212  2015-12-01 by GRIZx


I hope he does a free show like he did with Greggshells.


Rat said no.

Of course, heaven forbid a Jew give something away for free.

Joe Derosa?



You want Jimmy to come on board in October? Show it with your wallet. It's $5 you cheap bastard.

8 a month actually. Almost 100$ per year

For the year membership is $5 something a month

Look at old johnny Rockefeller spending 60$ at once

Deep pockets for my deep dickk

For ~20 hours a week of original content.

That's like 25 cents an hour.

All the shows that are on the network? It's much more than 20 hours.

  • TACS - 8 hours/wk
  • CR - 1 hours/wk
  • LOS - 3 hours/wk (30m of which is music filler)
  • GM - 5-6 hours/wk

For a total of about 18 hours a week with the length of the ESD show still to be announced. Round it up to 20 since Ant's shows occasionally run long

I'm always playing catch up. Im usually behind on gavin. I don't even watch crime report. When esd comes onboard... Its a lot of quality content for shit this sub loves. I don't get not supporting this rare comedy we all love.

B-b-u-t I get Netflix for $1.50 per month and I get 10 jillion hours of content!

No one invites a girl over to TACS and chill either.

You just need to pick up girls at your local trailer park.


I will if it ever happens, but I'm not going to spend preemptively

I doubt he will. This is great bait to garner new subscribers.

It's gonna be posted on the sub anyways



Yes please tell us Mr Cumia, what ship are you using on eve online?

Probably not, but we'll get to listen to it anyways.

He's not.


what did Anthony say about Opie recently that Opie kept saying was so bad he'll never speak to him again?

This really is an early Christmas.

I hate-love every one of you.

I can talk to literally no other person in my life about how great this is. And I'm afraid if I start to explain the situation I'll hear myself and just start crying.

im ashamed im so into this

I'm just bummed I might lose a hobby.

My gf was pissed because I jumped out of bed so fast to listen to this. She was already up, and was wondering why i can't be that excited about her. Well, duh. Twat

Mine will go "are you yelling at that radio man with your internet friends again?" Well heck, when you put it that way...

What ? Is she like 75 years old ?

She's in bed by 7 and then it's all the werthers originals I can eat.

It does have its perks to seduce the elderly I guess

So funny I spit the cock out of my mouth

Haha I played the episode where tits cries for a friend and got a really weird look. So to justify it I showed him the guitar smash, poker chip throwing, and of course the cake stomp. And now we don't talk much

It is lame but it's no lamer than my gf having to get home to watch DVR episodes of stupid shows on TLC

Since I'm a cynical bastard and the mainstream movies/television this is my entertainment. Stand Up Comedy and this world of comedians and podcasters

Stupid shows like scorpion and supergirl and ncis where ever the fuck...and she gives me shit over OnA. At least I like to laugh. She just zones out on her shows and doesn't know whats happening.

This cunt watches Gossip Girl on Netflix like it's The Sopranos

I watch a TV series every now and again but besides that all my entertainment is from people from the O&A and stand up world

They are the only people I can relate to as far as humor goes

Like most of us i think. I have no one in real life to relate to this with

i hear ya

I know, it's so weird. Long life 'It'.

I'm starting to understand Opie. He's misunderstood. Yeah. It's the nature of world, man. For real, it's like if you smoke weed and think you can do stuff. It's really great. Opie just gets it. He is... pffft... #smdh #blacklivesmatter

You're all racist

It's bigger than Christmas.

This has been, and will continue to be, the foretold "final Jocktober."


I can't upvote "ragnajock" enough.

I'm starting to believe in santa Claus again. This is all i wished for last year

I'm starting to believe in santa Claus again. This is all i wished for last year

I'm starting to believe in santa Claus again. This is all i wished for last year

I'm starting to believe in santa Claus again. This is all i wished for last year



You're panicking!

We will eat the flesh of fallen, droopy tits.

Great Thor/Viking reference! I hope Ragnajock becomes a thing

Hope a sleepy Arab slices your sack open in an alley; Merry Christmas.

I hate-love you too, man.

This is all Ant's fault anyway with his amazing manipulation abilities and whatnot.

I laughed every time Ant said he "manipulated the hate"... No one needs assistance in realizing what a lying bore he is.


Thermite tweets

He is definitely like Jim Jones but instead of feeding his followers kool-aid he offers them up Opie's spoiled titty milk

LOL Listening to that doubletalking delusional fuck not realize that he's hated because he's done nothing but be hatable.

Imagine how happy he was the moment he realized he could name the channel Opieradio, I bet he was thinking about it seconds after Anthony got fired.


Ant has absolutely nothing to lose at this point. Even during the Greggshells time, he had to be careful about what he said/how he worded things just in case there ever was some sort of one-off O&A reunion. Now, fuck it.

Yep. Ant and Jim were walking on Greggshells for nearly two years holding out hope that the gang would get back together and that maybe Tits would, at 57 years old, finally mature and become a bit more self-reflective. But now it looks like Tits is so delusional and narcissistic that he's even willing to even make a clean break from Jimmy, too. He's burning every single last bridge because he is convinced that the world simply doesn't realize how much they're all wronging him! Amazing. He's off the deep-end level crazy. No need for Ant to hold back anymore.

He thinks and reacts emotionally like a girl on her PERIOD.

This drama has eaten up my work day and now my personal time. That's depressing but absolutely true.

I've seen multiple people on this subreddit say they're taking time off from work today. This is glorious.

I doubt I share this information with anyone but the people of this group but I feel like Christmas came early. I may lead a very empty existence....

Yup. Have to use end of year PTO and then today happened. This is a bizarre holiday special.

Use it or lose it leave is a fucking crime.

It just HAD to happen during dead week...

I skipped class to listen to the fight. Fuck it.

Your boss must be a good egg instead of a cunt allowing that to happen.

On his second biggest show ever, i only wish he found the time to visit John Sahog.

My favorite comment today

I concur with the esteemed "fart_yourself_awake" regarding this comment. Thank you.

I accept reddit gold as gratitude.

Yes! Roll on 4pm.

He's gonna have that smirk on his face before he even says anything.

Please Jimmy show up ( he won't )

Jimmy won't show up but maybe Chippah will call in

No im in v ordinance an will help anthony wen it is slow like I usually do

Is this the real chip?!!! AMA request.



iwill Do ama spoon but i hav Togo hav e erly supper

ME: Where you at with the whole god thing?


Well that proves it.

Nobody believes you Chip.

fuck off u fucki coksukka wat i gotta do fuck yor muvver!?!?

anthony nos its me fukkin assk him alright, ?

God bless, Lyle.

Get your lube ready. Greggshells 2: Period.


I assume Ant is all reved up over the "too many sick days" accusation.

Greggshells 2: Omelette you finish! The sequel we've all been begging for! Hooray!

I would have went with

Greggshells 2: Electric I'm no longer close to you

TACS is gonna be awesome today



Hope he does it for free.

He better

We'll see it regardless.


Ooooohh WORLDSTAR!!!!

I am only a little bothered at how excited I am for this.

We earned thiat drama.

I'm no longer a young man, so I'm slightly concerned I won't be able to recover in time to furiously masturbate to this like I did with this morning's audio.

This is definitely about bizaro opie.

Yeah! I hope Ant has a good explanation for all of the real nasty things he's been saying about Op' lately! You know, the stuff he didn't want to say on air, or tell Jimmy about. Stuff so bad that he only told a few people in his life that he can trust.

Who do you think gets the blame tomorrow because they didn't buy Opie a TACS sub so he can see this?

"OF COURSE I wouldn't trust that guy with my credit card!!! FUUUUUUUUUCK. Justin Stangle. I thought you'd have my back and would have bought a sub. E-Rock? When I really needed you, and I needed you, you didn't do anything. You didn't buy me a sub.

Jim? Jim and I aren't close. PERIOD. He'd never let me use his subkrept-- sub-uh-screpshin--- his sub. How about you, Sam, you sonofabitch....

Whatever. I'm sure the haters will post this highlights, and I'll see it then. I don't have time to watch this anyway. I have two kids. I don't care. I DON'T CARE. Good for Anthony! Go! Do your show! I'm sure it's great. I don't care. I'm beyond caring. Best of luck, pal. I don't care."

Not bad.


You're fast.

Anthony's not playing nice anymore. Love it.

So I guess Ant is going to the benefit after all?

Ugh fucking enough with the bickering. You 2 have at most 8 years left to live, just fucking make up you man babies.

Nope, time is up for that. We want blood....

In fairness, Anthony tried to. He offered to do something with Opie for the Patrice benefit. He was totally willing to put aside the personal bullshit to help Patrice's mom and his sorta-family.

Do you really want that? Fuck Opie. Jim and Ant is the logical next step. Seriously. You honestly find Opie entertaining or at least likable? Not being a jerk, just trying to understand if you do; then why?

Most of the time he's tolerable, some of the time he's completely insufferable, on rare occasions I find him funny. No I don't understand the hatred this sub has for him, he's not at fault for the show splitting, I believe him when he said they were done before Ant got fired. Yes I would like them to make up, I never enjoyed the NOPIE shows, too much race/political talk and pontificating Jimmy rambling about the PC BABIEES who can't take a joke(yes you're right, we get it). Just get a comic in and goof on news stories about retarded people being raped by a plumbers snake please.

To each their own. Sam Roberts could fit Opie's role better since he's more motivated and quicker witted. Even though he annoys some, I think he's solid as a slithering shit stirrer and "ship steerer." Just see no value in Opie. He is just vapid and humorless.

Sams a-OK when he's got Ant or Jimmy to riff with.

He still wont call Bill Burr.

why would he call him that?


Maybe Bill is cold?

He has.

My body is ready!

Please stomp on gregshells.

I have a feeling Anthony will not be very loving. Is it just me?

Doesn't Anthony understand that by not acknowledging Opie's insane delusions that he (Anthony) comes off as the better person/winner?

He's trying to be entertaining, not a nice old lady.

The hair system takes care of that.

But then how would he feed the haterz???

I keep forgetting that delusional cunt is convinced that Anthony is the puppet master who feeds the haterz...

By responding Anthony will allow Opie to paint himself as the victim and allow Opie to attempt to convince Sirius to prevent Jimmy from going on TACS and get Anthony uninvited from the benefit.

You can't say Anthony didn't stoke people up because he did to some extent. He's not a "puppet master" of course. Far from that. But around the time he first signed up for reddit there were little allusions and comments that grew some of the animosity. Not all...but some. And it was also interesting to see Anthony flip the other way when he was copping shit for roast and stuff.

Opie revealed how delusional & paranoid he is this morning; yes, of course both of them have intentionally stoked people up but the way Opie described it makes me hope he checks in to Bellevue for an evaluation...

Yeah sure I don't even disagree with that. But for Anthony to act like he didn't know what he was doing is a bit disingenuous. He signed up to Reddit to play off a few things that were swirling around at the time and I think part of the reason for the original Greggshells episode was because of that stuff. Not all of it...obviously...but it contributed.

Opie's biggest mistake was reading this sub religiously and never interacting; sure he would have taken shit at first but he would have earned respect by showing he gave a shit about the show.

so who's going to put it on youtube? because until jimmy joins that nut I'm not paying for it.


2015-12-01 18:08:25 UTC

You’re damn right I’m talking about @OpieRadio and his delusional bullshit he spewed this morning.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

aww yeah


God you're a faggot.

well I haven't re upped my sub in about 9 months but I'll buy a month just to hear this.

Wish he would go on early and not wait until the normal show time.

The internet runs on a very strict schedule.


Has this officially become better than the Greggshells saga?

Rat should guest host today. Anthony deserves a break.

Kind of Off topic, but Ant gets way more retweets than Opie.

Opie is delusional. He thinks there's a conspiracy against him. He's truly narcissistic, he sees himself as the center of attention at all times everything revolves around him.

He's the guy who sees two people laughing across the room from him and assumes they're laughing at him.

"They're running him" - Anthony on Opie being run fueled and operated by Reddit.

What time is his show and when does it end?

4pm EST

Wow starts and ends at 4PM EST? Short show.

Hope you get gut stabbed by a drifter. Merry Christmas.

Ty babe

4p-6p EST.

My money's on today's show running long.

Someone needs to upload this too!

fuck it. I'll sign up for 1 month for this.

fuck vos and his retardlogic. opie is a fkn headcase and this "share the blame" shit dont cut it.

Someone upload the video on vimeo or someshit

Vos spitting on the camera lens will defuse the situation


Ive been thinking of resubbing, if he makes it free and its good then I definitely will.


I never watch live but I'm all in

To quote Cumia himself from the 2001 Homeless Shopping Spree: "God damn, is that twisted!"

Is the show lagging or is the app fucking up?

How will the greggs be served tomorrow?

opie won't show up tomorrow


Ant pleeeeeaaaaase do a free one! I swear to god I'll buy a year subscription to TACS if you do. I hope he buries this cocksucker and lays out EVERYTHING, fuck Opie.

No you won't

Anybody know how many people can sign into a Cumia account at once? Could, lets say a friend, buy an Ant sub with a pre-paid throw away card and post said login here and we could all enjoy?

Come on dude. It's $5.

It's only 5/month if you sign up for a year, but I know money is tight for a lot of people these days. Just pirate it if you're that broke.

I can afford it. I was just saying...if someone were to sub to Ant's network, not saying it would be me exactly, maybe someone that looks exactly like me, but not really me, bought an account using a pre-paid throw away card and then, lets say, was careless with his login credentials and somehow was posted here and people that didn't pay would all login and use those credentials to listen to today's show...would that be a possible outcome?

Mutant niggers would come into your home and destroy everything, if your 'friend' did that. Not my call; just Googled your question.

How fast will the pass be changed to niggerdick?

Want to sell washed up podcast subscription: 4 bucks



Who gives a fuck. Anthony needs to just move on. Opie and Anthony are dead. They sound like a couple hens bickering back and forth. Holy shit Anthony why is this even worth your time?

Well some people said that they signed up to his show just to hear this so I'm guessing he might make some cash off it.

Normally, I'd agree with you. But this in-fighting is the only thing I give a fuck about either show now.

Could you please stop shouting, sir.

u crazy? this is the most radio gold in years they should keep it up

This isn't radio gold it's just fucking sad. I don't know about you but the show I loved was Opie, Anthony,and Jimmy. This infighting is not interesting at all. It's what I'd expect from a bunch of women. Opie, Anthony and Jimmy are just awful these days and none of them do a good show without each other. I fully realize that they will never get together but this has gotta be the worst ending to a show ever.

when it's anthony and jimmy in 10/16, you'll be perfectly happy.


I love the username and the comment.

He really is just a cunt.

I can talk to literally no other person in my life about how great this is. And I'm afraid if I start to explain the situation I'll hear myself and just start crying.

It's bigger than Christmas.

This has been, and will continue to be, the foretold "final Jocktober."


It's only 5/month if you sign up for a year, but I know money is tight for a lot of people these days. Just pirate it if you're that broke.

Come on dude. It's $5.

I hate-love you too, man.

Hope a sleepy Arab slices your sack open in an alley; Merry Christmas.

To each their own. Sam Roberts could fit Opie's role better since he's more motivated and quicker witted. Even though he annoys some, I think he's solid as a slithering shit stirrer and "ship steerer." Just see no value in Opie. He is just vapid and humorless.

But then how would he feed the haterz???

He's trying to be entertaining, not a nice old lady.

The hair system takes care of that.

You can't say Anthony didn't stoke people up because he did to some extent. He's not a "puppet master" of course. Far from that. But around the time he first signed up for reddit there were little allusions and comments that grew some of the animosity. Not all...but some. And it was also interesting to see Anthony flip the other way when he was copping shit for roast and stuff.

Use it or lose it leave is a fucking crime.