Jimmy vs Amy

0  2015-12-02 by Ant_Sucks

I would pay to listen to that fight. She's the one who treats him like a dog after everything he did for her.


No she doesnt. In fact there is probably no other comedian ever who uses their success to get other comedians work more than her.

Just not Jimmy.

And also if you don't count the hundreds of successful comedians out there who push comics on their shows and podcasts. Like, a couple of guys O&A fans would be familiar with: Louis CK, Marc Maron, etc. Marc gives Andy Kindler work. That is basically charity for the retarded.

Do you have any examples? I thought she put him on her show a few times and every once in a while he retweets something nice or "funny" she said about him.

In her show, tried to get him in her movie, tweets him for her fans to see who is. What the fuck do you want the disgusting pig to do?