This is insane. You guys really did it. You destroyed a national radio show.

124  2015-12-01 by boring_oneliner


Are you not Entertained?

this day will go down in talk radio history, i think im not even exaggerating. When did such a giant meltdown ever happen before?

when opie fucking cried in april

I gotta say this was way more entertaining. No more one sided arguments.

The sub was funniest back right when Ant started talking about it because he had to because he was reading it so much. That was when Ant first joined in, when the Bam pic went up on Opie's site so he shut it down, then passive aggression went out of control. That was my favorite time.


Opie has been running on fumes ever since Ant left anyways. He's not a good person and his douche shows more and more everyday.

Ya think ?

I guess you didn't know that much, much worse has happened on Stern. Physical altercations, insane yelling.....this "fight" wasn't even a fight, more like a disagreement. Not even any yelling.

Maybe this is crazy to O&A fans...(I found it interesting because there's drama but you're blowing it way way out of proportion lol)

yea ive heard 5 year olds argue louder than this. This was weak af. Arties fights on stern, now thats real shit.

Shut up, faggot.

To each his own. This was a pussy disagreement. No yelling, nada. Talk radio history? LOL weak

This. That's just the climax, you can view the whole thing and the build to what led to that if you look for it.

This bit of footage has always amazed me. He was so out of control during that year. Benjy, Ritchie and Gary were all almost killed.

im a long time stern fan i know this but thx

When I started listening to this show, I never would have guessed it would end like this. I'm loving every second of it, oddly.

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You are exaggerating. A heated argument is not a meltdown.

The cohost is yelling that he's quitting on air. The former co-host is (sort-of) ripping him apart. I think it qualifies as a meltdown.

No it doesn't. First of all, no one was yelling. Secondly, heated argument should cover the whole threatening-to-quite thing. That's what made the argument heated. A meltdown requires actual screaming, throwing shit, vicious personal insults, etc. How civil are you that you consider this to be a meltdown?

ok bud. have a nice day.

In real life, no this is nowhere near a meltdown. From an on air show perspective, it very much is. There is not much holding the show together to begin with and to publicly state that it's critics are right and it has been a failure is pretty significant.

At the height of Opie and Anthony I doubt they ever had over 200k people listening. This isn't going down in history. No one outside of this sub gives a fuck.

Well maybe on satellite but at their syndicated height they were puttin up some numbers.

fuck what have i become

"puttin up some numbers" Opie is that you?


This week on r/opieandanthony will never be surpassed, we're surrounded by top notch content and historical moments:

Just a brief recap:

  • Opie's assholery landing front page on World Star, which leads to his social media accounts getting attacked once again

  • Danny posting a shitload behind the scenes gossip and content

  • Anthony jumping in with Danny for a hot minute to respond to us all

  • Colin Quinn posted a hilarious story about global warming

  • Joey Diaz acknowledges BaldOpie

  • Bam Margera was interviewed on Scorch PFGTV


Oh man where is Danny's stuff? I need to see this now.


Danny's still gay though.

That's the best you got? I'm a gay jew? Careful now, don't wanna cut myself on your rapier wit.

Rapiers don't cut they puncture. Like my fawkin pecka tssssss.

Fucking rekt!







You're thinking of a court sword. Rapiers were slashing and thrusting weapons.

No I'm not.

Yeah, that's all I've got today. I like you, Danny. You're a funny dude. Chill.

That's some good Pesci right there.

Have a DiCaprio:

Who said jew?

No, they said 'chew'


Go queer off disgruntled ex-employee who blabs about everyone's business. You get no credit here, gaybutt.

Nope. Just Reddit Gold and all that sweeeet sweeeet karma.


I've never listening to this show. I am a Howard Stern guy. Can someone summarize what I missed? I'm suddenly interested.

Unless you are familiar with the show the argument wont mean anything. Basically, the guy who looks like a slug is arguing with the guy with tits, because the guy with tits isnt talented, and hasnt been able to hold the show together since the the guy who looks like a sicilian pimp got fired for hating on the people who look like coal miners after a shift. Tits is being backed into a corner because hes being attacked on all sides, and isnt smart/ rational enough to not fuck with the only good thing in his career (the slug guy).

It reads like a children's book

Ant hates people with hard hats?

No, golfers.

10/10 Would read again

I understood all of that. And, it's correct.

I think you just described one of the drug scenes from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Do you have any children?

Is this an inside joke? I want to laugh. And no, no kids.

The downfall of radio's greatest duo began probably at the time Patrice died in 2011. Everything since then has just been piling on and every so often the tension breaks. I have no doubt it will build up again and break again one last time.

Opie vs Anthony on air fight was in 2009, where Opie talked about splitting the show up (among other cunty things). I'd venture that things were shitty before then.

Source on #'s 3, 5, and 6 please! Need to bear witness!

bear witness

Grr yesssssssssssss

Yessss! I can't witness anything from this coffin.

Can anyone provide links for some of these things? I feel so out of the loop

Bam Margera was interviewed on Scorch PFGTV

I thoroughly enjoy that Scorch's PFGTV is a known reference on this sub.

What did Joey Diaz say?

Don't forget we were ranked the second most bigoted subreddit. I think if we pull together, we could hit numbah one. Nigger.

Tits' the season !

I remember the evolution of this sub happened so fucking quick. I've never seen anything like it. This sub used to be about posting about the O & A show and favorite clips. When the fuck was the last time a classic clip popular? Since Ant's firing, I've read some of the funniest, most malicious shit ever.

is there a clip of this anywhere? goddamn glorious!

It was a good goddamn week.

I'd like to thank Bam and his two children.

INternational, brothaman. Don't forget Canada.

god i fucked up. im such a tits.

coz i fucked up an easy thing. get it.

I'm using that.

They reach 90 million homes, more than game of thrones. All of the US AND London. Wheel of meat!

No, Opie destroyed a national radio show.

No, a whore destroyed a national radio show.

if she did that on purpose, erect a statue in her honor. Erect my penis in her direction for all around general purposes.

I meant the black chick, not Yoko.

carry on.

No you said im alright spider

We should be used as an example by motivational speakers worldwide. We fail sometimes but we never give up, we never get disheartened, we never allow our flames of hatred be diminished, we just keep going, and we get results.

We're Scorch?

I think Opie's general personality destroyed the show. A sensitive, unfunny, mean-spirited, entitled, hypocritical, passive aggressive, argues like a woman, unappreciative, big titted blonde ruined his own creation.

This...only one person really deserves the credit

Are you Opie? So this is the fans fault? Not the 50yr old delusional radio host who has completely pulled a 180 on EVERYTHING HE CLAIMED WHEN ANT INITIALLY GOT FIRED?? Oh and lets not forget blaming and holding massive resentment towards Jimmy for not caressing his supple mahhhhnnntits while he cried on-air 8months ago??? Lastly if you dont buy into any of that, which would be completely nuts , how do you not see Opie purposely sabotaged bits Jimmy was trying to perform on radio out of his "Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" sickness and how that in itself is enough to ruin the show. I could go on but somehow I doubt you care.

i hope they dont have a big make up sess tomorrow

More than likely. Will blow it off as letting some steam go that was building up, they actually love each other and consider themselves good friends. Jim sings on for another year. I hate to being predictable.


How many threads you gonna do this in? This isn't twitter. I hate you.

Drummin' up support for Yimmy, any way I can.


You see what we can accomplish with teamwork guys. I love you all.


heard by dozens

It just feels satisfying right now. But we must not give up now! No, not until our sweet little boy Jimmy Norton is freed from the torpid sloth monster Opie!


No, they really didn't.


Ya think ?

heard by dozens