hey /u/Dannyfromtheshow; you listen today?...

4  2015-12-01 by clarkiswhite



listening now.

Any additional commentary you can throw in, go ahead when you're ready. We need an extra knife to cut through the delusion that Jim might've missed, or tried to address and got the ol' HOLD ON HOLD ON with.

How long do i need to listen to this. I'm 22 mins in and I really don't care to listen to an hour of this.

Your valuable commentary. We're trying to pile on here.

to this hour and a half clip, how much do i need to listen to.

pretty much spans the entire clip.

What's your whole take out of all of this? Most of us have listened to this over and over, some have touched themselves to it.

I know you guys loved it but for me, this was nothing incredibly new. Op has always hated not being able to "fit it" or be part of a hang. That's why he'd get so annoyed with all the Back To The Future talk. He couldn't participate so he'd sit there pouting in disapproval. There was a great article years ago on CNN.com about how quoting movies with your pals builds a bond. If Opster just went home and watched these movies we ALL quoted lines from incessantly, maybe he would have been able to hang with the big boys.

He didn't even see Clockwork Orange until 2009. So for all that time the old man sound clips meant nothing to him.

He made a big deal about how he'd finally seen it and could join in on the laughs, never did though.

Because he had to treat it like homework. Like, in his head he said, "Ok now I've seen this movie so I'm ready to be one of the guys." but in reality he saw them just so he could hear the source of a sound clip that Ant would play on his machine. He didn't understand how that stuff was funny in the context that they used them.

Also, Back to the Future is like 90 minutes. I know HE'S A FATHER NOW, but he could've taken one afternoon in the last 10 years and watched it. He's a piece of shit.

Now that you mention this, I can't think of one time when Opie brought up a movie or a tv show, he would always just bring up reality tv or terrible 90's bands... like Staind, his favorite.

How fucking hard would it have been for him to watch a fucking movie from 30 years ago more than once so he could at least follow along? Jesus christ, what the fuck

I remember him being so proud of himself because he finally watched True Romance. Only 20 more movies to go and then maybe he will understand half of his own drops.

It's like how he couldn't watch Game of Thrones but had time for Oprah and Americas Got Talent. It's just not his tastes. But then he has to pretend to "get it" so he's not outted as the uncool kid at the table.

If he was ACTUALLY good at radio he'd say to himself:

"Hmmm the guys are bringing up bits from Goodfellas and BTTF lately. I should really watch these so I can make my own jokes and be able to hang when it comes up."

Why prepare right? You only might make the show better.

And it wasn't a ridiculous amount of movies to watch. Goodfellas, the shining, Jaws, Platoon, maybe a few others and he would have been golden.

Dude, seriously. I had never seen Sling Blade or Fargo before working on the show and they're two of my favorite movies of all time now.

Imagine Opie getting a laugh with a "little feller" line or "You were such a super lady!" Minimal effort for maximum reward.

Opie would probably come out with great quotes like "I hate manure" or "your a slacker"

Clearly Opie was referring to Anthony being "BizarroOpie" which was a Danny bomb

sure was

hee shood be care fool incase it blowed ups

Yes, please comment Danni. But GoLightly. Tssssss Fawkin name yuma.

i speek 2 danni allreddy an he says he gunna gif me munnie

You can't even do a good chip, fag.

pretty much spans the entire clip.

What's your whole take out of all of this? Most of us have listened to this over and over, some have touched themselves to it.

Because he had to treat it like homework. Like, in his head he said, "Ok now I've seen this movie so I'm ready to be one of the guys." but in reality he saw them just so he could hear the source of a sound clip that Ant would play on his machine. He didn't understand how that stuff was funny in the context that they used them.

Also, Back to the Future is like 90 minutes. I know HE'S A FATHER NOW, but he could've taken one afternoon in the last 10 years and watched it. He's a piece of shit.