12-01-08 Dump Report

49  2015-12-02 by DannyFromTheShow

I'll throw in a second since this one isn't all too good.

12-01-08 - http://imgur.com/QME2UpM

10-31-08 http://imgur.com/ENGW9AR



Better plug it here. Opie and Vos are no longer close. Where was he today when Opie needed a smelly ear to cry into? Ants. Exactly.

But anyway, Fawk Yeah! Love the Vos.


"Black Earl's Brother" - Roland

Huh? Why would that get dum-

This followed Anthony saying someone on TV looked like a chimpanzee.

I fucking died reading that.

I think the bell boy button back then was just set to trigger a dump every time

More Opster stories, you can't act like this shit's gonna satisfy us after today.

I'm pretty sure today was everything you guys have ever wanted and more.

If I wasn't 100% sure I had nothing to do with it I'd be a quanspiracy theorist thinking that DannyFromTheShow was a red herring to sell GreggShells TShirts. Curious timing.

We all know why he refused to elaborate on "What Ant did behind the scenes", he was reading the same shit we all were and realized if he admitted it he'd look like a cunt.

100% what happened.

We got to the Bizzaro thing, it wasn't him. Too lazy to link you but it's in my history.

Ant's explanation was that he thinks Opie doesn't believe he wasn't behind Bizzaro...Ant said Opie is crazy and now believing reddit over you and Ant who have both said it wasn't Ant.

Regardless, it was opies perception of bizarroopie that caused this. We lie all the time to try and get tits riled up. Thank you for your service

Well, you had a little to do with it. Like BobMugabe35 said, I'm 99% sure that the TOP SECRET INFO that had Opie so furious was just the early speculation from you that Ant was Bizarro Opie.

That being the case, thank you for your service.

Oh, what happened on air? No doubt. That was never my intent. As I've stated before I was correcting some things that we're just not true. The "nothing to do with" was the regarding the shirts.

Makes me wonder how long those designs were just ready to go.

If anyone on this sub gets on your shit again, you can tell them that you're now responsible for two hours of the most entertaining radio ever produced.

or at least the most entertaining 2 hours on Opie Raqio

I just really enjoy the username BobMugabe

Go on Anthony's show tomorrow.

He knows how to reach me now.

smoke signals from a burning cross

Get on it u/anthonycumiashow

/u/anthonycumiashow i second this notion. would love to see /u/DannyFromTheShow on TACS. And i wouldnt expect opie bashing the whole time, just seems like it could be good radio.

Danny, why the standoff between you two? Your language is always "he can call me and then maybe" rather than "yeh, no worries if he calls."

No, I disagree, I don't feel my language is standoffish my only meaning was that if that's something his show is interested in he knows how to be in touch now. My number/contacts have changed. That's all.

Yes. Ant said he made up with Danny,Joe derosa and Bill burr. Opie is the crybaby who won't speak to him.

Have you tried talking to him? This fucking reminds me of girlfriends after a fight expecting me to call first. Why does everyone part of the show act like a chick now.

Ant said that they spoke the other day

Just asking questions, bro

I dont have all the answers, just asking questions.

so was your appearance in this subreddit in some way shape or form related to guerrilla (no pun intended) marketing?

Was Jim Jefferies addressing Opie @ 7:52?

Also at 7:51, we still had him in his crib for the break.

Oddly enough, I can't recall ever hearing anyone say "kiss my balls" in my life. Weird.

The transcript looks like scenes to a gay porn

The Roland haters can use this 7 year old transcript to get him fired now.

The whole point of the dump report was for Opie to dress down and straighten out the dirty comedians who did the FM show. Basically trying to get them in order. It also was filler and they could drag it out when incorporating Kenny. Kenny plays the sheriff and Opie is the king, and they are publically shaming their court jesters.

I'd dump fucking Rich Vos too.

That 10/31 show sounds like a fun one



Your ball. Take it home.

Well.. I'll be honest. We were expecting you to beg.