Bizarro Opie's last tweet was only a couple of months before Patrice's death.

48  2015-12-02 by goldstandard32

Around the time of the last tweet, Patrice would've been preparing for the Charlie Sheen roast so he wouldn't have had time to focus on twitter. Possible he was behind it?


This could be a hilarious Quanspiracy. If it was true though wouldn't Von have taken over the account to Retweet her posts...

I fucking hate Von


Because she's been dragging Patrice's corpse around begging for money.

Well, to be fair it's Patrice related projects- promoting his legacy, in order to replace the income Patrice was supporting her and the kid with. except maybe the book, I think patrice would approve.

Ya I remember a moment where he was talking about money, like when he went off on Tracey Morgan and the industry, he said 5 mill would be enough to make sure his mom is taken care of and his girl gets her shit.

I think that's the most important point.

He talked about taking care of them being what he wanted, and he was ready to start kissing ass in Hollywood to do it. Von doesn't just want to sit back and hope people give her money, she wants to hustle for it so she doesn't feel like a mooch.

Typical negro female, gibs me dat. I don't need no job, feel bad for me, I'm a victim, give me money, don't you judge me.

She should start a gofundme

Pretty sure Patrice would want Von to be taken care of. He even said himself all he cares about is making enough money for his Mom and his girl.

I say props to her for trying to carry on his legacy and making the documentary. No one else is doing it so whats the problem? If anything shes helping carry his name on.

Yeah she's making the documentary. She's not sitting there with her hand out. She's legitimately doing things so Patrice is remembered.


Almost certainly not, however, having said that: this is now O&A canon, Patrice was Bizzaro Opie.

Opie will come here, read that, and believe it.

ME: I don't even want to be in the same room as Patrice's corpse. He knows what he did, period. Sniff



I want to believe Scully.

Its not true but I refuse not to believe it.

Bizarro Opie is Club Soda Kenny

Well, this is definitely one of the dumber theories i've read.

Patrice sucked at typing, so I doubt it was him. MYTH BUSTED

Patrice was a smart man. Much like how Clark Kent is simpering, meek, and has bad posture, Patrice new he had to hide by making his real self a lie.

but autocorrect

We will know for sure if Ol' Sweater Meat says she's not going to the Patrice benefit because of "awful things he did" that she just learned about (but can't tell anybody).


Patrice got the call inviting him to the Charlie Sheen roast about 48 hours before filming though


Bizarro Opie wasn't Patrice's style of humor at all.

Exactly Patrice wasn't the type to pull some passive aggressive shit like this.

I cannot imagine Patrice giving enough of a shit to do that. Him hating typing and being inept at social media was part of his act.

If you just want to believe what your told, then you know, thats your business. If living like that helps you sleep at night then hey, good for you. But for me personally, im just asking questions.


Nah Patrice could've be bothered with his own twitter

So wait the bizarro account has been suspended that long?

Anybody have an old cache of some of the tweets? I remember the account vaguely, but would love to rehash the material given the events that have come to light.

Because she's been dragging Patrice's corpse around begging for money.