If this post reaches 100 upboats we become an Ester Ku themed subreddit

1481  2015-12-01 by shmigshmog


I'm going to see the upboat movie.

There's a gook on my house.

Ughhhhhh it's "I GOT A GOOK ON MY HOUSE!" They played it enough fucking times to be able to get it right.

You're right, but it's staying.

It's also "I wanna seeda boat movie"

Dere is a gook on a my a house


It'sa lika CHINK-ery car!


Reave it arone.

I like how she said that if the show breaks up, the fans are gonna hate her.

Oh you have it ass backwards my lovely chink


We should all bukkake her in tribute

So we can have all our cocks blurred out? No thanks!

My parents are going to question why I'm printing out a picture of some asian girl but oh well

Be honest bro - no they're not.

can't pester the ester

cant rue the coo

can't juke the gook

can't shrink the chink


fuck esther, shes just the annoying idiot that triggered it. we did all the work.

yes, but she's the straw that broke the cunt's back

I'd say she's more the ramen noodle that broke the camel's back.

Ahah a Ching a chong

Give glory to God you proud fool.


Right. And she hates us.

So we adopt her as our hero/waifu. She's an idiot so she'll probably go off on one of those Women In Comedy things where these internet "creeps" and "losers" are too stupid to know she hates us and/or we're "harassing" her by misusing her image, etc.

It'll be fun.

Stop hating fun, hater.

Waifu Ku

lmao "our waifu". I can't fucking stand her, but if this sub starts collectively referring to her as our waifu I will thoroughly enjoy it.

I'm normally not a fan- but having her sitting in studio awkwardly trying to mediate that was classic.

Poor girl just wanted to plug her gig.

Psssftt I'd plug her with my pecka tssst




We laid the fuse, she lit it in front of his face.

Esther is a Champ.

You misspelt chink

She's a gook, you racist cunt.

You misspelled misspelled.


Her and Iliza Schelesinger (not spell checking) should just fuck on camera. Stop it with this nonsense already.

Her Jewbies are fantastic.

Jew girls have spectacular tits, plus they fuck harder with gentiles since daddy disapproved, in my experience. Hitler was a hater faggot sniff

Jesus man, what do you take us for, a bunch of degenerates? Stop regurgitating the sayings of that racist Nazi Gregg Hughes, it's not good for the forum.

Yeah someone should inform the authorities how much he hates Jews to the bosses at SXM. He manipulated the hate of the audience against The Tribe. Hitler could learn a thing or two from this Gregg "Opie" Hughes, at large.

Hitler, Baghdadi, DeRosa, Saddam, Hughes... I just wish the show was able to get past it's racist heroes.

They're still terrible at blowjobs.

Wrong Esther, you're thinking of that tiny jew Little Esther.

Esther Coup

From /r/all here; can anyone explain?

The Opie and Anthony show featuring Jim Norton. Was one of the most humorous platforms for deconstructing pop culture. You also heard from guests, typically comedians, who were VERY under-rated because their stances were NOT the norm, in a lot of platforms. They had burned bridges and have been black balled in a lot of the entertainment industry just for not agreeing with someone. People like Louis CK, Nick Dipaolo, Otto Peterson, Jim Norton or Patrice O'Neal. I would have never heard of them if not for this show. You even got to hear a new side of a person, like Mike Madsen, they would occasionally bring out the BEST in guests.

Usually they would have a conversation about any subject matter, from old tv shows, movies, friends/family, their personal life, celebrities and current political events. The hook was they called out bullshit, or at least gave the listeners a different outlook, even if it meant saying something cruel or absolutely not the norm. They also did evil shit, like exploiting mentally challenged, the homeless and socially awkward. Usually when you browse comments on the Reddit forums, you see a lot of homogeneous commentary at the very top. Usually very safe and predictable. The stuff that is buried is the kinds of things you would hear on the radio show, crafted by brilliant comedic minds instead of mere fat autistic neckbeards like us of course.

To sum it up, everybody got called out even within their own circles. Everyone except for Opie. He never once was hazed, he never had his cake stomped, the furthest he ever went was wiping baby shit across his upper lip. Even the fans were cut down or dismissed as haters when addressing him. A completely insane notion that escalated into real hatred. He would alienate co-workers. His comedic attempts failed, he would derail a conversation or step on the set up to a great joke, in interviews he usually had little input and would have the hosts, and his staff ask the questions. He had no planned content except to read a newspaper each morning. The staff and interns brought in content to the shows when nothing was in the news. It made many of us ponder what his role on the show was. His staff handled much of the technical radio legwork, they also provided much of the filler content. The other hosts handled the legwork of entertainment. When backed into a corner, he stopped taking calls flashed his years of radio expertise, as if it were evidence of being a great broadcaster. "I've been on radio since I was 18." So what does that mean?

Opie built AMAZINGLY strong guards, from physically imposing body guards like Kenny the police officer. To Jim Norton, a mentally sharp comedian with strong opinions on any matter. He made mince meat out of anyone who would say bad things about Opie and Anthony, his employers. Anthony himself had great defense against these "haters". He was an equal, but his obligation to defend Opie is that he respected how easy his job really was. They only work 20 hours a week. He used to be on his knees in hot summer attics installing HVAC systems to racist italian long island trash. To alienate Opie meant picking up a hammer and Dickies. So just imagine YEARS of everybody pretending there was never a problem, telling fans they were nuts. People lost their jobs for not pandering to Opie. Today it finally happened Jim Norton finally stopped pandering to Opie. We, the "haters" have been waiting years for this day, and it's a shame how many jobs were lost and relationships crushed over this radio program, just because this guy couldn't handle a little verbal criticism.

tl;dr Today it finally happened. Esther Ku had inadvertently stepped on one of Opie's many egg shells. And behaved passive-aggressively toward his SINGLE ALLY. You dumbass NORTON WAS YOUR LAST ALLY. In that moment acted like a baby and forced Jim Norton to address him. I reiterate, this has been YEARS in the making. We believe that this subreddit has pushed a lot of it to happen, because the hosts cannot evade internet commentary forever. Sorry the post went over, but there is so much context involved with explaining how great this moment is.

Can you write my resume?

Same here. Have some documentation I'm working on. Mind giving it a rewrite?

i think Opie was a good straightman scape goat. he was so awkward and terrible that it made the show better because of how out of touch he was, kept the zaney from getting too zaney. its like having one shit kid, so everyone else unites together and all their weaknesses get pushed onto the shitty low talent kid. As you said everyone else was so amazing and playing off each other that opie's standoffish weirdness kept the other people rising higher.

you're completely right about him [opie] not getting called on shit during O&A but i think that internet has done that and then some since Ant was booted. he [opie] gets so much hate now because he wants to be liked but he forgot his personality is awful.

honestly, i stopped keeping properly up to date with O&A pretty much the moment patrice died, but i liked that they still existed as a duo.

now its all awkward. Anthony as funny as he is, just is mostly about race all the time, and there is no levelling influence there.

And opie.. well opie is proving day in day out that he does not know how to carry a show, he's a good wrap up guy and okay straight man, but his insecurities are growing and he can feel the hate he has so he comes out with insane shit that he does.

Really, watch the esther ku vid at 1/5 x speed and opie contradicts himself multiple times in the same sentence, he is an utter mess. i feel thats probably 50% his personality, 50% the hate directed at him. he's not strong like anthony is

He used to be on his knees in hot summer attics installing HVAC systems to racist italian long island trash.

Real man o' the people, that Anthony.

Did your phone autocorrect "Opie" to "Moment"? Because that's a hilariously emasculating nickname for him.

lol idunno i typed that up like an autistic retard, i dont feel like correcting anything right now

You covered everything... this sums it up.

wow, thank you brother

There was once a great show called Opie & Anthony w/ Jim Norton. Anthony was fired leaving Opie and Jim. Opie got exposed for being a complete piece of shit hack without Anthony there.

Ester Ku, the very fuckable comedienne, was on Opies show and also Anthonys show and asked Opie if he had a problem with her doing Anthonys show and like the true mentally ill piece of shit Opie is, this somehow lead into Opie fighting with Jim Norton here. During the fight Jim resigned when his contracts up. So here's hoping for the Anthony and Jim show.

Excellent work, very concise

also: Opie has juicy tits

sock tits*


asked Opie if he had a problem with her doing Anthonys show

Nope, she just said she went on his show, unless I'm missing something.

He's the one who said "that's FINE" as if she needed his permission. Without anyone else saying anything. If he would have just been quiet for a minute or changed the subject this wouldn't have happened.

But he's furious deep down.

Did he resign or resign? Damn contranyms...

Lol he quit.

Opie has tits, and we hate em. That's all anyone needs to know about this sub.

To be clear though, we don't hate the tits we hate the man. His breasts are actually quite luxurious.

Welcome to what is officially the second most toxic and bigoted sub on reddit



I think SRS was more toxic and the red pill was more bigoted

Then we need to step up our game. We should be #1!!!


For the love of god, go away. This is a place of pain and insanity. This is the doorway of hell. You were warned...

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi chintrate

arbeit macht frei

ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli

Close enough.

It's getting up there on /r/all !

Jesus, what did I miss?

Sum goood shit

I didn't even know there were 900 up voters in this sub

It's obviously 9 people with 100 accounts. Nice try w/ the hate tho.

600 of those are mine. We're just 2 guys here.

Quiet, me.

The hater agenda syndicate finally exposed.

It is clearly part of the hater agenda, just a few people.

She didn't even do anything but ask the question. She was irritating for the remaining two hours.

We should all just go outside and smoke a booonnnng. Weed references cuz we're all adultssss, aren't I charming and aloof? YUCK

To which Opie responds in some douchey deep voice "how high are you?". Ugh.

She's okay for being a girl. Still better than Amy or Sarah Silverman


The vile "MTV"ness of it all makes me want to puke.

What did she say?

I already fucked my mom and flushed my xm down the toilet so I missed it.

She came in the studio and said "I did TACS last night, and it was really fun.... oh, was I not supposed to say that?"

And then two 50 year old men whined at each other about eye contact for the next 90 minutes. It was pretty great.


The best part was that immediately after she said that innocuous comment, he instantly went to a cunty "that's fine" as though anyone but him thought that it wasn't fine.

Such douche chills hearing that response.

You forgot to add the "sniff"

Is it entertaining enough to be worth looking up, or did your comment basically capture it?

If you've got nothing else to do it's worth it.


Holy shit, understatement of the century. I've stopped playing Fallout 4.

Oh my god. Oh my fucking god that's so fantastic. Opie immediately acts the victim. Kills the momentum like he's a fucking atom bomb.

1.5 x speed is more bearable, so much cringe


she's a 9 in la.

If you're into liquor store clerks, sure.

In Louisiana..? Not even

she's a 9 in la.

Meaning, a $9 hand job at the Asian massage parlor.

No she's not.

then who is?

Not her.

any examples?

Jamie Chung, for one. Ester is an LA six, maybe less.

idk man, esther is a bombshell. so is jamie.


"...esther is a bombshell..."

Fat Man, or Little Boy?

That's the picture you are going to use? She looks like she can't close her mouth, breathe through her nose or begin speaking without making a piggy noise first.

love it

She just looks like a normal asian chick to me.

as does jamie to me. guess we have different tastes.

I thought they were the same person.

Esther Ku saved talk radio

I'm all in with with Ku Klan

Ku Kucks Klan?

Lindz Fucks Bam


Ku Sucks Klan

Ku Krux Kran?

I pointed out that she was a master troll yesterday and you mouth breathers ignored it.


Maybe being a smarmy feminazi in your title isn't the most agreeable way to act on this subreddit

Man is she sexy...

Esters best line was like halfway through when they're talking about all the hate Opie gets.

Ester: It's not everybody is it? No answer.

Exclamation point.

Esther's best line was when she told Opie that it's all been downhill since he got married. He even said in this episode "This show was thye msot important thing in my life until I got married and had kids."

"Oh god I said period again."

The one bad thing to come from all this is now the top post here of all time has the word "upboats" in it.

A boo.


I offered to tongue punch her dirt-star, and she responded by threatening a restraining order. Damn millenials!

She's no millennial. Esther is 41 years old.

or 17, you can't really tell.

Doesn't really matter either way, to me.

Esther is hot but not funny. That's what really counts.

You got a fuck ton of upvotes. Now Esther just needs to post a pic of her jamming at least half of a deli salami in her cunt, then the transformation will be complete.

I prefer a Hormel Genoa salami, only way I can cum.

Esther Ku is my spirit animal y'all

She's a tranny.

i wish

i really do

The lazy fuck mods on this sub should make it so every time you upvote something, it's a picture of Ant's Mike Tyson photo. And every time you downvote something, it's a picture of Opie doing that "Oooh" face he made in a promo for that failed TBS prank show

You forgot to mention that the mods here gave charlie sheen aids

Didn't he do that show with Bam?


On my face and chest, hopefully.

The activity on this sub is beyond it ever was holy shit

Esther Ku is a lord.

A lord of ugly.

Aw shit, good one!

I thought we already were?

I never liked Esther Ku on O&J, but she was great on TACS. And now with Gregshells v.2 I think shes the bees knees!

Id put it in her ku am I right boys?

I'd let her blow me, but I don't really want to go downstairs with her. She's probably a filthy whore and who knows what organisms are hiding down there.

I know she gets a lot of hate around here, but she deserves the praise for bringing this situation to a head.

Ester is a good egg.

I'm going to watch some naked Japanese giggling types now.

I read this as "jiggling types."

she's so fucking hot.

What a great day to be a hater. God bless our new Princess .

How does this have a 1000 upvotes but Bald Opies thread only break 40.


Leave the circlejerk to the circlejerks you ass hats

Ester Ku is love. Ester Ku is life. It's time to make this subreddit all about her and how amazing she is!


She is quite fetch8ng...

She tried her hardest to ruin the whole thing. She deserves no credit. And AIDS.

What happens at 1,000 upboats?

An upboat is 10 upvotes so just now it's reaching the threshold.

I hope we don't capsize!

Youre gonna need a bigger upboat

I'm so hard for Asians right now. I'll have to go to an AMP.

Commenting before this gets archived, what an amazing day.

Based Ku.

So the option in 10 months is this is an /opie sub or an /esther sub. Might as well push for 100

thank ms. ku

I've got yellow fever...

not one upboat!


Besides her saying Anthonys name and "exclamation" after Opie said PERIOD for the 100th time, she still sucks


It was fun listening to her awkwardly try to intervene, she had no idea what she was stepping in and there was no way she was gonna keep that spaghetti from hitting the wall.

I doubt you yelled at your computer screen. lolz


Whites only board.

Yes, no Jews or Italians either.

No fucking irish

thin-boned island trash



Empty promises.....




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who's supposed to steer all these upboats?

100 upboats achieved. OP will surely deliver.

I kind of feel like this post minimizes the Purple Elephant in the room: the Ghost of Patrice O'Neal.

Esther fucking sucks. Yes, she "triggered" it, but she also was trying to mediate/end it. That and she has also given us countless hours of awful radio.

That's your fault for listening chump.

Here we go with just another hater. I'll have you know I've been making comments on Reddit since I was 18 years old I think I know what I'm doing



Has she done anything interesting

she started jimmy's rage at oqie

Beyond that though. Her laugh enough makes me want to pick my teeth with a brick

You should do it.

i can say the same about o&j.

Fuck her, she's worse than Vos.

She came in the studio and said "I did TACS last night, and it was really fun.... oh, was I not supposed to say that?"

And then two 50 year old men whined at each other about eye contact for the next 90 minutes. It was pretty great.


Is it entertaining enough to be worth looking up, or did your comment basically capture it?

Holy shit, understatement of the century. I've stopped playing Fallout 4.


Oh my god. Oh my fucking god that's so fantastic. Opie immediately acts the victim. Kills the momentum like he's a fucking atom bomb.

1.5 x speed is more bearable, so much cringe

ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli

Close enough.

That's your fault for listening chump.

Here we go with just another hater. I'll have you know I've been making comments on Reddit since I was 18 years old I think I know what I'm doing

The best part was that immediately after she said that innocuous comment, he instantly went to a cunty "that's fine" as though anyone but him thought that it wasn't fine.

Such douche chills hearing that response.


