes 50 and wants to play with his cat. His fall outs with people have been him being un-PC not just randomly screwing people over.

so..ah...sniff...we're we at with da' opster?...burp...we got that shit figured out yet?....sniff.....burp..

why would someone who never met you say shitty things about a PUBLIC FIGURE? Hmmm maybe bc you STINK!!!! I never met a lot of actors and musicians and I think they suck.


Only opie understands opielogic...

Gregshells reminds me of this roommate I used to have, he owned the house and rented rooms to a buddy and I.

When he was sober hed always say things like "this is your place too, you guys should feel comfortable here"...when he got drunk, which was often, he would fly off the handle about how it was "his house" and we didnt know what he dealt with everyday and would get super pissed if my buddy and I hung out and didnt include him everytime.

Listening to the Opster absolutley brought back all the old douche chills from living there.

Just a side note it was like our first apartment outta our parents houses otherwise my buddy and I probably would have beat feet way sooner.

Can confirm, am the buddy.

Opie is like a bad roommate.

"Buddies", we get it


OPIE takes things very PERSONALLY.

I don't know why HE has to be LIKED by everyone, but he DOES. THE weird part is that he thinks PEOPLE cannot like him if they LIKE someone else. It isn't because he is possibly NUTS and definitely not very FUNNY; it is because people choose to like JIM or ANTHONY instead.

Was thinking th is has gotta be the scorch guy, and yup checks out

Those are some pfs (pretty freakin' salient) points you make,

In all fairness to Tits, Gavin is an ass-kissing sycophant for Ant. Not sure how he gets away with that kind of ass-slurping.

I bet his faggy moustache is ticklish

On the plus side Ant gets to stare at his shit-flakes on Gavin's beard when it comes time for the hipster-douche's deal closing suck off.

This is exactly true. And anyone who believes Anthony's new version of how he doesn't hate Opie, and that Gavin only dislikes Opie based on the radio show needs to go listen to Gavin on Joe Rogan and Race Wars. He goes off like a schoolgirl about how Opie should have called Anthony afterward, and how much Anthony hates Opie, and that if Opie died, Anthony would see it as a day of celebration.

Anthony is just as much of a liar as this place feels Opie is. In fact, the biggest problem with these two is how exactly fucking similar they are. The only difference is Anthony used to be really fucking funny.

I heard Gavin on Race Wars and his kissing-Ant's-ass attacks on Tits was seriously cringe-worthy. Even Shitrod came off with more dignity than lap-dog did.

And he most certainly said Ant hated Opie's guts.

In fairness to the madman, this isn't Opie's special crazy. Everybody in the business "heats up" insanely when anybody (they think is) outside it or beneath them in it talks a little of the kind of shit they talk all day every day.

For example, one cheerful bachelor whose shtick is saying that everyone he doesn't know and sees on TV or hears on the radio or reads about on the internet needs to brush their teeth with an ISIS AIDS shotgun, who published a book that's not especially unlike a stalker-fantasist manifesto about a list of famous people he doesn't know but has a complexly awful personal relationship with, who...

It's all of 'em. Even otherwise reasonable guys like Stanhope go straight to Do I know you? when the mildest not-even-insult comes in.

Next time you're listening to a show from the golden years, notice how it's the one topic Opie and the comic guests can communicate on the same level about.

I thought you were talking about Sinead O'Connor for a moment.