Greggshells 2: The Crackening

228  2015-12-02 by NicNacAttack


Its amazing how many things about anthony i find reprehensible. But hes still the best. If he wasnt such a racist, teenage fucking, cop dick sucker hed probably be a household name by now.

You just named his best qualities



What's wrong with teenage fucking?

they are jealous.

Opie and Jim were kissing cop ass a few weeks ago. Let's not single Ant out.

What has Anthony done that's been really bad? I'm not defending him, I just don't know what it is.

be all the things that he just listed, dummy

Ah, I didn't have a problem with those.

that's really bad



yes, please explain.

17 year olds, dude.

isnt that legal is 90% of the world?

You're not wrong

I don't think anyone accused him of being a criminal. People have just pointed out that it's kinda creepy to be 3 times the age of the person you're fucking, and to say that if the age of consent was lower you'd go for even younger girls.

that's fair.


ant fucks teenagers.


He fucks girls that are borderline illegal. The joke is making it seems like they're underage. Newsflash he doesn't actually suck cop dicks.

Once again, Opie argues with pure emotion and menstrual fluid and Anthony breaks down and refutes every point he makes using logic and facts. The fact that Opie won't even talk to Ant shows the level of verbal rape Opie knows he would receive.

Once again, Opie argues with pure emotion and nasal fluid


Maybe he periods out of his nose. Would certainly explain a lot.

Like the fact that he has a giant cunt in his head

Thats because Ant has no emotions. Hes dead inside. He plays innocent while at the same time launching a t-shirt line attacking Opie. Hes a fucking liar playing Mr Cool, while being an antagonizing cunt in anyway possible. Hes not being honest about his feelings, intentions or motives.


how does any of this make the fact that Ant launched a Greggshells t-shirt line any less hilarious?

And that the proceeds are going to a sloth sactuary?

Because it's petty and frankly worthless.

Yeah it's a little funny but I hope any sad sack who actually buys one of those things to get hit by a bus

it's such a great unnecessary kick to the nuts, it's wonderful. (agreed about a hypothetical person who actually buys one)

keep kicking them in the nuts

I'm buying one

Check mate

This guy gets it.

And not to stan too hard but Ant is 100% right on the bitch shit guys are not like girls you can not see a guy for 5 years and pick up where you left off they are not going to ask why you didnt keep in touch. Opie saying Ant didnt get him a wedding present or see his apartment or his kids is something Opies wife would say to opie while filling his head with delusion that HE is the reason for their success.

Look I hate Opie just as much as the next guy but for someone like him, who has led us to believe that family is important and that he's proud of raising a family, I could understand how that would feel almost like an insult. I don't give a shit if my coworkers meet my kids or my wife but for someone like who Opie claims to be, I can see how that would bother him. And honestly the wedding present thing is unacceptable. You go to a wedding, you give a gift. No need to be a stingy cunt because you don't like the idea of marriage. Bring on the downvotes you cunts.

I understand everything you said honestly. I'm not going to my coworkers wedding this Saturday, and I still send $100 back in the response letter. And that dude sucks.

I hate the coworker invite. I had one who made their own hashtag so their wedding would "trend." I didn't go.


Isn't tits alienated from at least one of his brothers?

Yea but he can't really take any credit for his brothers life so fuck him. Unless maybe he knows a thing or two about viral videos, then the amends train would pull into Tittie Station.

who has led us to believe that family is important



Exactly. Not to mention it hasn't been 5 years, they eye each other at least 20 hours a week. I don't see anybody in my life that much.

thats a lowkey way of admitting you're unemployed

coworkers are not people


Are you stupid in the head or what

Why does me not spending time with people for 20 hours a week mean I'm unemployed?

Do you have a new job a day

Dude... I don't share an office with someone and see/talk to them all day. Why does that mean I'm unemployed?

Do you not have a job?

What does this mean?

He spends 25 hours per week talking to the other fry cook. Jobs where you interact with a manager for 2 hours, an assistant for 8, and assorted clients and peers is not in his consciousness.

LOL Holy shit I'm an idiot. I totally forgot the demo here. You guys, I have a job. I don't interact with the same exact person for the entire time all day every day. I'm sorry...

I don't even understand how you can complain about that kind of shit. If someone isn't as close to you/as good of a friend as you want, how can you possibly think it's on them - like they've made some kind of mistake, rather than you just not being someone they would want as a friend.

your entire question presupposes self-awareness

Don't fear punctuation. Embrace it.

Ant calling out Opie saying "I don't wanna start anything with J.J Abrams" cracked me up i'm so used to just rolling my eyes while Opie talks about someone who doesn't stop by the show anymore.

Fucking Opie whenever he gets into it with someone always makes like he has this crazy piece of information in his back pocket that he doesn't want to bring out but he will if he have to, and this piece of information is just so devastating that it would be like throwing a nuke on the whole conversation. He's constantly acting as if he's burdened by big secrets and whenever someone presses him about it he tries to handwave it off "Oh no i can't talk about it, it's too heavy" and yet in the past they have absolutely destroyed interns for lying, and I remember one of his big gripes with erock was the cagey way he held onto information that you wanted.


Why is Rue McClanahan hosting The Jerry Langford Show? Holy Kikkoman!

who are either of those people?

C'mon man. You listened to a show that made King of Comedy references every day and you don't know who Jerry Langford is?


Rue was the old slut on Golden Girls. She was Kim Cattrall's character in Sex in the City before Kim Cattrall was.

Jerry Langford was the talk show host in The King of Comedy.

So happy to hear ant bring up that gregg didnt grow up poor. Gregg is a retard. But even he knows he didnt grow up poor. His parents were a bit stingy cause they had a million kids.

Itd be like hudson thinking he was poor because his dad never paid eastside his 500 bucks. lunches in cement bags!

And Pepperidge Farm bread!

this one never made sense. where i live, pepperidge farm bread is like $8 a loaf. maybe it was cheap in the 60's when opie was a kid.

He can't keep his nonsense accurate. He's loying.

ME: I'm not loying alroite

He wasn't given stone baked artisan bread and he thinks he was Oliver Twist.

I 100% bet this was either a joke by his parents, or that one time, they ran out of bags for one kid to take a rock to school for show and tell, and he remembers it as lunches.

I think Opie is confused. His family sounds like white trash, but not actually dirt poor. You can be lousy white trash and have decent money. But when you have fuck tons of kids like its the 1600s because 2/3rds of them will die before age're white trash. The world never needed to be infected with that many Hughes offpsring.

Long Island is full of white trash who have some money. A lot of the people it produces are low class narcissists. My family lives there, but they're okay. Most of em.

Im hearing this now. Another load of shit listeners thought but now is confirmed.

I took off work today to get drunk and watch this. My excuse for not coming in, my dad had a heart attack. I'm such a fucking drunk, scumbag.

well played sir, well played. keep those priorities straight.

You couldn't just say you were sick?

You should call into Jim's advice show

get well soon Mr. Placed

Cheers to you Sir!

Vos was actually very insightful and funny. See what happens when he's with a host that actually respects and listens to him, rather than Tits' condescension?

It seems like under all the shtick Vos is an insightful guy with a good sense of right and wrong, here for example.

Vos has issues with articulation, that's why he's such a great punching bag. Same with Blobby Kelly.

Not only a nice illustration of Vos being a pretty decent guy with some worthwhile insight, but a nice illustration of Op trying desperately hard to get some props.


That clip impressed me, they like to beat him up about it but vos clearly has learned from his err... "full" life

Vos has fucking won me over as of the last few years, I used to be unable to stand his slurring and general attitude but I'm so glad he had the balls to play devils advocate towards Anthony in this clip.

Also, something about the way Vos interacts with Opie was always just so great, it comes across as though Vos is talking to a child and he knows it, even when opie goes into one of his moods and starts lashing out with rather personal stuff, Vos always laughed these things off as if to say "look, how cute, this 4 year old is throwing a tantrum. I know op, I know. everyone is a fuck face and talentless and you've been doing this since you were 18. it's okay bubba, vos still loves you." and for that I love that toothy jew.

To be fair, everyone makes fun of Vos.

Ope is best friends with vos

Pshhhh Philly crew

False, Opie has no friends that aren't bound to him by being related.

i was so happy when Ant talked about how Opie would say things like "thats why this show is intelligent" or something like that. Goes with Jim saying "you say odd shit sometimes."

I always hated when Opie would passively take credit for what some one in studio would say. "That's how WE do it!"

"Vury good"

Or when he would have a stupid opinion and his response to a caller arguing it would be, " That's what WE think.". However, if Ant or Jim got shit for an opinion that was on THEM.

They would bash other radio stations for using hacky callsigns and catchphrases, yet every episode in the beginning of their virus run Opie would hammer in that stupid line "The OnA Virus spreading across america only here on xm satellite radio, bet you wish you could hear some of the crazy shit we say on xm satellite radio right here on the OnA Virus"

Douchechills every time he plugs it, he used to be such a good boy for the pencil pushers down the hall

gotta love ant sniffing in the beginning.

maebee haz cold

Hey chippah what is Gregorio's problem with uncle Paul? He is a high class gentlemen of 57 years young .

You know who enjoys this? REDDIT! OHHHH do they LOVE working him like a marionette. What should we have Opie do today?

(about 18:40 in) So what should we have Opie do today? Another Harry Hater video? We are his program director.

Same thing we do every day, try to make the cake stomp video go viral again so random strangers who have never heard of the show wish him death on Twitter and Facebook.

That's my favorite line of the video. Too bad Opie doesn't have Ant's oft entertaining lingo.

Snnnnooooowy from Michigan!

This is pretty fucking funny. At least Ant knows and admits that reddit is one of their biggest sources of listener opinions. Ant is just breaking shit down.

Yet we never get the due credit for manipulating the hate.

I shouldn't care, but I really hope that annoys the shit out of the six people left posting on Wackbag.

Is that even still a thing? I took a peek many years ago, and it looked like 4 dudes that hated the show arguing with each other about why the show sucks and trying to be the edgiest guy in the room (using only show references of course). I couldn't close the browser window fast enough.

i check it out periodically but it's a really sad place. It literally is like 4 guys, but they're actually less negative than us. They're more of that trucker "we defend Opie no matter what" mentality, like an abuse victim.

And boy do they hate Reddit. I just think they resent the fact that Wackbag used to be the place to go to talk to talk about O&A and that got taken over by Reddit. They're like the type of people who claim the anti-Cumia stuff from a while back was a false flag op from Something Awful...for some reason.

LOL. I'm talking nearly 10 years ago I looked at it, and it was dead. They should just shut that shit down and point the domain at the subreddit, it's way more active. I find this sub is a decent judge of what stinks about the show and what is good about the show, overall.

I think Anthony did something that makes me hate him. I know we work together and I know you're friends with Anthony, but I'm not going to tell you what's going on because you're not my friend and I don't trust you.

Oh, and I don't want you to leave the show, but maybe you should leave the show....but I'm not going to fire you because I'm not your boss....even though I am your boss.

Everyone is against me and I only have a few people in my life I can trust.

SiriusXM considers Anthony to be an unstable person who is no allowed in the building. This world is fucking crazy.

Opie expected JJ Abrams to do his show? WOW, what a delusional idiot.

No, Opie felt that JJ Abrams was REQUIRED to do his show, and felt personally offended when the hottest director working was not available or interested. Actually, he didn't care that Abrams was doing a radio show,or any show for that matter; He was doing Howard's show(which was probably the result of long planning and negociations) and management probably lied to him and said that he is groomed to be Stern's replacement.

I hope all the big guests blow him off as well as all the comics that Jim brought on the show,only to be belittled and threatened by Opie(The Vos and fat Bob Kelly incidents stand out) at the slightest joke directed towards him. He sucks the funny out of the room,is vexed why other people are hitting it off and he is left out and fills the room with an unpleasant air. The nickname Greggshells is perfect.


CQ is never above a toothless blowjob

The venn diagram of "Colin Quinn" and "Giving a Care" looks like a pair of big fake tits.

They are natural tots, and they belong to Gregg Hughes!

Opie could have offered a half a ham sandwich with three bites taken out of it and Colin would have been there 15 minutes early.


The best part is he acts like JJ was ALL IN with the show and did it regulatory. I pointed this in he JJ thread he was on the show twice once in '09 and once in '12 2 times over the span of 6 years and tits felt betrayed. you cant win with someone who thinks like that. its always going to be something.

to be honest witchcha PERIOD to be honest witchcha PERIOD to be honest witchcha PERIOD to be honest witchcha PERIOD

go die in total radio silence you talentless cunt

I feel this comment is quite hostile?

Haha I'm in the middle of listening to the O&J exchange now and him saying that over and over is quite annoying. Opie is an intellectual midget.

I love when Esther just goes "exclamation point"

I laughed myself red faced when Ant said Tits and the worm. This sub is the fucking illuminati.

You guys better enjoy this clip before Keith the Cuck kills it.

Keith the cuck LOL

I was giggling like a sissy.

"You guys gonna talk at the benefit?" Such a sweet innocent Jimmy Norton

Honestly I thought they were going to be making up sooner rather than later, maybe not at the Patrice Benefit, but as Ant clearly realizes, it isn't doing them any good to keep feuding. People in here might argue that the feuding is the only thing keeping them interesting - and it certainly is with the current state of affairs - but the feud is also leaving a lingering weirdness over everything they do when they're not talking about it.

Ant said he made up with Bill Burr and Derosa. It's really telling who the mature one is by who's willing to bury the hatchet. You look at the situation after a few months and think "why the fuck are we being such huge queens about this?" I think Ant was able to do that and it's really unsurprising that Opie can't.

One fucked up thing that struck me was the fact that we saw that very idea discussed in the funny and chill environment of Ant's thanksgiving show. Then the same idea comes up in the Colosseum of neurosis that is Opie Raqio and it is angrily and awkwardly shot down. No better illustration of the contrast between good radio and Opie's shit show.

Thanks for your service.

the opening scene is fucking genius

His point on Gavin McGuinnes (or whatever) was great. Opie was mad that Gavin "hated" him bemoaning the fact that "he never met the guy"(thus silently and inadvertently admitting that almost everyone who knows him has reasons to hate or despise him). Ant pointed out that Gavin critiqued his professional work,not Opie's person. This shows up time and time again.

Opie wants to be popular, loves to be praised has an obsession with being viral like a teenage youtuber and puts out desperate,questionable content out there,but at the same time cannot stand any criticism on his professional activity.

Sam realized the best way to advance his career is to kiss Opie's ass and he did so,esp during Greggshells. What Sam failed to realize is that Opie is also a sociopat who would get rid of him the moment he felt professionally threatened(real or imaginary) or didn't have anything to gain from Sam anymore. That's why he was ousted from the show,replaced by the fat Stangels, when he could have easily moved in on Ant's seat.

Ant and Sam are both the Opie-whisperers,the only people around him that know how to handle him. When Jim was left alone with no buffer,the results were predictable.

The gall on Shelly to no so subtly threaten Jim, a guy who can't stand being bulied.

Ants point about "professional vs personal" criticism when it comes to gavin was Jim Norton's point. Ant just repeated it.

Why does this sub seem to think that Sam would rather be Opie's second fiddle or producer over having his own show with his name on it?

It doesn't make any sense. Opie "punished" Sam by giving him his own show? Did he "punish" him by moving him to nights? Sam seems to love doing the show at night.

Since I listen to podcasts, I couldn't give a shit when the content is released, but for Sirius XM, going to nights is like being banished to the graveyard shift. Even if it was Sams choice, there are still way less people listening at that hour. The slot itself would be more fun because it's not at the crack of dawn, but professionally it's somewhat of a "pay no mind" timeslot.

Well, he still gets plenty of callers. People are listening, even if its just drunks and truckers.

And with Siriusxm on demand, maybe it doesn't matter as much what time he's live.

It definitely matters. There are always drunks and truckers, but on FM and Satellite, most of the big shows are slotted for early to midday drive time.

I never thought about the Sam thing before. He was still producing O&J when Greggshells Pt 1 happened right? Then he went on TACS and/or LoS right? And kinda skirted the issue(s) in his smarmy way. Then Opie banished him? Am I understanding that correctly?

I know we're not supposed to be on his side in any way, but I think it's pretty understandable why Opie was upset about Gavin. Someone he's associated with makes a point to shit on him regularly, unprovoked. You can argue its professional vs personal, but I think anyone would be pissed off at what he says. And he clearly does hate Opie, so let's not act like that's another one of Opie's delusions.

The real problem is Gavin is more successful than Opie, which is why Opie is really upset. If it was anyone else they would be ridiculed and shit on..lets be honest. Since when has anyone seen Opie give a shit about anyone but himself.

Its all a pity party and all the fans left are invited, and Greggshells wants to make sure everyone knows hes the victim. But we all know who the problem is.

If Opie looked into a mirror and really tried to be a better guy, he would have by now. Instead he regresses and builds up resentments like a hoarder, and once he gets to critical mass.. he threatens to self destruct everything: friendships, business relationships, etc. He does this over and OVER again and hurts everyone around him.. (not only emotionally, but career wise as well.

But when OPIE hurts, he thinks we all should be at his side.

He is a shithead bully and thats all he brings to the table. I was with him when it was OPIE AND ANTHONY, but when one guy stabs the other in the back.. sorry man fuck him. You can say Anthony got fired, sure, but listen to how even Jim talks to Opie about who is the boss on the show. Its Opie w/Sirius mgmt, and they fucked Anthony.



Oh I don't disagree, I just think it's dishonest to say Gavin is critical of Opie only because of his radio performance. He hates him as much as anyone on here


10:45 onwards, I know this is puppet-loving Tony terrified of his dad calling him a pissy-eyed faggot and throwing spaghetti on the wall, but hey. Opie argues like a woman. It is always this emotional stuff about "trust" and "closeness" and "support."

"I just don't think we're close." "You don't know the real me, the true me. You know nothing about me." "I have the feeling that you don't give a fuck about me." "I needed you that day for support. You were here with me but you weren't here with me."

That is the yammering of a mentally ill and emotionally abusive woman.

Jim's answers were all more pragmatic. "This is my job. I get paid well for it. This is also my passion, I enjoy performing comedy for people."

Ant/Opie videos are just two elderly assholes talking past each other.

Ugh, it's more cringeworthy to actually read what Opie said and what ant called him a bitch for saying.

"That is the yammering of a mentally ill and emotionally abusive woman."
You mean, "That is the yammering of a ..... woman.

You ok there? It's alright, you're better off without her




There was no better way to open the show than with this scene from Goodfellas.

The sad thing is that Opie is not going to listen to this. And I don't mean "listen" as in the vibrations physically stimulating the bones in his ear. I mean actually listen and hear what is being said. Has a delusional person ever "seen the light" before? It makes me nervous that I could very well be the same way and not know it.

you asked the question of yourself before, this means you aren't like Stupid

It makes me nervous that I could very well be the same way and not know it.

The great thing about sociopathy / psychopathy from what I've read, if you are asking or questioning yourself about it, you don't have it. People that truly are like that, aren't capable of having that kind of self reflection.

I AM THE UNIVERSAL SOLVENT needs to become a thing now

thanks dude

God damn did I miss Anthony. This is entertaining. I heard him talking about Opie saying he needed Jim when he was crying. "He said that."

God bless Ant and k emps.

I love rich. But hasnt he been playing that same room in Connecticut for 20 years now at least? Guy should be a little embarrassed proclaiming "Im a headliner!"

Opie stinks.

I thought it was some guy doing an impression until he started going off.

I still love Rich.

I'm surprised Rich hasn't trademarked the phrase "crowdwork."

Holy christ the shitty behavior Opie thinks Ant was engaged in was actually Danny's false recollection? Holy piss.

He also hated ant because he didn't spend Opie's entire 3-day wedding with him or visit his apartment. He's a bitch, plain and simple.


Or he's just making shit up and refusing to say what it is cause he's got nothing

good cunt

this was like best 2 days in this subreddit ever.. and we need the third one where Jim leaves tist for good!

tist tist

Always loved Ant, this is fantastic

Opie really is terrible at his job. Can you even imagine the audio shitshow it would be if opie tried talking by himself for an hour?

Lots of sniffs and periods. Zero content.

he could always dust off Spuds Buckley for a few loffs


Interesting that anthony still listens to stern. Hes a true fan cause that shits unlistenable.

Whoa I never saw this!

He was funnier than Jackie even then.

The discussion at 30 minutes onwards explains how Opie wanted to keep doing shock jock stuff and it just wasn't working. I think that explains why simulcast failed. The bits and the stunts and the Cat Noise Wednesday and Rock Scream stuff was a corny, dated sensibility by 2008, 2009 or so. Opie didn't know how to change with the times and he was still acting like 2003.

Now, he still has that to him but marriage made him kind of mellow out, get more "mature" and womanly.

Combine that with Opie being jealous of Howard Stern and you get this change of direction where Opie wants this bit and guest driven, topical and news focused thing with reality t.v. and gossip as a big part of the show. Kinda Edgy, Sorta Gen X Mentality Radio For Moms and Dads. Which is what Stern did and this is why Howard's show has been far off its peak if not objectively terrible for years now.

Jimmy, by the way, is not on board with this Sternesque "evolution" of the show. Opie figured out what HE wants the show to be. The chemistry issue is not solely but it is majorly because Opie cannot get Jimmy and the fans to buy into Quasi-Edgy Gen X Mom and Dad radio.

Combine that with Opie being jealous of Howard Stern and you get this change of direction where Opie wants this bit and guest driven, topical and news focused thing with reality t.v. and gossip as a big part of the show. Kinda Edgy, Sorta Gen X Mentality Radio For Moms and Dads. Which is what Stern did and this is why Howard's show has been far off its peak if not objectively terrible for years now.

That is also a good point!

Stern is still a scumbag. A shame that Opie wants to go Wiggy's route.

Taken down. Any other links?

hy danny is chippa i telld anfony 2 b nyce 2u. we shood hang owt wen i cell mye share in faysebok and bye mye howce


Lamar apparently rounded out each visit with a helpful English lesson for Chip.

Morrissey and Gregg should have a "ME" off. The most temperamental prick wins.

/u/dannyfromtheshow how awkward was it listening to Opie pontificate about music when it was pretty clear that everyone behind the scenes on the show knows more about music than he does?

On a typical Friday night I am

Getting Schwifty.

Midnight Pet Sematary, Live Band Karaoke. Discovering TV shows that were popular 6 years ago.

I see you've been talking to the person harassing me for 2 years. That, or it's you.

I’m really good at

Having Larry David moments. Singing harmonies to 90's songs. Fixing your computer.

Painfully smashing my elbows into stuff.

This guy rules! :D

On a totally unrelated note, here is a youtube downloader

i need uploder 2 put big pecka on intoonet how i do?!?!?

you need to walk to the internet building downtown chip

Fank u

And jump off

Bless you!

Anthony, please don't take this down. The fans need to see it. Look at the numbers on Greggshells 1. Over 350k views. This is what the fans wanna see.

The fans should be subscribing.

TACS isn't funny every single day, but neither was the O&A show. I know everyone looks back on the show with rose-colored glasses now, but they would have 1-2 week stretches of awful radio. That's just how it is with freeform conversation, but Anthony doesn't get a break on that for some reason.

TACS has been strong lately and even on weeks where 1 episode is a stinker b/c of a bad guest, there's still 2 episodes of Legion Of Skanks.

Tacsgiving was the best show related to O and A done in years. For all Opie's broadcast professional/captain of the ship shit, the tin knocker is better at the job than he is.

At least in the past O and A made note that they rarely have winners.

Leave it for a day or two. The dullards can pay you for it in a few days time. Don't send brother joe after us. I'll sub if you get Jimmy.

Best part is when he talks about self assessment. Opie is completely oblivious that HE is the fucking problem, not Ant, not Jimmy - it's Opie that's the broken person.

I mean Opie might be responsible for alot of the shows problems but to say Anthony isn't a broken human being is a bit of a stretch. The guys a recluse who hoards guns and fucks high school girls while rambling on about race. He's broken.

You realize that's the dream of many white men?

Yup and his name was Jared.

Vos is trying but you know this is all about not rocking the boat with Opie so he can brag about having his own show and endlessly plug his shows. And thats fine. Hes a comic and his standup gigs are clearly his priority. Its annoying but I respect it.

"Opie's show has become a rom-com with no 'com'"

Line of the segment

Crap, how do I save this? Yknow he's gonna pull this down by this AM.

EDIT: Never mind, got it!

Will this sub now stand down with regards to Derosa?

I still hate his horrendous annoying shitfuck laugh

Yeah its fucking bad, almost as bad as Gervais.

I don't know... gervais laugh is so obnoxious it acualy goes around and becomes kinda funny for me. But I understand hating it

We stand with him now. Death to all Jews!

Fuck DeRosa and the horse he rode in on.

The bald opie question was nice from the caller.

Listening to Vos sigh during the Greggshells shirt unveiling made me smile. He's so fucking uncomfortable.

"Trolls and liars" 16:00

This motherfucker has done his homework.

no hes not in skool annie morr


...So even before this Ant was just randomly listening to O&J the other day, what the fuck is wrong with him!?

He really has too much time on his hands.

pretty sure he just comes to this sub and listens to shitty cringeworthy clips like the rest of the people here

It was highlighted on this sub I think

he shood poot in pokkets b4 he looses vem

That wasn't very funny, chip

yess it woz cocksukk a

For the record, I didn't upload this. I simply found it. All credit due to k emps on the youtubesssss

I feel like this old wop is staring me down, a little unsettling.


This is fanfuckingtastic. Ant is giving all of the credit to us.

But but but reddit posters have no effect on Opie or the show

Jocktober was a huge failure!

Opie has never even heard of reddit.

Weird, I thought he said this was a "pathetic", "piece of shit sub". Maybe he was talking about shit sandwiches or somethin'.


They call him the Worm!! They call the show "Tits and the Worm" !!

::sips coffee::

That's not coffee.

Kahlua's made with coffee.

Anybody got a mirror?


Thank you for your service


service unavailable

it went down as I was halfway through

Every fucking upload service is killing me with the bandwidth limits, going to just put it on mega, it wont be streamable but you can DL it

Hey guys. Greggshells 2 taken down from k emps' channel, but I'll post to YouTube on my channel when I get copy. Then you guys can rip it from YouTube it before it gets taken down. We'll have enough circulating copies at that point.

I only have the audio saved at the moment. Anyone interested in that?

Edit: Audio here. Get it before it gets taken down.

Double edit: Taken down within hours. Sorry folks.


Does he ever talk about cakestomp? We all know the backstory that opie and jim act like no one knows. And its still quite fucked up even with the backstory.

I dont see how jim norton couldnt think opie was a piece of shit for mmany reasons including cakestomp.

This is all the frustration of dealing with a girlfriend.

At about 1 hour 2 minutes Vos decides he needs to play marriage counselor. It's infuriating.


Best bit of TACs ive ever heard, Also better than anything Opie Radio has put out since Anthony left.

Jim, Opie doesn't see you as a friend, Leave and join Anthony !

28:40 Haha Ant makes a great point. If he has such incredible control over the fans, how about getting them to subscribe?

Any working mirrors?



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Been waiting all day to watch this.


With the way Ant mugs for the camera, I feel like Keith could hand him a top hat and cane at any point and he'll break out into a tap dance.


Vos turned into Richard Kelly around 1:37:35.

"Duuuuuuuuuuuuude, you got your good times, you bring them up BOOM! You move on!"



Dude, I fucking love you right now, made my night

Is this better then the first one ? Cuz the first one wasn't as juicy as I thought it was gonna be..are his boobs brought up ?

Opie should fire Jim, the show should just be Opie and his wife

Fuuuaaarrrkkkk, I can't listen to this til tomorrow! I hope it doesn't get taken down.

It's $6.00 you fucking Jew

by the way, did someone record the Legion of Skanks where they talk about the "event"

don't bother; it was underwhelming. Dave Smith's point was the clear highlight.

Jay, while he did say that Opie sounded like a butthurt chick, was disappointingly diplomatic.

Mike Lawrence didn't even know what had gone down, so he was useless. Amico was the one who knew the most about it, and had a good point or two (the Candy Crush line was his best) but didn't say enough.

Again; underwhelming.

LoS is strictly kids table.



clinking glasses


Fuck you Ant for not making this free.

I'm glad he didn't. For once the people who actually pay for the show were able to listen to the live stream without it constantly crashing from a bunch of freeloaders tuning in.

My video was still crashing

$6.00 you fucking Jew. How much to u spend on your container of coffee, buttered roll and lottery tickets this morning?

Joe Rogan has a podcast and uploads his shows for free on YouTube. Just saying.

What are you, Ant's fucking agent? All you're doing is calling people Jews for not wanting to pay for Ant's show. Give it a rest

So your going to sit back and tell me they arent? What are you a communist skinflint?

Buddered fuckin roll..

A call out to an old shopper from the 2001 Homeless Shopping Spree. AKA Don Cheney.

You're = you are. Your = Your! Stupid twat

*this is bullshit people. The simplest grammar. Just tryin to shame you stupid fucks into a shred of intelligence. Fuckin learn it.

On an Opie and Anthony Subreddit correcting Grammar. LOL Hope the petscan looks like a chunk of fordite.


Anthony is as awkward and uncomfortable on his own as he was the first day TACS launched. I honestly don't understand how people can watch this. It gives me the chills.

maybee u shood poot on cote

Who are you, Pootie Tang? What language was that?

inglish. I am chippa

Anthony has been a shell of his former self for a while now, I'll be the first to admit; and I usually am. But I came here to say that he has improved on certain things like eye contact with the camera instead of staring 5 inches above it all the time. Audio seems less shitty now too.

Anthony has serious issues if he thinks it's okay to work with a guy for 20 years but coming over to meet his family and hang out is bitch shit. Anthony shut up. Lose the fucking suit you waste of space and get a decent haircut. Fucking faggot.

its a batshit womanly view to complain about it period I'm sure Opie was invited to the compound and wouldnt show up because its not his scene just as Ant going over to sit in Opies apartment as central park and freedom tower number 1 meet Uncle Tony period

I read your username. Here's an upvote.

What an opportunisic faggot. You have three topics Ant; race, politics, and Opie. Anthony is an irrelevant pussy.

maybee shood drinck milck on flor


Haha I'm in the middle of listening to the O&J exchange now and him saying that over and over is quite annoying. Opie is an intellectual midget.

The real problem is Gavin is more successful than Opie, which is why Opie is really upset. If it was anyone else they would be ridiculed and shit on..lets be honest. Since when has anyone seen Opie give a shit about anyone but himself.

Its all a pity party and all the fans left are invited, and Greggshells wants to make sure everyone knows hes the victim. But we all know who the problem is.

If Opie looked into a mirror and really tried to be a better guy, he would have by now. Instead he regresses and builds up resentments like a hoarder, and once he gets to critical mass.. he threatens to self destruct everything: friendships, business relationships, etc. He does this over and OVER again and hurts everyone around him.. (not only emotionally, but career wise as well.

But when OPIE hurts, he thinks we all should be at his side.

He is a shithead bully and thats all he brings to the table. I was with him when it was OPIE AND ANTHONY, but when one guy stabs the other in the back.. sorry man fuck him. You can say Anthony got fired, sure, but listen to how even Jim talks to Opie about who is the boss on the show. Its Opie w/Sirius mgmt, and they fucked Anthony.


That wasn't very funny, chip



ant fucks teenagers.

17 year olds, dude.

He fucks girls that are borderline illegal. The joke is making it seems like they're underage. Newsflash he doesn't actually suck cop dicks.

Is that even still a thing? I took a peek many years ago, and it looked like 4 dudes that hated the show arguing with each other about why the show sucks and trying to be the edgiest guy in the room (using only show references of course). I couldn't close the browser window fast enough.