Live listening thread 12/2/15

30  2015-12-02 by arobben

Fuck Opie


You guys are fucking troopers for listening to that shitshow so we don't have to.

Thank you for your service.

Seriously. Same with the guys that host it and find clips.

I just assume those guys are autistic retards, but instead of being math wizards they can recall the date and timestamp of any clip on demand.

But you guys listening to the live show to give us updates are true patriots, seriously taking one for the team.

I bookmark them. Or at least I used to. I can't tolerate it any more.

Do you happen to have the origin of the hater fighter clip?

nahh, I wish. I don't even know what year it was.

Good to see they have a new 3rd mic. The elephant in the room.

Ghost of Patrice. That motherfucker is laughing really high pitched right now.

and shaking uncontrollably

and can't move his legs and has to blink to communicate.

you really are a sad little man. shouldn't let women affect you like that sir. you were happy once too...I hope.



Oh E

Let's pretend nothing happened

Oh sir, I'd much rather hear them talk about yesterday's events

Well they made up near the end of last show. It's not like him stormed off.

Gonna be a fun 10 months for Jim.

He chose poorly.

Considering how fast these two have been aging since Ant got fired this is a very appropriate quote.

He should probably just roll a bowling ball into Scott's office.

You all should know by now that they will not bring up yesterday's show. Same thing happened when Opie cried back in April.

I figured as much. Guess I wont attempt to catch the show later today. Back to not listening for weeks. I still need to watch Ants response.

How is Colin not bringing anything up.

I'm not listening so I'm not sure if he is/will.

Not listening...but you underestimate the power of greggshells.


Sure you did.

One of the main points Jimmy brought up yesterday that was incredibly fair (among other things) was about Opie not bringing things up on the air. This was a perfect opportunity to show that he actually listened and can act like a rational human being. I've never hated Opie but there are certain points you can't ignore.

Thats how you know Opie is oblivious to what good radio is. Fucking milk this attention....Ant sure as hell is and turning a profit of subscribers and shirt sales. Make a week of it at least, while people are at least considering listening.

But he's been doing this since he was 18!!

Blows your mind doesnt it? Hasnt learned a god damn thing.

He doesn't even need to milk it (I don't think Anthony needs to either...the T-shirts were a bit much...) but at least address it for what it is. Aside from "he's done stuff" nothing has been pinpointed. To try and now gloss over the entire response from Anthony is just dishonest at this point. What the fuck would it have hurt for him to say "I believe Anthony was behind a Twitter account about me"? Even if he's wrong he could make the accusation and then respond to Ant's denial.

Thats really what I meant by milking it. Fucking address this right at the top of the show. Ant couldnt wait to get started. Opie had a whole night to listen and come up with a response and make his case. Instead its eating oatmeal with Colin and fake yuk yuk laughs over headlines. While everyone else in the studio and listeners heard what Ant had to say and probably wondering what Opie has to say. Nope, they get to witness what a spineless boss they have while he pretends it didnt happen.

opie has nothing. He knows his "I'm not telling anyone what I know" argument sounded weak when it came out his mouth. He can't admit he believes what he's reading on reddit because he will sound like even more of a woman to his listeners...

It's pretty baffling. For someone who has been in radio "since he was 18" you'd think he would get it a bit more.

That sounds so petty and feminine, though.

"I think 5 years ago, Ant made a joke Twitter account about me."

And THAT is supposed to be something Opie couldn't share with somebody he has worked with for almost 15 years?

I dunno dude did you read that account at all? If you're looking back and thinking "I did radio every day with that guy and that's what he was writing about me" that would be pretty galling. Anthony has specifically said he didn't do it and he has no advantage by lying about that. But I guarantee what's happened is someone else has read the Danny thing on here and passed on the information to Opie. And once that's happened you're not changing his mind.

do you have a link to the account?

It's gone now. Suspended or deleted or some shit. Coincidentally this week.

wow, ok, thanks

and he almost made it seem like he's taking some sort of behind the scenes, supersecret legal action against Ant or something. what a faggot, a bit titted massive faggot

That's exactly Opie, though

You're right, which is why he didn't want to bring that up. Reddit and Twitter will get to him again and badger him about the twitter account and he'll say something cryptic like "The account was a piece of it, but if it wasn't ant, then whatever. There's other tings that I can't talk about now and probably can never talk about, for legal reasons.

Among the many things worthy of criticism that Opie said yesterday, why the hell did he keep bringing up these horrible things that Ant has done and then not actually go into the details of what those horrible things are? Either don't bring it up at all, or if you do bring it up, you have to divulge what it is you're talking about or else no one really understands.

ME: I know fawhkin good radio. PERIOD

Jimmy over there talking about fucking trannys and being trashed by strippers.. Opie won't even talk about his honeymoon. Just another example showing that Opie truly brings nothing to the show. And is a poor driver.

he does have that sweet scuba fight story though.

And bodacious ta-tas

I did shit on the beach. Nice try with the hate tho.

You never hated Opie? Go fuck yourself. Why are you even here?

I didn't realise hating Opie was a prerequisite. I'll hand in my key card at the door.

Thx and remember to go fuck yourself.

Happy 3 year club by the way. You doing anything special?

That's crazy, I didn't even realize. So much to do, so much to plan.

Thoughts and prayers, fella

I hope you have a rip-roaring good time.

This annoys me the most, because Opie used to understand this. A few years ago, if listeners photoshopped a picture, or made a song shitting on them, he'd laugh and jokingly call them dicks. Now...nothing.

Why doesn't Jim bring it up. Or at least say when Opies being a douche. He says the fans complain but stays silent. Did great yesterday though

I really wish Vos didn't bail today, could have stirred it up again after coming from Ants show yesterday.

Opie is probably tired of hearing guests coming in say they were just at Ants show, Jimmy included. Opie probably thinks everyone is talking about him and laughing their asses off.....and maybe they are. If they didnt, they will now.

Opie probably thinks everyone is talking about him and laughing their asses off...

He pretty much admitted to that yesterday.

"by the way heresh da ting I went to see your friend Anthony yesterday..."

I would pay money for vos to say thag

Did you listen to Vos yesterday? He's not stirring anything up. Opie invests in documentaries, restaurants, books, etc JUST so he has people who won't go against him.

Heart of Huntington Village

Vos DID fuck with Opie at least once. He said he was interested in one of those sloth t shirts.

I wish he was on today.

Remember when he would waste a week worth of radio just to bitch delusionally about Stern. Anything happens to him "LEAVE IT ALONE!".

Oh, really? That was right after they came back from 2 years from being kicked off and being unable to talk about it.

And I'm sure Howard has better radio. What scary prank calls came in? Did Jeff the Drunk's lump call into the show?

I know Howard is sometimes the better person (though he has the same argument style as Opie), but let's not act like he wasn't a bitch for pulling the gag orders. I think a lot of anger from O&A spilled out during the XM years, and they kinda calmed down.

I dont see how Jimmy can recover from what was said yesterday from a mental aspect. As a performer how he could ever do radio again with Opie after the "No Im not telling you AND ILL NEVER TELL YOU" garbage I really cant comprehend why Jimmy is there. And dont give me that "its his job" horseshit because that's what agents are for, to negotiate a buy out of the 10months remaining on the contract. Maybe that is what is happening but if I were Jimmy I'd be using those sick days until it gets done.

I guarantee it would lose Jim money to buy out his last 10 months and he has a very tight budget that he doesn't want to sacrifice.

Daily Tranny escorts and golden showers are not cheap ya know

thanks obama

I think Jim is being a baby about his house/apartment but you can tell he is very worried about money.

Whether he should be or not who knows but there is no fucking way he is buying out his contract. Why give up a six figure job to go make not even half of that with Ant, besides on XM he will always have new people hearing him. At Ant's is the same fanbase, I doubt it will really grow.

He said yesterday that he's giving his notice for October.
I can see Jimmy doing that, and then coming back into the studio and feeling vindicated enough to sit though Opie's BS.

the sick days thing is exactly what I started thinking at the beginning of reading your comment. Opie would start to lose his mind if Jimmy started taking Mondays off

Adam Carolla used to have a cohost that he hated. He started calling in sick to work, then he'd show up on the Jimmy Kimmel show.

They wound up firing his cohost.

He's got a mortgage on a new apartment. How delusional are you that people can just walk away? When your job sucks can you just bail? Nah, didn't think so. The bank negotiated loan on future income.


Jimmy said he wants to finish his contract out. Now kill yourself you angry little troll and just accept that your delusional little idea isn't going to happen.

And you must be mad. Lol.

^ Guy who takes everything literally.......^

Closed the tab the second I heard Roland's voice.

His voice & cadence enrages me

i don't even know if you could call it a cadence. doesn't cadence imply some sort of rhythm or pattern to speech?

I'm not listening, but dipshit really isn't bringing up the whole incident? Motherfucker, Ant is selling Greggshells shirts and you won't acknowledge it? But keep whoring the slobbo shirts with no shame. Fucking Opie is a jizz swimmer.

Surprised Opie even showed today.

He only showed because Colin came in for the whole show, as a buffer. I doubt you'll see any shows with just Jimmy and Opie, for a while.

I'd be okay with another Esther Ku appearance.

whoa colin was there?

In his simple mind it was a power move. Like, see Jimmy, I humiliated you on air yesterday and today I will show you that you could easily be replaced with another show regular. Meanwhile a show with Colin and Jim would be ten times better, I hope the bosses at Sirius will eventually understand this.

You're right

All Opie hate aside this is just boring to listen to. Tapping out.

Another disappointment. Thanks, Op.

Opie won't respond because he has no where to go now. He will just look even dumber than he already has. Anthony "outed" his so called outrage with denials. Opie and his paranoia lost this battle.

No, Anthony still did a lot of shit. You just can't know about it. We're not close enough for me to tell you

So? Why won't Opie respond?

Yep, pulling the same "ignore and it will go all away" style as Howard. And if you're forced to bring it up, act like a little bitch about it. Though I can see why he wouldn't reply. He probably was proven right on all accounts, and trying to dispute it would be an embarrassment.

Lady Di just asked how Ant was doing.

Save yourself, Colin!

I wonder what kind of pep-talk Opie had before going on air. " Dont mention anything from yesterday or mention Anthony" " Lets just do some good radio...ok?"

i imagine it went like this

Jimmy: Hello ladies

ME: silence

Stangle replies and jim tells him to shut up

Worms a fucking sell out and I'm not surprised. Back to fucking ignoring this afterbirth of a show.

Well unless Colin decides to take a big dump on opie, this show is going to be a let down from yesterday...

Opie only went to see his show last night because he realised how shitty a friend he is to everyone and is trying to get people on his side for the eventual fall out.

Wasnt he at Burr's show recently? Burrs been a ghost for a while.

At the end of the show when the mics are off Opies going to tell the crew " Some good radio today " Chemistry.

Good chemistry today, radio team

They released some pressure yesterday, but this isn't over. You don't totally solve deep issues with one conversation.

Oh, minimally insightful drexler57346

Hey, it's what I do. I say stuff.

Just like Opie!

No, you solve them off the air . . . which is what they probably did.

Ah haha, you don't really believe that, do you? I get that your whole thing is to be the contrarian opinion around here, but you're stupid if you believe this.

Opie is incapable of solving problems. His mental illness and autism prevent him from being capable of getting at the heart of what is wrong with him. No amount of psychiatry or talking will fix it. He was simply born a malfunctioning individual. Oh, they may have talked off air about it, but I doubt even that much. They can talk about it for years and it won't fix the issue. It's like talking to a brick wall.

Simon and Garfunkle opening and breakfast orders. I can't believe I used to listen to this show.

I defended the new show with Jim but after yesterday I am tapping out. That was a total dick move to Norton.

hey let bring in someone that everybody likes as a guess to defuse the situation. What a coward opie is.

Might as well not make up shit to refute what Ant has to say and look like a bigger shithead.

Yesterday it was revealed that Opie doesn't trust Jim and Jim is only there for a paycheck and they go about the show like nothing happened. Then Opie wonders why people hate him. I bet, in his mind, he thinks that yesterday was some kind of radio bit.

Much like Bobo, he's doing it for the show


Lady Di think she's in the Navy...she's clinically insane...this is officially depressing.


We should not pick on Lady Di when Opie's the biggest sack of shit out there. At least Lady Di has somewhat of a heart. And few brain cells.

Opie trying to tell more stories about his life now

Aw that shit for a psychiatrist. The only good radio is if Jimmy punks him daily and lets the insults fly. Not millionaire childhood problems. I cant wait for little Hudson to get old enough to look up dads legacy on the internet. Just to find out his dad lied to him and his dad was the laughing stock of the listeners and a pussy.

Mommy, what's a big tittied zilch?

"Its that nasty thing I fucked to make you and get all this cool shit. Its ok, you have a new daddy now."

I don't wish any ill will towards opies kid and I find it weird when people do. Just mentioning his name feels wrong somehow

Funny how the rules don't seem to apply to him. The older listeners might remember an old classic called 'There is no Santa'. Or relentlessly shitting on Emily Stern who had absolutely nothing to do with Howard or his show at all. He's getting exactly what he deserves.

I get what you are saying but its not ill will,What Im getting at is I grew up in a time where I couldnt google all the stupid shit my dad did and what the public thinks about it. He actually will be able to and has documentation. This applies to everyone that posts shit on the internet.

Opie trying to tell more stories about her life now


More powdered milk?

I didn't expect any real mention of yesterday, but what's the general mood and atmosphere?

Opie sounds like a middle schooler that just got his first kiss with how happy and giddy he is commenting on everything.

Lady Di update:

She called in casually to name a Billy Joel song. And she thinks she's still in the Navy and currently deployed on a ship.

She's legitimately fruit loops.

i left my car when she was on the phone. Were they feeding her lines or has she been in rehab and totally lost it. She said she worked at anheuser busch for years

what a fucking letdown. Opie, you had one thing making you entertaining, and your ruining that. how do people listen to this?

They don't.

There is a small few that tune into this live.

Well, now the Stangels have returned everything back to its boring white person format.

I bet Jimmy never does Uncle Paul again around Opie.

Opie did mention Uncle Paul earlier.

Colin wouldn't eat his blueberry muffin because Edgar shoved his finger in it. (I can't believe I typed that. it sounds like a daily report from a daycare.) Jim insisted it was Chip. Opie suggested it might have been Uncle Paul. Everybody gave a disgusted "ewwwwwww".

Jim made it hysterical when he suggested the cupcake would then taste like Desitin.

That middle paragraph is why i still stick around. Shame we dont get more of that.

Jimmy should do the last 10 months of his contract entirely as Uncle Paul

He doesn't have the balls. He's scared shitless of being fired. He made it abundantly clear yesterday that he keeps his mouth shut in order to preserve his job.

Crazy lady di has called in and saved the show. INCREDIBLE

We should name an MVP for each day, but it would require listening each day.

She's better at radio than any of these zilches, and she drinks 24/7. She must have good shit.

Got to ignore the pink dildo in the room.

You gotta love this muffin talk...

A bit odd that they're playing the first show after Ant was fired right now.

Jim in studio aswell

Not listening, no comment on yesterday? YGTBFSM

The chorus to the opening song was "lie la lie" but he said that was for coiln quin because he's the "new york guy" whatever the fuck that means

didn't they play the boxer last month? Love that music rotation, I'm just saying...

Colin Quinn in studio to start the show

Dammit, my online player isn't receiving 103. Gotta call customer service...

Anyone have a stream? The one from yesterday is dead already

This is completely not the right place to ask but does anyone know how I can find the LOS episode(or episodes) where Luis and Dave argue with each other? Listening to them mention it on their show from yesterday and I'm curious. Can't find it on there YouTube page and searching for it on Google doesn't reveal dick.

Pick any episode, there's a 50% chance Luis and Dave fight in it.

Hah. Luis referenced a couple of episodes in particular that I was hoping someone would know about. I knew I'd cop some level of shit though. I did it to myself.

Ep. 19 - Luis vs Dave

Thank you sugar bear.

He's opting for first gulf war banter over talking about the falling out...

Did you hear him ask why Fox News was playing a clip of a dog's mouth being taped shut? He said "aren't there more important things to cover?" This, as he brings up that he saw Colin's show for the 8th time in 2 hours and he's talking about cupcakes and muffins, the day after his most entertaining show in years.

Probably thinks its a subject that predates the listeners. Hes wrong. Im sure hes weaving a pile of bullshit.

Restarted the show late

Were there any good Colin moments?

What the fuck is this? The Billy Joel hour...

yeah but did you notice the allentown whistles. (fwiw i did notice them and never annoyed me until now)

They need to counter their most compelling show with a lackluster etiolated one .........they can't all be touchdowns

it was fucking awful radio until lady di called in.

To each his own

Opie only went to see his show last night because he realised how shitty a friend he is to everyone and is trying to get people on his side for the eventual fall out.

didn't they play the boxer last month? Love that music rotation, I'm just saying...

That's exactly Opie, though

I dunno dude did you read that account at all? If you're looking back and thinking "I did radio every day with that guy and that's what he was writing about me" that would be pretty galling. Anthony has specifically said he didn't do it and he has no advantage by lying about that. But I guarantee what's happened is someone else has read the Danny thing on here and passed on the information to Opie. And once that's happened you're not changing his mind.

You're right, which is why he didn't want to bring that up. Reddit and Twitter will get to him again and badger him about the twitter account and he'll say something cryptic like "The account was a piece of it, but if it wasn't ant, then whatever. There's other tings that I can't talk about now and probably can never talk about, for legal reasons.

and he almost made it seem like he's taking some sort of behind the scenes, supersecret legal action against Ant or something. what a faggot, a bit titted massive faggot


Wasnt he at Burr's show recently? Burrs been a ghost for a while.

We should not pick on Lady Di when Opie's the biggest sack of shit out there. At least Lady Di has somewhat of a heart. And few brain cells.