515  2015-12-01 by Dennyislife

Opie and Jimmy are fighting OPIE AND JIMMY ARE FIGHTING


I'm shooting ropes of cum all over my walls if I don't survive the morning tell my mother I'm sorry.

Upvote for "ropes".

I too listen to Bonfire

HooHoo, I invented ropes Robin

No, Richard Christy did when talking about his love of Peter North.

yeah hope you find a good use for one

Upvote for suicide reference!

Through your tears

An up-rope for you, sir.

Your mudda will have a mighty hard time resisting all that gooey deliciousness in the face of her young son's demise. PERIOD.

That actually made me laugh. And cum.

Back up the money truck Ant, Jimmy is coming home.

Next weeks drama: Keith spent all the money

Esd damn you

But KAAAREN that was all we had KAAAREN!!!!!

Duh... I needed to fix my boat!

So much cum would be spilled if Ant and Jimmy got back together. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm

As much as I want this to happen, there is only a handful of people who actually give a care.

Where is the money coming from? Podcast subscriptions? Lol

Jimmy is talking about quitting Opie wants him gone now.

If I find that you've been lying to me, I'm going to find you and I'm going to take more than my money back. Is that all right with you?

It's legit man I've been late for work for 20 minutes now

There's a lot of people getting fired today.

Mostly just Jim though

Praise allah I took the day off.

I took an hour and 40 min lunch to listen to the whole thing



Fine. However for having a moments doubt about something on the internet i'm afraid you are not allowed on it any more.

This is my son and my radio partner HR (Hudson River) Margera.

oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god!

Get the fuck out of here? Are you serious? Please don't be fucking with me. This would be the greatest thing to happen since Ant's firing.


Holy shit Opie has mental illness.

"Its hard to get any credit for stuff even from you Jim sniff"

ill have the audio up shortly boys...


They're still going at it.

you're doing God's work

Fucking better

Don't even joke about that shit. I need this more than anything. The customers are just gonna have to bag their own groceries for a while.

These guys are just going to have to cum in their own sandwiches, this cannot wait!


post in a new thread too

Pls do

Remindme! 2 hours

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You guys are turning Opie into Fez. This is gold. The internet hate is clearly taking its toll.

hurry you scum

You better you hunk you


They joctobered me.. sniff

We get to hear that high pitched passive aggressive Opie voice when he's backed into a corner.

Is it still going on? What's the delay here, we're all just sitting around tugging our pricks!

Still goin!!!

pls hurry

I'm glad I didn't jerk off yet today.

Where's the link!!!

Remindme! 1 hour



thank you

Please. Please. I'm so close to cumming. Give me the last stroke I need and upload that shit!

Ester mentioned she did Anthony's show. Opie immediately was like that's fine, that's fine without anyone saying anything. Opie then said they dont talk but it's fine. Jimmy mentioned the Patrice benefit and Opie said he wouldn’t talk to him or be in the same room as Anthony after the recent things he found out about. Jimmy said what things and Opie said he wouldn’t tell him because they arent that close. Opie tried to talk to Esther about her family for a minute or 2 and opie mentioned it was awkward. Jimmy then went off. This shit is cray.

Edit: Someone please update this onna few. I had to walk into work.

Ester mentioned she did Anthony's show. Opie immediately was like that's fine, that's fine without anyone saying anything.

This pisses me off more than anything. This paternalistic "Oh, you did that, well that's okay because I don't mind, why would I mind" without anyone insinuating he did. Does this woman need his permission? I guess he owns her now...

Watch out Esther! You're on the Opie Radio Plantation now! Ol' Unkle Sherrod will rat you out in a second!

He wasn't being maternalistic, he just wanted someone to ask him what was wrong so badly so that he could go on his rant and say it wasn't his idea. Then later, he can claim he tried to take the high road. It's all pretty standard manipulation.

So astute.

pie said he wouldn’t talk to him or be in the same room as Anthony after the recent things he found out about. Jimmy said what things and Opie said he wouldn’t tell him

Leave it alone

Wait, who is pie? It's been so long since I've listened

He missed the O in Opie.

I know. I'm just being shitty.

Jim and ester were on Doug Bensins podcast and Ester said something like, " oh well Opie isn't here, he doesn't do podcast, he won't" then Doug replies " he would! He's just busy with family bullshit" Jim kinda huffed in the background but wouldn't comment then ester apologized

By the way, fuck all you Esther haters. She just mucked up the works of OnJ

She is our God now.

Esther is a Champ.

Why don't you pray to her that you stop having a microdick you fucking turdmuncher?

I don't have one though. It's average. Gets the job done. Never had any complaints.

Never had any complaints.

Your fleshlight is very polite.

Holy shit, finally someone says something back that's actually is a good jab. I laughed at your joke.

Jim is giving his notice for October. LOL

Opie fucking basically told him "kick rocks if you don't like it", does he honestly believe the show could float without Jimmy?

Sweet a 50 year old reading headlines at a 6th grade level for three hours with nobodys opinion to cling onto.

Any/every comic with a Sirius contract will be pulled in as 2nd mic- you will never see a solo Opie show.

Any by that you mean Sherrod Small 5 days a week

Or Papa, Florentine, Soder, Vos, etc

Those guys have shit going on. Opies gonna get another second mic. Theres no way he doesnt.

Soder maybe, the rest a Jimmy's friends who do the show as a favor

Oh God please not Soder. I would be pissed as hell if he left the bonfire.

I meant guest mic, since the bonfire is already set to blow past the esteemed Gregg Hughes and his stangles

True. Lets bring in guests that have better shows on another channel.

It's what they did immediately after Ant left.

Tune in Tomorrow for the Opie and Don Knots hour brought to you by Chock full O Nuts and Steven Singer.

6th grade level

stop insulting 10 year olds

Perfect description of what Opie doing the show by himself would be. he said he could "reinvent himself" and do something new if he had to, and hes fuckin delusional if he thinks that could mean anything other than talking for 5 seconds between songs on a local terrestrial station.

He named the channel "Opie Radio"

Clearly he is deluded to a massive degree

A year from now Opie is gonna be begging Scorch to let him be the guy on the couch.

1980??? -Opie

I hope Opie is working at A RITE AID by next year

Uhhh Now NowOpe I bring the funny!

Sibbie is available to be Opie's second mic.

Jimmy has said time and time again that he didn't want his name on the channel/show. (Or on the O&A show that preceded it)

I understand, but Opie naming the channel after himself speaks to the fact that he thinks he is talented enough to carry not only the show, but to govern the remainder of the schedule.

Jimmy didn't want his name on the channel/show because he knew it would be a failure

Naah, I'll give Opie a pass on that one. O&A was a legitimate 20 year brand- it was reasonable to try to salvage what you can from that.

And Jimmy didn't want his name on O&A either.

I'm with you on this

Actually that was Jimmy's idea, not Opies.

He could never be Nick Carpinelli

Yes. He thought he was the talented one and Anthony was a dumb HVAC guy.

I'm amazed that Opie had the balls to shit on Jimmy like that right out of the gate: "I'm never going to tell you. We're not that close." Does he really not realize how badly he needs Jimmy to survive?

"Opie and SHerrod" show

Kill me now

I think Sherrod would end up physically assaulting Opie. Sherrod's a loud, confrontational, aggressive dude; he'd snap eventually.

Sooo many regular guests only do the show because of jimmy. Vos, Bobby, and plenty of other comics and probably most of the staff will be right out the door after 10 months. People just can't stand being around Tits.

It would definitely create a weird situation for the regulars. I doubt you'd see a mass exodus by the staff, though. Who's going leave?



You say odd shit to people. Hilarious.


ttssssya with friends like these who needs enemies!

Esther Ku isn't the hero we deserve, but she's the one we need right now

I'd work 14 hours a day in her fathers calculator factory to have a chance to eat her logs.

Only 14 hours? Lazy round eye.

I'd suck her dad's dick just to get a taste of the recipe.

As they're pushed out. ).) ~~~~

She is a champ.

Jimmy isn't letting cunty ching chong and Tits change the subject or diffuse this shit. He is clearly pissed and isn't holding back. I don't want to go into my class!

Fuck your stupid class and link this shit!

Education is so over rated, nowadays you can just Google everything.


I was listening in my car, I have no link to give :(

You tell him mister! Just give me a laptop and ill search for ya! What do you i need all that fancy schamncy books for?! You got your coffee you got you regular ol job ehh who gives a shit. Streetsmarts is what its all about kids!

I'm not sure I've ever heard Jimmy get this hot.

rustled jimmies

Vs jv and Elvis is the angriest jim as ever got

You've obviously never listened to any of their past fights.

Fuck class, drop out. This is way more important.

is she cunty ? no idea who she is. fucking sexy tho

Yeah me neither all I know is what she looks like and that she somehow caused this, so I want to marry her.

i had to google image her, pretty fucking tasty and yeah for bringing about the end of this dreck i love her

Her hotness diminishes a bit when you hear her cringeworthy act :)

She's got the early year Sarah Silverman thing going- if she wasn't attractive you would never have heard of her.

No shes a total sweet heart who makes pot and fingering her pussy jokes. Its amazing someone so innocent to O&A venom brought this out.

She's a mediocre female "joke song" comic. She's been on LOS, TACS, and O&J and isn't a terrible guest.


From East Side Dave's FB

"apparently opie radio and jim norton are having a fight on the radio. love jim, but without hearing it, i wont speculate.....expect that Opie sucks REALLY, really hard. He's not very good at radio. Or comedy. Or being interesting. I suppose he's a decent t-shirt salesman...."



What I wouldn't give for a visit from Fucktwat the Clown right now.

Scabs scabs called?

Fucktwat for 3rd mic.

It's SCABBA SCABBA SCABBA god damn it.

I fucking love ESD. Dude's a maniac and he's the best.

I no longer listen to Opie, or Anthony. I do occasionally listen to the Davey Mac Sports show... I love this red headed bastard. His tweet is the funniest thing I read in this sub in months

I might need to rethink my Dave hate.

You hate Dave?

Yes, I find him annoying.

Eastside Dave is a nobody who's done nothing significant in radio and if it wasn't for Ron Bennington no one would give a fuck about him. He's a stunt boy that yells. He's not funny and he never has been. Wow you stuck stuff up your ass. Who fucking cares.

Opie is a nobody who fell clumsily into talented people and made a career out of it. Had he not paired with Anthony nobody would give a fuck about him. He's a program director making talent money. He yells, he's not funny and never has been. Wow you expose Bobo, Marion, and Stalker Pattie for the mentally challenged hobbits they truly are, who fucking cares.

This is it. The end.

The titster awoke before dawn, he put his sweats on. He took a wig from the ancient gallery and he...walked on down the hall. He went into the room where Bam's kids slept and he...walked on down the hall. He paid a visit to his brotherman and he...walked on down the hall. He walked directly into a door. "Lynsi?" "Yes Gregg" "I want to fuuuuuucccckkkkk you." "No, Gregg."

"Jim?" "Yes, Gregg" "I want you to.....LEAVE IT ALONEBLUGHLUGHYEAHHHHH"


God damn, that is hilarious.

mcculloch should have been a superstar.

'Titster', lol.





Anthony is probably home jerking off to this.

I know I am.

Same, and I'm at work.

Danny Ross had his role in this. I think opie is referencing that Ant waa BizarroOpie

That was my first thought. Twitter is the only thing Opie cares about anyway.

I spoke to Danny on here the other day, he basically said what we all feel about Opie and made me miss his angry ass.

He's probably sticking qtips in his peehole.

Or comatose from the 20 bud lights he had yesterday.

We all are and most of us including myself haven't heard it yet.

"Anthony manipulates the listeners to hate me". OMG. he's more delusional than ever.

How can he not know? How can he believe that we need any external force to hate him right down to his titty core!

Ahhhhhhh! This is the best day ever!

The sad thing is that Opie actually believes this.

IMHO Ant has been pretty easy on Opie. Other than the GregShells episode and the occasional comment he barely mentions him. Ant talks about Howard more than Opie.

Opie's lapdogs always pull that when you have some criticisms. And then they say they don't listen and hate Opie too. Can't have it both ways, motherfucker.

Part of me thinks that Ant does bring alot of shit on himself. Opie has managed to stay on the air by not bitching about every bit of his private life.

If Anthony was @bizarroopie as Danny first said, then that suggests he's not above doing that.

He denied it, but he had to deny it.

Coming from someone that tolerated Opie, he just went full heel by starting shit with Jimmy. However, this is riveting radio.

that's the BIT, YOU DOPE!!

I'd be thrilled if this was the bit for the next 11 months. This is fantastic radio

Yeah. It was the verbal equivalent of smashing the tag team belt over your partners head.

Opie has all the indignation and none of the talent. That's why he's furious at Jim for going onto TACS and having a great time and doing a great show that people wanna hear (even if they don't wanna hear TACS most of the time) when Opie himself is not only bringing 0 but a negative number to the table 100% of the time these days.

Fans of the show listen around Opie, maybe he's realizing that the hate isn't just 40 people with 1000000 Youtube accounts and the people who were exposed to his dumb shit regularly are at best indifferent to him, while most hate his fucking guts.

You really did nail it there. We listen around Opie. I don't have a white-hot hatred of the guy, I just don't like him as a broadcaster. He's like the annoying girlfriend of your best friend that you tolerate because your best friend is so hilarious.

Superkick through the Barbershop window.

He just shot him through the barbershop window. The only difference is that Jim will be the one with a better career after this. PERIOD.

He resents EVERYONE. He thinks its a conspiracy that everyone is against him. He is a mentally ill fuck!!

It's almost scary how insecure he is. I start to feel bad, then I hear him insult Jim and I immediately stop feeling bad.

Anyone who tries to argue with Jimmy is a dope. Of course he will destroy you. Jimmy is so good at arguing and defending his points.

And Jimmy's an 18 time winner of the Sweetest Boy Award™

We always win in the end.

Stangels wants to leave, Jimmy wants to leave, but they're all stuck in a little room with a psycho and everybody hates each other. No matter what happens next, this is gold!

Hell that's the only reason any of then are there.

Da rent!

not A psycho, THE Psycho




Whoever gets this full fight up first is getting their pecka kissed

Got a real HH ovah heah

Guys I'm sitting at work, on the other side of the Atlantic. If anything comes out of this, ANYTHING, I want you to know I love you all and you are all wonderful.

you get home safely, you hear?

God be with you

No BS.

Thank you for your service

Me too.

alright buddy, gah blessss

Opie: "You have to hate me to listen to Anthony". SMFH.

The last 4 words of that statement are completely redundant.

Time to subscribe to TACS.

He's right. Fucking asshole that he is.

Just imagine how much he must hate Jim if he thinks everyone who listens to Ant hates him.

Sounds like a "scheduled day off" for tomorrow.

Lost my voice Tim... can't come in tomorrow sniff

"The show passed me by" hahahahaha

Is it still going? I'm shocked Tits just hasnt gone to break and had management send Jimmy home for the day.

Still going strong.

I've got a horrible fear that this is just a dream and I'm gonna wake up to hear them at their usual nauseating worst.


is it as loud as their fight about Sean Rouse?

Lot calmer. Its like when you realize in your relationship when theres nothing left to fight for.

Who said that? Jimmy?

Opie. Talking about OandA

Opie just caught himself saying period and then does it again

ME: I would of been just fine..peri...

Ester: Exclamation point.


Esther ku with a base hit to right field, now batting .043 on the season.

My favorite part of today's show is probably the fight

IDK Opie's Trump talk was pretty compelling...

This might be the funniest thing ever posted here

Hello?! Exactly!

Who would have thought Esther Ku would be the one to bring it down. Awesome.

Rev run did call her a "stuff starter" yesterday. He wasnt wrong

Any hatred I had toward Esther Ku has been lifted.

She walked in and stepped on the Greggshells. Of course Opie reacted in the most cringeworthy way. That's what he does.

Opie on the verge of tears right now.

Jimmy: What did you want me to do or say on that day? [Greggshells response episode].

Opie: I just wanted something. I don't know what it is. I felt like I really needed you.

Jimmy: That's irrational thinking.

Opie: It's not irrational!

Did this interaction actually transpire? What a fag.

Absolutely. It's actually worse.

Opie isn't wrong. Like to expect some support from your friend in the room isn't irrational. Like I get Jimmys point too. But even off air. Like...

there will be no empathizing with Tits on this glorious day

I'll take the down votes for it. Both guys are making valid points.

Jimmy would go silent while Opie and/or Anthony would go on rants about Stern out of loyalty to his comedian friends on that show. Why would he jump in and trash Anthony?

Not necessarily shit on Anthony but just kinda be there for his friend in the room. Like you can support someone without shitting on the other side.

I agree in theory, but if Tits got no support, that says a lot about him.

Yeah like he needs a bra or sumthin tsst I'm just riffin

On the verge of tears? C'mon Jim, go in for the kill!

"...nice tits"

Opie with a classic overhand right. Better watch out Jim!

ewwwww fuck no he din't

This is the opposite of watching 9/11

Speak for yourself.

There are Arabs dancing on the streets of New Jersey!

Hundreds! Maybe thousands!

Esther: Maybe this all started when you got married.


Esther: It's like you can't relate anymore.

...... ....


Opie: Oh I can relate......

I think that was the only line that he actually internalized, thought over, and felt genuinely bad about. Remember that his narcissism allows him to only be concerned about himself. That was the first time he made that connection himself.

Esther Ku should shut up and just enjoy the meltdown.

She lit the fuse. She must be really uncomfortable.

Is she gonna become the Longinus of OnA-lore?

Upvote for Roman politics.

Esther is annoying, I almost turned off the show when I heard she was coming in.

Yesterday was fucking atrocious.

Uploading now

fuhhhhhh hurry

ETA? :3

10 minutes, They went at it for literally an Hour and 42 Minutes.

Hear that?

That's the sound of hate filled autistics breaking F5 keys


Let's go hurry upppppppppppppppppppppp

I'm so excited!

you're doing God's work my son

Saint on Eart ya are

I wonder what harry haters take will be on this.

We earned this

"I EARNED THAT MELTDOWN" - homeless andrew/opie

We really did we put in so much work!

Exporting than uploading, ETA 10 Minutes.

No exaggeration, I needed this more than oxygen. I love you and if you're in the continental United States, I will get in my car, drive to your house, and slap your dick around for a bit if you so desire. Love, Your new best friend.

This deserves its own thread. Thanks for your service. Will this be a youtube? Ya know for "likes and upvotes".


will you provide link? or what page is yours?

All work has stopped, my life is in a sad state of affairs when im this excited for anything


It's 1am in Australia how long is it? :(( Over an hour?

1h 42 minutes

How long is the actual fight?


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In the pipe, 5 by 5.

Randomly, what app is that?

So, the worm has finally turned.

He should get Opie all fired up and then just start Chippin' him.

Opie is quite pathetic. He's mad at another grown man for not providing enough emotional support during the "crying day". What a little bitch.

Here is a link to listen for anyone who needs it right now.


I got nothing.


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"People hate me that I haven't met." -Tits. Hey cunt, ppl don't like you bc you're not insightful, funny, or interesting. Also mentally ill/paranoid. Only listen in the car bc Jim is funny, never listen to replays anymore. Jesus... Opie is just not a likable person. Period/sniff.

You have a fucking national radio show. Of course people you haven't met have opinions of you. Why would that be surprising?

That's what happens when you have the nerve to broadcast a garbage radio show, lacking any insight, intelligence, or talent whatsoever


Start recording bc Tits will delete this from replay and have to be in the office now.

Edit: took a half day. This is amazing.

Logan has got our backs.


Full audio has been downloaded

For the record, I hate Opie and never met him as well

Handle checks out.

That fat fuck Stangel trying to come in and stop the fight, ugh. Fuck off, this is actual compelling radio.

It's fizzling out.

I'm about 30 or so minutes behind, still in the thick of it.

Poor guy got his fat pad in a tizzy.

Holy shit. I just happened to turn it on and caught the fight...

Thank you Esther Ku...this is her doing.

The South Koreans always start shit!

I will now buy Kias and Hyundais for the rest of my life.

aw shit. It's finally happening. Can't wait till someone records the VHS tape and sends it to me in Europe

Opie & Sherrod is going to be jocktobered so hard by Ant & The HIV next year. Can't wait.

Thats a sickening thought: 'opie & sherrod' -brrrrrr-

If Jimmy goes on TACS this afternoon, then today will be the last OJ show.

Fuck that would be gold. Get an unfiltered interview while hes still fired up. Its the Opie roast he deserves.

that would be the greatest

Didn't Ant and Keith allude to Jim possibly being on TACS today last night? Or were they talking about someone else?



Looks like Opies is taking a page from the Ronnie B play-book, and ina few years there is gonna be a really funny APPRIL FALLS




The appreciated Uncle Paul!

Now with: Subscribers!

Can't wait for Ron motherfucking Bennington's first line today

"Hello my two co-hosts whom I enjoy working with."

"Burp Hey dude."


Opie's irritable depression has become emotional diarrhea.

Opie really wanted Jimmy to come out and say "Fuck Ant" as a sign of brotherhood. And he won't. It's like in a divorce when couple fight over which friends they get to keep.

So childish, Opie just doesn't know how to handle emotions as an adult.

I've really only been listening this past year to hear the end. To have a proper denouement to this show I've listened to and enjoyed for fifteen years.

Hopefully, today is the day.

Opie really wanted Jimmy to come out and say "Fuck Ant" as a sign of brotherhood.

Lol I thought this too, but then I thought "Nahh I mean Opie is a grownup and he understands the world doesn't revolve around him.


This entire discussion between these two men sounds exactly like every argument I've had with a woman at the end of a relationship.

I think Opie bringing up that he has done radio since he was 18 really poked a lot of holes in what Jim was saying.

Opie's good like that. He doesn't have many comebacks in the ol arsenal but when he shoots it's always a zinger.

I read that in Colin Quinn's Twitter voice

"I won't be in the same room as him (Ant)" fuck you Opie.

No... we shan't be working together again.

Is Esther Ku the Yoko Ono of radio ?

Head like a fucking orange

Round bald headed twat....perfectly round

That's great!

"I never met the guy (Gavin), why is he talking shit about me?", Opie.
Holy shit, Stern said those exact words about Opie when he trashed stern back in the day.

This dead air is the best thing I ever heard in my life.

The initial dead air was the best. "It's not your fault we aren't close" [silence]...then Jimmy got angry.

If Opie would get out of his own way, he'd have an incredible radio show on his hands.

If he acknowledged his problems, perceptions people have about him, his neurotic nature, his OCD, his fears, and made them fodder for a show with a freak like Jim and a stream of quick witted comics? Gold.

It's the way forward to him being the low rent Howard Stern that he's always dreamt of being, but he's too dumb to get it. What a waste.

It's the way forward to him being the low rent Howard Stern that he's always dreamt of being

Well, he has become too big for his britches, and is appealing to old bags.

Bullshit, hes not appealing to anyone

theyre baccck... ME: "This is why our show is way better than all the others, we do the honest shit!" Fuck you opie, this is the first segment of semi-honest radio in the last year and a half

Ugh! He really said that didn't he? Wasn't he just responding to Jimmy saying he feels their topics are false and forced?


Basically, "you can't be friends with us both" Jimmy. What a fucking needy mentally ill piece of shit.

Ive never wanted the Gregg & Jim dude from YouTube to upload as bad as I do now

I bet today is the day he delays it till tonight. It always works out that way.

I couldn't stand Esther Ku. She made up for it in ten seconds today.

SO glad to hear Jim stand up for himself. "You're not 'fine' ".

god damn it I want to hear this so badly

I don't think anyone should be dv you on a day like today. No one can do wrong, not even that gout guy.

Merry Christmas everyone!

You're a good boy. And a Happy fucking New Year!

Haha, I'm listening on delay, and Esther just told Opie the problems started b/c he got married.

If there is a god, this ends with Jimmy telling Opie to go fuck himself and walking out.

And appearing tonight on TACS. Good god I'd actually watch the fucking thing.

Anyone else furiously masturbating to this audio? Opie has completely lost his mind. He has mental illness just like his mother. His tits are caused by SSRI's his psychiatrist prescribed.

Opie just told Jim to shut his cake horn!

There's no turning back after this..... Now Opie is bitching at Jimmy about not backing him up the day he cried on air

Salt water is deadly to worms. It wasn't personal.

You shoulda cried wit me Jimmy

What exactly was Jimmy supposed to do? Ant at least had a narrative in his GregShells episode. Opie just sniffled and whined.

After all the times Opie screamed at Fez for being too needy...

He didn't want two of him on the same platform

Some one take that audio and change the word Fez to Opie so he's complaining about himself.

It's so bizarre that all this subs dreams are coming true. It's like that cursed monkey paw from the twilight zone.

I'm starting to think opies mom is a perfectly nice lady with a paranoid, self centered son.

HAHA.. imagine if that's true..

"I feel like i say hello to you almost every morning" Lol thats a strong defence

Oooooo Opie with a truth zinger.

"It's not irrational..", spoken like someone with mental illness Opie.

waiting on YouTube to process the video (at 95%), Why would it work when I need it to. Should be up any moment now.


I'm like Jake LaMotta waiting for his steak to be cooked. Hurry up! BRING IT OVA HERE!

What's your youtube channel? I never thought I would need to hear an O&J show so badly


Gods work sir. Gods work.

You will be a hero to all

You go out of your truly are the king of kings

I'm fucking edging over here...

You're doing god's work, son!

Don't promise things you can't back up. If this falls through you are gonna get raped by a gang of angry truck drivers.

Thanks so much for posting this!

any details for us non-listeners?

im sure i'll fuck this up but Esther Ku was talking about going on Ants show and Opie went all cunty. That started an arguemnt with Opie saying ants done some "shit" he wont go into any details and then Jimmy was like wtf are you talking about. bicker bicker and now Jimmy is saying how opie tunes out and doesnt pay attention to the show and Opie asking Jim why he even shows up. "He could go elsewhere"

Opie could go elsewhere too. He could go to hell!

buried dat cawksucka

Got him.

That sounds similar to that famous ant vs Opie rant

never heard that, got a date range i can search ? was it worth a listen

Danny Ross called it... Opie realizing he brings nothing to the show and going into a meltdown.

Danny Ross somehow helped cause this which is why that man should be heralded

D.Ross Tha God

If Jimmy walks out i'm going to laugh my ass off.

I will comes the pre...

OOOH Someone's given me a month of reddit gold for this thread. What is reddit gold?

for faggots



You deserve it cause you were quickest off the draw.

Don't go thinking I gave it to you. I might be half a fruit but I ain't rich (comic630).



Listening in the car and it awkwardly jumped. Like a dump button hit. Fuck Opie and good for Jim.

You're very good you.

This is a million levels of delicious.

Opie is melting down

I love that its going on this long. Looking forward to hearing the replay once its posted.

I bet a buck Oqie pulls it from the replay.

Probably will but people are capturing it and it will be on youtube. I dont pay for this shit.

I've been listening for 5 minutes and I've already heard "Period" twice, and "since I've been 18"

Multiple periods, since I was 18, an idiot and he has breasts. It couldn't be more perfect.

Opie is a teenage girl.

I'm not saying this, I'm being manipulated by Anthony.

"I was never supposed to be the funniest guy in the room" THEN DON'T ACT LIKE YOU'RE THE HOTTEST SHIT AROUND. DON'T ACT LIKE THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND YOU.

"So, will you be hanging out with anthony at the Patrice benefit?"


27 minutes "I am giving my notice for October. If you want me gone sooner, go for it.

The show is finished.

Yep fucking gregshells. I bet it's the Bizarro Opie thing.

Catch a nigga up...what's the bizarro Opie thing?

Danny Ross said that an old twitter account called bizarro opie was actually run by anthony and it said a lot of hilarious greggshelly shit that would infuriate Opie.

Then Danny and anthony have their little public love fest on the subreddit the other day, anythony confirms that its actually danny and danny and ant both ADAMANTLY declare that IN NO WAY CAN BIZARROOPIE ACTUALLY BE ANTHONY.

So clearly, ant obviously had a private little long time no see buddy chat with danny, told him that its cool to talk shit about Opie but retract what you said about him being bizarro opie because Opie must be particularly butthurt over that. To me, it's clearly something that Opie confronted Ant about back in 2012ish and Ant probably was able to deflect it away with a lot of explaining and this new admission brought Opie back to that time and he realized his breast friend ever actually did backstab him all the way back in 2011-2012. He's a woman.

Thank you for your service

Danny claimed ant ran the bizarro opie twitter but ant and Danny came out yesterday and said it was untrue

Danny said Ant was behind the Bizarro Opie account on Twitter, then backpedaled as soon as him and Ant started emailing each other.

That's what I'm thinking.

Tits isn't brave enough to speak his mind. Same thing with the "leave it alone" incident. Passive aggressive faggot. "I just heard some things." Fucking be a man.

Be a man, Ope! Come on dont be scurred, you're running from Ant that's what I hurd!

That's beautiful.


Your movies straight to video, the box office couldnt stand, Meanwhile i got myself a feature role in spiderman

Oh man, Jimmy fucking snapped. Jimmy has had it.


TACS is gonna have a lot of material for a show today let me tell you folks

He just referenced jocktober!

This is how much of a fucking narcissist Opie is

"Why didn't you bring up people shitting on me on the air?"

And if he did, there would be a huge shitshow of "Why are you bringing that up?" nonsense.

"You say odd shit to people, dude" Fuckin A Jimmy

Goddamit I want to hear that garbage show for once.

Opie is so retarded he probably thinks having insult comic jim around encourages fans to be jerks to him.

Ain't easy being logical when you got such luscious tits.



I'm on it

I am so excited. Please give us a recording of this.

Justin tried to break it up "Hold on justin two grown ups are talking" Jimmmmmmmmmmmmy!!!!


I'm in love with everybody here right now. Pride doesn't even begin to describe it.

Fuuuuck me. I mean I know we all say it here but isn't this just confirming outright Jimmy really hates the show as it is now?

this was my favorite part of the whole thing. Can't stand the Stangels trying to steer everything at all times. Today is golden radio for this new show - leave it alone.

Loved that comment! I sat in my driveway awe struck til I ran out of gas

Christmas came early

I'm sitting at work with a hard on reading this. I cannot wait for the uploaded audio. Good for you, Jimmy. A little late but I will take it!

How the fuck does the sound of two men arguing bring so much joy to my heart? I nearly skipped into work today. Jim Norton fan for life. Schadenfreude!

He's so aware of "period" now...holy shit. This is so good. He is going to the nut house after this.

Opie with Lady Di in the nut house coming soon

now were talking about esther ku's vagina. i couldnt have lost my hard on quicker

I would so fuck her though. She's like a yellow Golightly.

i dont understand why a girls appearance would make you like her more though. Unless youre fucking her it doesnt make any sense

Still going?

yep. Full on.

been going for at least 15 min so far as of 8:35

Leave it alone!!!

Been seeing this coming for awhile. Opie has had enough of the characters and Jim has never had chemistry with Opie.

Ant manipulates the hate!!!


Another lie, Opie never had amazing fucking chemistry with anyone past or present

No, opie and Anthony did have great chemistry. That's the reason the show was good and lasted so long despite opie sucking.

God listening to this fucking cunt contradict himself "I felt left out".

Sorry, crocodile tears here, you fucking vestigial organ of comedy. THEY DIDN'T NEED YOU ANYMORE. GO ENJOY YOUR MONEY YOU DON'T DESERVE AND STOP TRYING TO BE FAMOUS WITH NO TALENT.

What a cunt. All he had to do was sit quietly in the corner and set up after commercial breaks and he could have collected his millions indefinitely. But no, everyone needs to give this needy fuck attention. Well, he's been getting it.

It's been over for months. You can't just install random comedians to replace Ant. Doesn't work.

Also, maybe i'm in the minority here, but Uncle Paul only worked when Ant was there to react to it. Without Ant, Uncle Paul and Chipper just bring the show to a halt.

The whole thing has been unfunny since Ant left.

Opie admitted he doesnt like Uncle Paul. Even if you dont like him.. a professional radio host, as opie calls himself, should realize the joke/potential and roll with it.. not the Opester.. gives back nothing.

Uncle Paul is flat out hilarious.

So someone brings up the sextape, Anthony says "im not gonna go there" and Opie says that is Anthony bringing up his wife?

Wow, that is insane. Opie is falling apart at the seams.


Opie is so frustrating to listen to, holy shit.

"I wouldn't come into a situation that I hated every day."

"You absolutely would. You did for a long time."

"I mean, I felt trapped."

Fuck this guy so fucking much.

Yeah that was a pretty bad one.

Do you think we're all listening live or something? I need deets

It's still happening right now. Wait until it finishes

Can't wait, need to cum


Jim just randomly started screaming "Bam's kids" and Opie took at swing at him, but Jim ducked and started whipping left hooks into Opie's temple.

Yeah but did Opie sniff or use any vocal crutches?

lil bit, lil bit

The sniffing was/is non-stop. I thought for a moment or two, Jim was going to call him on it.

Also, the unnecessary throat clearing AND swallowing.

Is this light bickering or full on "leave it alone..."?

this is a full blown fight, jimmy has said several times "he's done in oct"

does Jimmy realize that that's another year away?

hes under contract and hes said several times Opie can fire him anytime. I guess he wants him to so he doesnt have to work with this dolt and still not get sued for breach

Jimmy stated several times that he would not quit his job. I think even if it wasn't breach, his pride would also keep him there until the end. (Plus the money.)

he keeps repeating that, he loves to perform, its his job etc. I can understand that & im sure the $$ doesnt hurt. What do you think he makes a year 300k ?

I would think a little more than that. He just bought a new, nicer apartment in NYC. I can't remember who it was but someone recently asked him if it's as nice as his old place and he said it's bigger and a bit nicer. I'm assuming the show was paying him around 300k before Ant left, it's probably higher now.

Agreed. I am not in that world (radio) but judging by his lifestyle, I think /u/Marmar828 is right, it's gotta be more than that now.

Wow I have to listen when this gets uploaded later.

its been a long time coming. fantastic to hear tits mcgee admit that the show is done and the chemistry is gone

Well Jimmy pretty much just said he's done in October

Jimmy will get mysteriously fired in July

oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god!

Ant, comment?

411 users here now

We're back!

the real niggas have assembled for sure



when I hear that audio I will finally get closure after a year of Opie torturing poor Jim Norton!

okie is pushing everybody away that has anything to do with the success of the show. I don't think he wants to, but he is such a baby that he needs anthony and jim to acknowledge him constantly.

okie is pushing everybody away that has anything to do with the success of the show. I don't think he wants to, but he is such a baby that he needs anthony and jim to acknowledge him constantly.

I can't wait til it's a show with just him.

Here's how it'll go.

The Opie Show

The Opie Show Featuring Young Female

The Opie and Young Female Show.

The Young Female Show

Starts and ends with The Nighttime Attitude

At least they'll have enough guns for another bra bombing

The Tit Parade

I see what you did there Todd

He's not a baby, he's a mentally ill, big tittied cunt.

Stangles are probably like" Fuck, what did we sign up for?"

One of them tried to stop it,but jimmy kept on going


Will he bring his more talented wife?


This statement is debatable.

Opie is acting like a teenage fucking girl.

"Oh you like Anthony? I guess we're not as close as I thought. I'm not telling you my secrets anymore ".

Fucking barf.


He said he had heard some "truly shitty things" Ant had done and when Jimmy asked about it (because, ya know, Opie brought it up) Opie said he wouldn't tell him. Jimmy asked why and Opie said "because we're not that close" . He's literallly acting like a 13 year old girl.

Oh literal KeithCGlynn

Opie is starting to sound like a Babysitter's Club book.

"Daddy what did you do in the radio wars?"
"I cared too much about AARP members sniping at each other"

I'm way more happy than i should be. Holy fuck, my life is shit

I brother texted me that they were fighting and it made my week...that's sad.

I just don't understand how Opie doesn't get who the one constant is through all of this.

Because he's mentally ill.

I can't believe I ever loved a show with such a passive-aggressive cunt at the helm. It truly was the Anthony, Jimmy, and various producers/characters show...Opie was NEVER needed for good radio.

This is what it must be like when someone realises that religion is nonsense and now their eyes are open.

Holy fuck. I can't go five seconds without commenting on Opie's shittiness. Literally the first 30 seconds of the clip is 100% Greggshells:

"So I was on Anthony's show-"


"Oh, good."


"Well, I mean, I guess it would, I just-"

"She probably thought you'd react."


So why does Opie think we fans give a shit about Anthony being a scumbag? Does he not fucking understand his audience? Holy shit. We love Anthony because he's a funny motherfucker. Same with Jimmy. Opie isn't funny. Opie is HORRIBLE. That's all it is.

I need to get into work, but I can't shut the train wreck off...

Fuck work I'd be waiting in the parking lot too lol

I'm late for court, but- fuck it; I'll be like: "your honor, Tits was having a meltdown and Paycheck was standing up to him." And the judge will be like: "I understand, counselor... Long time coming."

Either that or he'll put me in jail for contempt.

I'm DYING slowly not being able to listen. Other half is logged into my online Sirius acct.

For someone who chides the media for not "going with the moment" Opie is not enjoying this awkward moment.

Opie is stupid.

Been waiting for this one.


I can't even begin to describe how excited I am. Some thought the work would bow out gracefully, but we are getting closer to a true Opie bashing from Jim. If they could by some miracle get Sam on board once Opie finally betrays him...

Sam was banished to do his show that only broadcasts to one radio inside a new jersey recycling plant at 3 AM. He was betrayed as well as that one other jew, I'd say.

The phones are lit with white knights wanting in to defend opie

Snowy in Michigan really wants to get in on this, SNOOOWAYYY!!!

Damn, and Viral Spiral is in England right? What time is it over there.

anyone who defends opie is a white knight and anyone who hates him is just a normal person?

"I don't feel like we're close in that way so I'm not telling you."

And- "I only talk to people I TRUST!"

Who are these unnamed, unknown people he trusts? Perhaps he's just schizophrenic?

Anyone want to give a run-down of what they are hearing?

This please

Oh shit. THIS IS A REAL THING. Jim has had enough.

Jeeeeesus Christ, Son of a Bitch! spaghetti splats on the wall

Deep down Opie loves jimmy but he hates that jim and ant are friends, PERIOD

I know we give Anthony shit for not calling Burr but this is some bitchy high-school shit that Opie is pulling with Jimmy. Go to the Patrice benefit and if you don't want to talk to Anthony, don't talk to him. But don't make this big spectacle about it, alluding to "things I can't even talk about". Just a bunch of fucking babies.

Oh shit! Stalker Patti just dropped down from the rafters and delivered a reverse DDT to Ope! Bah gawd!

" We used to talk a lot. We're not that type of friend right now"

Wow. That doesn't sound to him like the same exact fucking thing that happened with AntH?

The who is "that type of friend" for Opie? He hangs out on occasion with Erock, Sam and the Philly crew as far as we know of - none of which are remotely that close to him.

Ugh, I was hoping there wasn't going to be peace by the end of the aegment.

Well, yeah, when I think of guy who forgives and forgets, I think of Opie.

Sure is a long break this...fight kicked off again? Played a 'live' read twice

very long break..

"I say hello back more than 50% of the time" - Area Psychopath

"You have to hate me to listen Ant's show" - what a narcissistic buffoon

I needed you that day. Period.

Are you making fun of me saying period? Awkward silence.

Biggest laugh I've gotten from this show in months. This is why I put myself through the daily torture. For teh payoffs

Somebody write "SHUT THE FUCK UP" on a piece of paper and hand to Esther.


Opie and a white.

Worm has finally snapped eh? About time.

stream, bitte!

Oh man, thank god online has the rewind function...

Knowing opie he'll definitely say some dumb, over the top shit that he doesn't mean

Over/under on "leave it alone"s is 4.5

Anyone got a link? I want to hear this

recording now, they still going at it

You're a good boy.

Opie says the guy who published the sex tape story might be associated with Ant, might have partied at Ant's house before the story was published. Opie mentioned a restraining order, sounds like it might still be ongoing.

it was Bobo all along!

Show me how you suck a skaters cock, awroight?

mr maloonigans was the camera operator

here comes the preeeee

Even if completely true, who gives a shit? Has anyone given a shit about B/C list celebrity sex tapes in the last 20 years?

Christmas came a little early this year motherfuckers!!!!!!

Son of a bitch. I need to go to the goddamn library to get some goddamn books out for my jew education, and also I live in the UK so I can't listen live anyway. I hope this shitstorm doesn't reach its zenith til i get back.

God save the Queen.

Just don't try and save Opie from this. It's been decades coming.

just sign up for a free 30 day trial and use any fake post code!

I finally downloaded the shitty moble app just to continue listening to this magical moment. It's still going on and Jimmy is not pulling any punches. This is absolutely amazing.

and the app is really that shitty.


Opie won't let Jimmy talk. At all. I am cringing so hard.

Jimmy wants to talk. But stupid Opie is a rambling mess.


Yeah and Opie won't acknowledge any of Jimmy's points and keeps saying "I guess that's how it's going to be." What a bitch.

Like her or not, Esther Ku is killing Greg. Holy christ.

there is no way they can just continue working together after this. Hopefully Jimmy joins Ant after this



Where's Snowaaay when you need him?

Chuck, you're on the air!

Opie finally admitting that he did not go to bat for Anthony.

He sounds like he's about to cry. This is seriously hard to listen to. This is an old lady in a shock jock's body.

It's.. also an old ladies body.

Aww...Where is the "tough guy" that thinks/talks like everyone is stupid but him.

#BabyOpie #DiapieAndAnthony

He quoted what Ant said about the sex tape during the Greggshells episode. I thought you didn't listen to it ever, tits?


Aw nooooooooo fuck this, tuned in live and they're kissing each other's cocks already. I am disheartened.

They both took their foot off the throttle towards the end but they got plenty of shots in. Perhaps this is the on air fight Opie and Ant should of had in 2000

Making up!? I was really liking the direction of the show.....

How amazing would the show be if for the next 11 months it was those two just hating each other and fighting through every single episode.

Opie awkwardly talking to himself and making passive aggressive comments about all the people who've betrayed him, and Jim sits silently while texting tranny hookers. I might actually listen.

Id be happy if Jimmy just called Opie out on lies and other bullshit. I was hoping for just the rest of week of fighting...but 11 months.

11 months of just passive aggressive snipping and dead air

I'd listen every day.

Boo but I guess that was most likely to happen.

Still we got this to dissect for the next few days.

All good.

Opie and Brother Wease ?

We're two guys who think EVERYBODY should just FIGURE IT OUT and GET ALONG already!

Ironic that this final dirge may be have the "viral-ocity" that Opie has been searching for...

They said Jocktober would accomplish nothing. It was the straw that broke the tits' back

This was the most successful Jocktober by far. No other show that they shit on completely imploded and continued going downward well after Jocktober was over like it has with O&J. The other shows all just went on with their lives as if nothing happened. Where are those people now who said we would accomplish nothing?

Opie: " I feel closer to Jimmy now"

He meant literally. He just moved his chair..............dvdv

"Ant manipulates a lot of listeners to hate me". I can't help but wonder if Opie really is that fucking blind to reality. Where do we order our Yoko shirts?

thats silly, nobody listens to ant's show

He is.

For me.. it was the listeners who pointed out all the flaws in Opie and all the things he ruins..that made me dislike him on the radio. The only way Anthony influenced me, was by him and Jimmy doing their jobs of being entertainers, and Opie sitting there reading headlines for topics and being a ..dare I say.. a lump on a log!

I cant listen to this until 3 when i get done work. Im going home, taking my clothes off, laying down on my comfy armchair, cracking a tall cool budweiser, and treating myself to this epic blowup. You guys work hard, suck it up until the end of the day and really make an evening out of this.

Work hard or hardly work, am I right fellas??

ahh what do I know. I clock in, work, clock out. I'll let the big muckity mucks figure out the rest.

Holy shit there are over 800 comments in 2 hours. I haven't listened to the show yet, but goddamn, something big must have happened.

Opie got his tits out.


Opie is a such a cunt. That fucking WHINE he has when he's arguing and has nothing to say. His poor wife must hear that every time they argue.

His voice goes up 3 octaves when he lies

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you're not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve. Others may not enjoy being around you, and you may find your relationships unfulfilling.

My left arm pit is sweating.

Jimmy has made such an obvious effort to stay neutral from the beginning and opie acts like hes a stranger whos out to get him. pretty unbelievable lack of self-awareness.

Ant & Jimmy 2016

My prediction: Jimmy isn't going anywhere. He won't quit and Opie won't fire him. Why? Because it is the easiest, most lucrative course to take. Jim has expenses, and Opie is again/still "comfortable in an uncomfortable situation". And is well paid. After the commercial break they were pretty much back to normal.

As for the "fight": It is amazing how inarticulate two glib people can be. Hundreds of words said over and over. Example: All Jim had to say (once) was "On that day you spilled your guts I did what I thought was right for me and best for everybody". Instead he badly explained himself 10 times. Opie whining 10 times that Jim didn't stick up for him on "cry day".

And neither was actually telling the whole truth. That they are always uncomfortable with each other, that neither have any close friends, that it's a struggle most days to stay upbeat and keep the show interesting, that Opie finds Jim's voices stupid (and as a parent despises the pedophile Uncle Paul bits), and everybody knows Jim sucks without someone leading the humor (actually Jim did mention that). That Jim loves Anthony but loves money more, and fears leaving the powerful XM platform most. His standup career needs it.

Future: I think Jim leaves next October if he forsees sufficient income, and Opie finds another 2nd mic, and continues on. There is enough talent in the NY area to put together a tolerable daily show.

To you die hard Opie haters: Sorry, but Opie isn't going away and isn't going to kill himself or whatever your fantasy is. He'll just keep on being there, morning after morning. Suggest you switch off.

I've been catching up on all this through YouTube (And google searches leading to threads like this) and this is spot on.

Oh shit


Can't wait for the torrent

Jesus fucking christ its happening. Opie really needs to open up and just be honest. Ants right. Jim just noticed. Opie says shit that sets things off. I like Opie but he needs to hear himself :( Hes a part of this problem. I'm sure Ant did some nasty shit too but if they cant air it in the public, are they just scared of legal action vs each other?

Play by play ITT please!

The Stankles trying to break it up

"I didn't get him fired"

You also didn't anything to prevent it.

Also profited off it. Took Ants salary and bought a new place and tried to make himself the brand. His talent never earned him that cash. If you put your own name on a show, you better have an interesting take on topics and bring something to the table. He should never be doing things that try to appeal to the public. Hes not funny and a compulsive liar.( hes not even good at lying) Public see right through it.


Opie cant hang in a verbal dispute, especially with a comic. I hope Jimmy is shredding him.

He's exposing him for everything that's been discussed here particularly Oqie never addressing anything ever. Tits is crying that Jimmy never defended him despite being asked about the Ant fight for every interview. I haven't said this in over a year, but you HAVE to listen to this episode online later. Catharsis.

Thanks for the updated info.

He's talking like as you do to a child or unstable person. As much as Jim's a "worm" and this convo is still on Greggshells, he's at least trying.


Ester Ku just jumped into my top 5 favorite comics.

"I needed you that day for my sandy vag"

" I needed you Jim". Gregshells

Jimmy: "You say odd shit to people."

I know you shit fucks like to joke around on here but if this is all a lie I will find each and every one of you and fuck your mothers in their mouths IN FRONT OF YOU.

Its a hoax. They are really talking to Judy Gold about decorating the bathroom.

Hahaha what todays show totally could have been

We're not loying. But you can still do that.

This joy we feel.... Is all too very real... slow down and savor every SECOND....

Line forms here.

Can we get an ETA on when this will be uploaded?

Whenever they stop rambling. still live.

Damn, they are still going at it? That's awesome.

It's turned into a pat Opie on the back session now.

It's coming to an end.




Opie sounds so weak. And is it possible for him to not say "fuckin" every other word? He sounds like a child that just learned it.

Ah the filler word while his slow brain tries to make a coherent thought.

Also, those of you who said Jimmy isn't pulling punches is kind of an exaggeration. He's still very much walking on greggshells, being way way way too diplomatic.

Well, he doesn't have to be a complete dickhead. People like Opie need a certain kind of handling or else they just explode. Not necessarily Greggshells, but to keep him talking you need to not shove so hard.

Opie wanted the show to end a year or two before it did ? Unreal.

Jim wants to leave, but he just bought a new place.

Just like right when Sex for Sam happened

TACS will up their price and everything will be alright.

It's about damn time Jim, 1st time in a long time I can't wait to listen to the Opie and Jimmy Morning Zoo (laser sounds)

...As Ant sits at home with a big smile and his boner in hand.

Let's be fair, Anthony's probably still blacked out right now.

Plot twist, its not his own boner

Let's be honest, Ant is still sleeping off the nightly bender. Keith is the one sitting in front of his radio drooling.

Opie "I want you to notice me. To notice me me me me me"

Opies favorite song. He is all in on that...Whats his name again?

Keith? Huh? Oh Toby Keith, yeah long time fan. I got all his albums.

Jimmy doing a live read, sounds like shit cooled down a lot :(


Steven Singer getting their moneys worth today.

Theyve been in break for fucking 18 minutes.

I never listened to O&A live, I assume the breaks aren't always this long?

No this is an insane length of time for a break. Jim must be taking a MAJOR shit

At most they are 10 minutes.

I havent either, but i think theyre usually more like 7-10 minutes?

Holy crap. Unprecedented. Haven't heard of a break being this long since Shelby kept his finger on the button on R&F.

I come from /r/all. I know who Opie and Anthony are but who is Jim and what is happening?


You should leave immediately.


This is an evil place. Don't read anymore and just walk away. Pretend this never happened.

The third mic of the old O and A show. Jim Norton

Let me give you a full answer:

Jimmy James Jim "Yimmy" Norton is the third mic. He was brought on as a guest 15 or so years ago, and stuck around. Does funny characters (look up Uncle Paul) and has some wide-eyed boyish charm. Tranny lover, sex addict, loves and i mean LOVES Ozzy. A horribly awesome deviant lifestyle. He's a published (best selling) author, accomplished stand up comedian, and great friends with some of the best comedic talent out there (Louis CK, Kevin Hart, Bill Burr..Patrice -RIP- O'Neal).

Last year..or was it 2013? good lord.. Anthony Cumia got fired for some racist'ish twitter rants concerning being attacked by a black woman for taking pictures downtown NY. Anyhow.. since that happened, Opie has been attacked from every direction for being the unfunny stick in the mud who runs the show like the selfish, egotistical, delusional maniac that he absolutely is.

So finally, Jimmy called Opie out because Opie is a lying conniving guy who hides behind the very institution of vaguery that he lambasted for decades (corporate). Jimmy wanted to know why he couldnt be told things by Opie.. and it was because Opie doesnt trust Jimmy. So he's worked with the guy for 15 years, and doesnt trust him.

So all the cards are being laid on the table.. Jimmy is sick of the lies, the obvious avoidance, etc. Opie meanwhile, wants to brand his radio show but lacks talent and charisma. He cannot at all stand on his own. The larger problem for him is.. that the comedians he knows, aren't going to pick his side if they have to choose a side.. so he needs to tread somewhat carefully, or.. turn his own show into a hack radio morning zoo show.. safe for public consumption -aka: boring.

If Anthony is smart, he won't even mention this today.

If ant was smart he would talk about how Jimmy hates Opie and so does Ron in hopes he can reel them both in

It's not the right play; by not mentioning it today Anthony doesn't put Jimmy in a bad position and make it difficult for him to continue doing TACS.

The best thing /u/anthonycumiashow can do today is put on the funniest show possible which showcases all of his talents and simply entertains.

I'm going to call you to talk about this

Opie found out about BizzaroOpie

We now also know that Jimmy is Team Ant on the down low. FAWK YEAH!

Our dreams of an Anthony & Jimmy Show are still alive, folks!

Can we take a moment to appreciate that when Opie briefly tried to derail the conversation back to Esther Ku's boring upbringing, he couldn't tell the difference between evangelical Christians and Hari Krishna.

suspect Opie doesn't know the Jesus has made it over to tink tonk land

So lemme get this straight…management hated all of Ants race talk…so why didn't Op steer the ship???? No he didn't because Op secretly wanted Ant to bury himself.

Also 'Ant missed a lot of fucking days WTF!! Is this retard remotely aware of Nopie shows…jeez.



"If we had any chemistry left, I absolutely would have gone to bat for him- uh, and I did go to bat for him."

I wish Opie could've had this conversation with Ant and Jimmy before Ant's firing. They should've absolutely gone their separate ways then. For three guys on a 'real and honest show', they sure as hell act like a bunch of high school girls.

Welcome to the Opie and Sam Show.

If there were an opie drinking game we would all be dead. Period, Bizzare Subject shifts, Sniff, Fuckkkkkk, HOLD ON, High pitched lie voice, Whatever,

Any others that I missed?

My dick is hard...


I volunteer to stuff my raging erection in her mouth.

IN crutch?

old crutch

Never noticed it until he said it 5 times in 2 minutes.

We're not close, and you tap out when I bring up clever bits about Trump and Dancing with the Stars, so...

He's finally made it to words that begin with c in his early learners pop up book.

Shit got wierd

Seems too good to be true.

How did this start? I came in mid fight.

Esther fucking Ku, if you can believe it.

I missed the beginning, and if that is true, we need to start a GoFundMe Page and reward her!

I'm gonna have sweet n sour pork dumplings for dinner in her honor.


Just buy her fisting tshirts

Someone help this saint on earth so he can get the audio up!

A bunch of happy O&A fans today. What a glorious morning to get in my car and instead of switching the station after 1 min of opie noises and jimmy derailing, intently listening and enjoying the radio show the whole ride in to work! Can't wait to see where ope is this time next year !

Divorce court.

Opie is upset that Jim didn't say anything the day Opie was having a meltdown, with the fate of his career in Opie's potentially controlling (as far as Opie staying) palm. What the fuck could Jim say other than to sit there and shut the fuck up. Opie is the most self centered fuck in the world. Jesus is he ever needy. This isn't news to anyone but holy fuck.


They can't do a show after this, jim should walk now honestly

He can't just walk off, he's under a contract. Apparently both Tits and management can get rid of him but he's a fool to walk away from it. Nevermind the salary, the breech of contract lawsuit would suck a lot of money away from that new apartment.

My tummy hurts.

this is like those two kids at school who you know are going to fight, and when the finally do after school everyone is running to the creek.

That's it. This is it. I'm done. Through. It's over. I'm gone. Finished. Over. I will never work for you again.

Look at you. You think you're an important man? Is that what you think? You are a laughing stock. You are a joke. These people are laughing at you. You're nothing! You have no brains, no ability, nothing! I quit!

Savor this people..... it's like time slowed down to a crawl during a prostate induced orgasm

Okie admitted that his wife and kids is the reason the show is ended.

I know we're all in the middle of something important here but let's not forget the basics.


Of course they are. He refuses to talk about his personal life. He has the personality of...Opie, and he won't talk about his life. He has nothing to talk about At least some sort of shit about a fight with his wife or some shit would be compelling. And I love how Jim knows it and implies it over and over.

This is an early Christmas present. God bless us, everyone.

Opie is mad that Jimmy didn't bring the cake stomp up on the air ? He would have totally told James to leave it alone.

Opie is still in full interrupting mode.

I'm not believing a goddamn word of this until I hear the audio

This sounds like a real moment between them. I'm not sure if it's uncomfortable, compelling, or something else, but I can't stop listening.

"I didn't say half the shit I wanted to", because we couldn't understand it through your tears you fat tittied 50 year old infant.

Through your tears.

This is insane, I'm refreshing the new comments every 2 minutes and there's still more fighting!


I wonder if Opie realizes that if Jim leaves the show, literally nobody will listen anymore.

Listen... "hater"! He's been doing this for 18 years, he knoooows great radio. I mean, he just... does it, you know? But keep up with the hate, you don't even know what you mean, PERIOD SNIFF

Opie is Fez. Fez is Opie

The end is near

The connection is too real. The only difference is that Fez was more timid about it.

Opie: "I'm very surprised by the success of O&J". He's really lost all sense of reality.

But, but management loves the new direction of the show! Opie told me so! Opie wouldn't lie, would he?

Of course. Just like Howard Stern thinking he killed on AGT with his Rupert Pupkin-like antics, and will have "continued success" (oops, quoted Righteous Kill) after he leaves SIRIUS/XM

I'm a bit behind but christ opie really has delusions of grandeur when it comes to his own ability.

Opie is in a bit of harsh reality check come october. Then his self obsession paranoia will go into overdrive. If it hasn't already going by his current babbling.

I think the whole world is listening today. Nothing happening at the office I work in. Phones aren't ringing ... no email traffic. The day the unfunnyman died.

Get off your ass. I'll take bacon n egg Mcmuffin, hash browns and a large OJ.


Opie just keeps repeating himself saying Jimmy should've stuck up for him and Jimmy keeps saying it wasn't his place. Opie is a whiny baby and everytime Esther Ku tries to chime in no one acknowledges her (as they shouldn't). Jimmy needs to be done with this hack.

"That's bad behavior. Period. I fuckin' said period again throws spoon down"

"Ant knows I had nothing to do with his firing."

Yeah, we all know you had nothing to do with it. As soon as it happened you decided to duck your head, take the bigger paycheck, and move on with your life.

I can't fucking wait to hear audio!!!!!!!


Hopefully Anthony doesn't start with a shitty guest today, and gets right into this.

I imagine him getting a phone call telling him to get his drunk ass up to listen in.

Will there be neck punching?

When are Opie and Jim going to tell Esther to shut the fuck up?


well this is exciting.

I guess this will be it for Opie and Jimmy then huh? To be perfectly honest the whole thing lasted way longer than I thought it would.

Opie desperately attempting to turn the discussion to make himself the victim provides great insight into his mental illness

They are probably figuring out the listeners are loving it. Stangles probably have been watching this thread and telling them we are eating this up and to keep it going. Make it a bit...stretch it out.

stretch it out

Like Justin's stomach.



THE OPIE AND VIC SHOW. October 2016.

I like Vic.. please don't rope him in with "road soda" Opie.

Damn. Opie telling how Patrice was going to do his own radio show full time just before he died and there was a contract, which he mentioned last week, on the table for him

If that's actually true.

i think it might be. He mentioned it the week before too so it's not like a lie plucked out of his cunt. Sad hearing Jimmy talking about Patrice not wanting photos of him looking ill put online months before too. After the high of the fight thats a real sickening low

The reason I doubt it is that Opie would have never waited four years to mention it.

Opie probably was holding this over his head for months leading up to his stroke and the stress of it lead to Patrice's death.

But hey he got a free watch out of the deal that he immediatley parlayed into some shirts. NICE job Tits!!!

I think we all got Tit-Rolled. Opie got his ratings and Jim aint leaving. FUCK!!!!!

His ratings from what exactly? Us stupid assholes who steal everything? Lol.

True that.

I meant like exposure. Like why he does the hideous Harry vids no one likes. He seems to firmly believe any attention is better than none. He sucks to bad to actually draw people for a good product he has created.

Im with you. Fuck him!

"It's real serious shit, I've been told not to talk about it," sounds like a potential lawsuit? Or just more bullshit.

He was told that by his wife.


wow this is actually difficult to listen to.

Listening now and the "no I won't tell you" part at the beginning is cringy as fuck. I don't know if I can do this. I'm already heating up.

The breathy repetition of "no"

This thread is going into Pat Battle mode

Lingity lib lib.....

"I'm not comfortable around you, I feel like you don't give a fuck about me" - what a needy little baby

Is this them "working on their chemistry?"

awwww jimmy said "your moms box"

i think we can all agree that this was Esther Ku best a because she didn't speak very... i'm punching out!


Opie: " I'd have to sit down and think about it "


This will be the first episode I listen to in almost a year.

This is first time in over a year Im listening semi live. ( listening to the youtube of just the fight) Ill go back to being a week behind.

He had grown tired of being outshone by Anthony and Jimmy and wanted to get Ant out of the way so he could be the star. Wow. Fucking asshole, Opie is.

I also take back any bad things I've ever said about Jim Norton. All I wanted from him was to admit the only reason he stayed at SXM instead of going with Ant was money. That's all we wanted, Jimmy. You finally admitted it and I'll suck your dick is you want.

"It was a "whatever" effort." Gregg "mentally ill radio" Hughes

What shit has Anthony done to Opie recently? Anyone know what he is talking about?

I keep hearing a plastic spoon getting knocked around. Someones having yogurt!

I have about 10 mins left of the fight clip. Sucks knowing they kiss and made up right after this ends.

"To be completely honest with you"

Is anyone else delighted by how Opie sideways-admitted that he was talentless vestigial garbage while Jimmy and Ant were carrying the show?

And then you remember that Opie goes and gets a fat raise/contract and a 8mil apartment shortly/quickly after he was canned. All without having talent and the personality we heard today. There is no God.

Hearing Opie "invented" the show back in 1994 made me want a shower. I've tried hard to not hate the dude, i mean I still listen, but wow, he makes it difficult at times.

Also, please for the love of God put "doing this since I was 18" to bed forever.

You have to remember in opies mind he is a superstar dj who's talents have been watered down by ant and Jimmy and holds a lot of pent up anger over the fact he thinks he should have made it to tv now. Ant and Jimmy have held his untapped televisual talents down due to their shady comedy . Jim with his uncle paul radio bit is a classic example of what opie perceives as toxic to th opie brand.

Hes in for one massive reality check soon

I think so too, I've hung on to the show and really don't consider myself a hater but he was my third favorite of the principles, I don't think I'm alone.

Opie just confirmed in his own words everything Gavin said about him. Oh what a glorious day. This audio will require multiple listens.

Sadly, I've listened to it three times already here at work...

Jimmy crushing Greggshells is the best radio ever!!

Ester says she saw Opie's friend yesterday and he immediately goes "thats okay! That's fine!" In a ridiculous tone. He didn't even sound like a real person. She was saying it because he was your radio partner for 20 years, not checking to see if you wee okay with it fucking retard.

I think Opie read about Danny saying Ant was bizzaro Opie. It has the be the reason, it's the only real new info to come out lately. So basically Opie is resentful of ant and Jim because of shit people write on here about Opie. He's insane.

And Opie saying he won't talk to ant or be in a room with him? grow the fuck up pussy boy.

In fairness I really don't know what Opie could have said which would have been ok. It's obviously awkward when someone brings it up like that and really anything above "fuck that guy..." can be considered fairly civil no?

I think someone else probably read that stuff and passed on the info to Opie. Honestly in hindsight some of those tweets do read like vernacular that Ant would use. Anthony denied it so you have to take his word. But I'd be suspicious.

For the sake of everyone else he could just put that all aside and get by for that one night.

Greatest day in O&J history



I'm only 32 minutes in, but I hate how fucking VAGUE Oqie is. "He's been saying stuff." LIKE WHAT?! Give examples, tits.


Why can't men admit that their feelings get hurt!? I think Opie is scared to let someone he works with close to him again...and Jimmy I think believed they were closer than Opie thought.

Who are you and how did you find this place?

Anyone have any idea what Ant has been doing? Or what he did?

Bizzaro Opie twitter

Looking for this too. If anyone has cliff notes, please post.

Danny outed Ant as being behind Bizarro Opie. Anthony has already stated that it wasn't him.

Is this it? Is this the day?

The worm just realized he couldn't ride the coat tails of a 60 year old shock jock any further.


They're signed through next October


Tomorrow's opening song is "Hello"



Jimmy is getting more and more irritated at this cunt. How fantastic is this?

Yikes. I hope someone is saving this because you know it will be scrubbed from the replay asap.

Opie: I needed you that day. Jimmy: So WHAT! Big Deal! LMFAOOO

Awwww Opie...we arent that close though. Its funny how Opie picks and chooses. Cant tell Jim something because they arent close yet wants Jim to defend/console him. Pick a fucking lane and stay in it.

Greatest day in the entire history of the English language

We have to get this on the front page so those shitty online entertainment sites run with it.

No one cares but the 200 of us here.

Exactly, it means nothing. It always comes down to this. We're nothing, they're nothing and no one cares. But for some reason it's absolutely essential that we get normal people to see Opie for what he really is. It's easy to shit on him here but if we can get just one outsider to recognize his complete idiocy then it will all have been worth it.

I think its winding down. Baby opie needs his butt rubbed.

Wasn't it Tits who said they weren't like Howard and he didn't care if guests did other shows? I know, pointing out a Tits inconsistency is like pointing out a Jim tranny joke

He always cared though. Louis CK was always their highest profile guest and when he was late one time because Howard, Opie got all pissy and was all "We know who our REAL friends are"


The opester in meltdown!

Serious question, have they taken a break since this started?


going to now. Opie thinks jimmy needs a shit as a excuse to avoid it though

Oh to be a fly on the wall during the break.

Based on the replies in this thread, absolutely not.

I wonder if this has anything to do with the unprecedented barrage of hate Opie's most recent Harry the Hater video got? 800 dislikes over about 50 likes. Finally folding under all the hate?

Maybe he finally had it with @baldopieradio ruining his life and decimating him in the numbahs.

I really hope so. But, today's events are only going to make BaldOpie persist even more if that's even possible.

FAWK it's over


Maybe not....CSK stumbled in and it sounded like they were going to break.

Whatever, whatever. Sniff. We're not close. Sniff. Whatever.

FUCK this is so tense.

I love you guys so much right now. I mean it. Can you guys imagine if Jimmy quits and goes to TACS? KISSES!!

Nah it's over. Everything is fine. More or less. Jimmy thinks he's getting fired.

As much as some people would like that I seriously doubt Ant can match Jimmy's current pay.

I just worked a fucking 12 hour day for ungrateful fucks who won't read half of what I typed out.

I need to sleep. I need to go to bed. BUT I NEED TO HEAR THIS MORE. FUCK. This is like jerking off for 8 years then edging for a year and a half and now you finally get to cum on that bald headed pric's fucking Irish JV Volleyball Coach's balding skull. Fuck you Opie. Cry more and make it more about yourself. It ain't everybody else's fault you're not very funny. And it's not anybody's fault but your own that you never really tried to be.

They have type writers at Burger King?

Sorry I can't help myself. I'm so excited!

They do in the MANAGER'S OFFICE at Burger King.

Really? I woulda thought they'd have moved onto computers by now...

This is such a meandering petering out of an argument. I missed all the good stuff.

Esther exposed the radioactive core of the whole thing and Ope stepped right around it.

Maybe Papa Colin will call in and tell his DeNiro story. That will fix everything. Right?

Is it still going?


Yup. Opie every time they almost get to a point where they can break, mentally ill Opie starts talking again. "I won't be in the same room as Ant" was said 2 seconds ago.


Just got a new car, and today was the first time I've listed to the Sirius show in year in and a half. Good timing

Don't crash buddy.

That would be a shame.

I bet Jimmy would be jealous to know that I pooped since he said he had to.

Opie, nobody cares that you keep saying "period." It's not drawing laughs.

Lol is he really trying that? I had to stop listening to talk on the stupid fucking phone. Is he really trying to turn his stupid ticks into "the bit"? Fuck I hate this guy.

Yes, multiple times.

I went back to the beginning. I really enjoyed how Jim thought the conversations on the show sounded forced and unnatural. Tits replied with "that's how you do radio.... I guess..."

If you listen further, he'll inform you multiple times that he's been doing this since he's 18.

Sounds like they're making up now.


Emphasis on "good", Esther.

Up and to the right.

This day is perfect.


God Opie is a fucking woman


2 men went in the water December the first... I'll never put on a life jacket again...

Do we have audio yet?

Error loading player: No playable sources found

Can we rewind on that? Or is it just live?

It's a live stream.

No playable source

If you are hitting it on the iPhone, Safari took off the /opieandanthony at the end for me. I had to add it back and it worked after that.

Opie comes from the Joe DeRosa school of

"then why is x happening???.......i dont care about that....."

"We're not that close" - Tits

"Betrayal of Trust May Have Fueled Early Migrations"

Read this story yesterday and I seems to apply to today's show.

OPIE YOU DUNCE you've worked with Jim for 15 years and you're saying that Jim doesn't know you in any capacity?

Nobody knows him. Ant doesn't know him. The listeners don't know ANYTHING about it so they should just, just SHUT UP I've been doin this since i was EIGHTEEN!

25:55 text message to Jimmy DRAMA.

Said it in the other thread: I predict Opie trys to sue Ant somewhere down the road. Opie is trying to build a case against him. He cant say it on the air until he has enough proof.

Opie: I've got people that I'm close to!

Jim: I'm sure you do...

17 months later and Opie is still trying to justify to his cohost what the direction of the new show is. Opie failed at his experiment.

Let's break 1000 comments please.

I feel important.


Ok 1001

I was just adding a comment to reach 1000. Almost there.

Good idea.

Getting closer

Slowly slowly

But surely

Do links count as comments?

Yes and we did it!

Congratulations everyone.

Handjobs for everyone



Opie admits that he wasnt needed for a successful show.

28:28 - ME: "because that's being self-aware"


I haven't even gotten ten seconds into the clip yet, and Opie's immediate high-pitch shift when Esther Ku brings up Anthony is infuriating.

"SAY IT RIGHT NOW!".....What the fuck?!

Haha yeah, that was weird. Very Blue Velvet, Dennis Hopper on the carpet

Thats not how you talk to an adult.

Jocktober mention. Well done.

The internet runs Opies feelings.

He is that guy who pays such close attention to every thing. You know his life has been miserable the past 2 years.

Opie is a douche. "You know nothing about me. I'm totally comfortable." WHAT A CUNT. I loved that jimmy didn't back down. "No I've been working with you for 15 years. I know nothing about you." and calling him out for pretending to be uncomfortable.

I love passive aggressive Jimmy.

Opie: I got my people who I'm close to

Jim: Sure you do

Opie no friends confirmed!

The Greggening?

Jim calling out Opie for steering the ship into icebergs and killing the show

It's so good.

Opie's whiny voice is the worst thing in radio history.

HAHA Opie keeps putting his foot in his dumb mouth. "I told a few people I trust" that right there should have put the nail in the coffin for Jim being on Sirius. "In October I'm done" "Why wait until October?" OH FUCK THIS IS IT BOYS!!!!!

I do wonder if Anthony has mentioned hiring Jimmy on if things went wrong on O&J... which was enough for Jimmy to finally talk about the problems because he now has something to fall back on for a regular everyday audience.

I just finished watching a crazy episode of Fargo, my heart is beating out of my chest and now I find this. I might have a heart attack today from pure joy and excitement.

Are you going to hang out with Ant at the Patrice benefit? ... Gulp No.

I was hoping the ended a lot more heated. All I learned was Opie takes all the bullshit on here personal. Admits he was never needed for the show. I wish Jimmy would have ripped him more but he just got a new place so.....tough it out. I also learned that during an argument do not use " I have reasons, I just cant tell you" as a valid response.

is it October yet?

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Opie With Jim Norton - Jimmy Vs Opie (12/01/2015) 11 - The fight.
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I really don't understand what Opie means by the 'direction of the show'. It is basically the same show without ant. Same comics, watching and commenting on video clips. Without jimmy there what actually will he do?

it's not though is it. The tone is completely different.


Isn't it funny that he is holding weird grudges by himself and it is an ECHO of how he felt blindsided by Andrew Dice Clay. Remember that crazy shit? ADC was horboring some weird thing internally but told no one and just vanished with a grudge no one knew. SAME BEHAVIOR from Oqie.

Listening now.. finally.

Homer Simpson voice - "this is going great"

This is the most entertaining Opie has been in awhile.

Lately all he does is read news headlines.

Does anybody remember laughter?

"we're not that close" ? opie to jimmy hahaha is partner what a POS

Tune in Tomorrow for the Opie and Bo Bo Show.

Opie is just a cunt, always has been, always will be. Fuck him.

A major part of Opie's problem is not being able to articulate things in the correct manner. I was listening again to the part where Opie says "why are you here?" and then says "then you've gotta go!" The only way for Jimmy to interpret that is that he will be canned. If Opie had just said "maybe the company can buy out your contract" or something it would have lessened that blow.




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Ha! Nice try Elmo.


listening now!! had to do a 30 trial... holy shit its awkward from the beginning. shellllllyyyy

Does anyone have the dump area that started this? It went from Esther talking about some shit and jumped to the beginning of this context, at least for me.


Opie's original point was reasonable...then it turned into hurt feelings and gayness.

Jimmy should go work with Anthony but was too spineless. His acting/stand-up is garbage.

Why in God's green earth am I nowhere near my vehicle to listen in!

oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god!

I'm gonna be listening to this on a loop all day today.


That heavy bosom is swinging wildly with rage. Sweaty Titz. PERIOD.

Lmao it's actually trending on Twitter



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Jocktober has landed.

Esther could fracture this shitheap right now and she's NOT doing it.


Can we just get out the gun and put Ol' Ope out of our misery?

Is this all staged...?

You think Opie has the capacity to like

Be entertaining?

Haha you do have a point.


Holy shit, there is so much high-pitched Opie in this. He sounds just like the edited audio to make him sound like a woman.

Restraining order?

Ben Sparks

Ahh! Thanks.

I should be getting to sleep but this thread has me feeling some kinda way.

I have never in my life been sooo erect.

I might have to subscribe to TACS this afternoon for the rebuttal.

I would love to see TACS subscriber data. You know he gets spikes when this shit kicks off

is it still going? whats happening now?

It petered out and Esther just redirected the conversation

Esther for 3rd mic!


Please god someone record this, I am on a call for another 6 hours




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Friend of mine just told me about this and first thing I thought of is you bastards loving this. Not going to lie, I'm looking forward to listening later.


Esther going on Ant's show.

"It's just really weird to me" re: Uncle Paul. No-selling cunt.

Opie and Sam?

What is the video they're talking about?

cake stomp

But he EARNED that cake!!!

Fuck, I can't listen to this until later today. I feel like I'm missing out. :(

I missed it :(


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Best Patrice anniversary (plus minus) show ever!

Someone please let me know if they start being interesting again.

Sure, I'll put it on my to do list.

Listening on demand. Can't believe I've got about another 40 minutes of it left to listen

Its really good. Best on air argument since 'Leave it Alone'

If Opie's "empire" falls apart I will happily buy a new SXM radio knowing that my subscription money will not go to a sag-titted hackjob.


Anyone listening live while the rest of us jumped back to 8:15? Anything happening?


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Who the hell is "Gavin"?

Oh right... duh...

The main target over at /r/punchablefaces/


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Opie didn't want to talk about what happened lately on air today. Now he's mad at Jimmy for not supporting him on air. Now he's saying why should Ant and I have discussed everything on air.



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Best show this week Period!

Link it you cunts

Opie says people says he didn't go to bat for Anthony... it's so ridiculous because I did... IN THE PAST(this sounds like he's excluding the the July incident).

He is because he literally says during today's show that he didn't actually try to help Ant because he knew the show needed to end.

of course he didn't and why would he?

Because he kept saying he DID go to bat for him this last time and then contradicts himself which means he lied. That's one of the big problems people have with Opie.

The Ben situation is kinda shitty. Anthony knows what that dude is like and to have him at a party he threw is a little shady. I'd be annoyed at that if I was in that scenario. EDIT: There's plenty of other stuff the other way but I'm just reacting to things as I'm hearing them now.

Wasn't ronnie b chatting to him as well in one photo i saw. So thats it with ronnie b. He's dead to opie now too?

Well that's for Opie to decide but if that was me I would have a word with Ronnie that I was upset about it. Obviously we're all aware at this point that Opie is not like that though. All I can do is apply my own logic to the situation.

opie would have done a show to nobody if the shows would have split

All these years opie still hasn't figured out that people just don't like him


Cannot wait til Jocktober. The all new family friendly show with segments on child care. And guests that are family approved. Jenny Hutt as the 2nd mic?

No need to mention that management had issues with Anthony before he was fired. Didn't like him talking about race or him having sick days...totally irrelevant at this point.

His wife this, his wife that... You know his wife just sits there and says "oh greggy, jimmy should have stuck up for you that day" "Anthony's girlfriends hate me" "that sex tape is ruining my life"


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opie tries to make something out of nothing. Ant is joking about everything 99% of the time. Opie looks for something to latch on to


Okay let's all calm down please! Jim never dropped any "truth bombs" he fucking napalmed Opie. I'm fucking 12 minutes in and oh lawdy!! Jim is back boys!!! the worm has turned

Oh shit I just realised, if Opie only "told a few people he trusts" did that include Vos, Burr, Blob Belly?? If not then he obviously doesn't trust them. Would Jimmy leaving make all the regulars quit coming n every 2 fucking months?? Cumias network is about to gain a whole lot of listeners.

Cumias network is about to gain a whole lot of listeners.

and all the comedy guests.

I could not imagine one of their regular comedians coming in when it's just Opie. He's going to NEED a sidekick to handle all the comedy and questions. The problem is.. who can he get that's respected and will be the guy the guests are happy to come see? I don't think it's anyone?

Wow as much as I stood by the Opie and Jim show this really showed bad for Opie today.. Wow I guess I will be going to TACs now..

Cake stomp. Holy fuck, he lives his life through twitter.

So many things addressed so many threads of inquiry to go into.

opie is fez + a better ability to hide his borderline personality -his comedic ability

I love that we're all celebrating like Pakistan on 9/11.

I've got to the going round in circles part of the argument where Opie wanted Jimmy to do something "that day" but doesn't know what. It's reasonable for Jim to stayed out of it completely when Opie and Anthony were responding to each other.

I like Jims response " Im an adult I have other shit going on" ( not a direct quote)

You mean this piece of shit show is actually worth listening to today?

Alright, I'll do it. But if you fuckers are loying...

Not the whole show. Just the youtube clip and this thread set to old.

If Jimmy leaves and goes to Ant. I will happily shout "Down goes greggshells! Down goes greggshells!"

Will you really shout that? That's great

Oh no, is today really worlds Aids day?



that worthless squeak kept trying to butt in and ruin the bout of the century. Thank god she went generally ignored. Great week for O&A fans.

Comment danny?

Man she was painful, I'll give her a pass because she was largely responsible (bless her) but wow, was she not helping.

Look it at from her perspective, you walk into a room like "hey, I saw your buddy the other day" and everything explodes in your face. You might be thinking what the fuck have I done, and try to smooth things over.


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Holy shit, this is god damn historical.


Me: why would we have to do it on air?

uhmmm: (1:24)

Yeah, right?? Why do it on the air yet he INSISTS on hashing things out on the air year after year.

Is there anywhere I can download the show audio? I only have a little wifi left in laguardia airport

Grab a free trial of YouTube red and download it



If this was a fake fight then kudos, they hit all the key points. If it's real, then it's glorious.

Absolutely not fake.

It wasn't fake. But I think it was planned. I think they planned on airing out the dirty laundry today. But everything they said was real.

Holy shit how long does this go on?

what is Op talking about? the guy impostering on twitter?


The worm has turned!


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Please hurry up and get to the end part of this nervous break down where you kill yourself, you no self awareness having spastic.


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late to the party. what tweet are they talking about opie posted about ant?

the 'subtle' stuff like the savages tweet etc i think

I'm about a hour in and Opie wants to end this show so bad, he keeps digging himself a whole and he knows it. He knows he's being caught in lie after lie

Does anyone have a link?


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Audio or it didn't happen

Some one please post the audio to youtube!

What's the latest update?

Ill post it in a sec.

you're a tease

Haha I've been refreshing your profile an embarrassing amount of times.

Your video is going to get some fucking views real quick.

take the downvote bro

It's never getting posted is it?

Are you Gregg and Jim on YT?


Alpha Bravo: the tits has hit the fan and worm got the early bird

Goddamn this Esther lady can't keep her fucking mouth shut and let the men fight.



Fuck fucking justin fat fucking fucker



I thought it was a link to the fight you silly goose.

Don't do that shit!

I can't hate you though, not on this day of days.

Jim is a pathetic worm.

And I love him for it.


Remember remember the 1st or December.

which one?

That's the bit!



Jimmy is staying, sorry guys. They made up.


I don't know if this is real or not, but either way, PECKAHS.

I like Opie. Always have, always will

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮

Good for you man.

wow, i still hate all the losers on here and twitter that hate opie with such rabid desperation

but god opie was such a pathetic faggot this morning.

Jimmy gave him numerous opportunities to quell it, but he was just soooo deep in his "wahhh, evwybody hates me" pouty, passive-aggressive bullshit.

Just man the fuck up and ignore the fucking trolls jesus christ. He desperately just wants to be liked by people and feels bullied by the 'haters'

god it made me cringe.

You can't have it both ways. But I agree, if people like us mean so little, why bring them up. It's always "haters, haters, haters, haters, haters" with this guy. That's a little obsessive don't you think?

Happy cake day you Uncle Paul victim.






And i hit the 1000 replies... huzzah!

Ant is still a racist.

Listening to the show right now...You guys are excited over NOTHING....again.

Don't you dare, I need this.

I beg to differ good sir, this will indeed make big waves in this little cesspool of ours. Many a pants were creamed here today, so don't try to take it away from us.

I haven't listened to this yet, but I assume this is an elaborate "bit" that Anthony and Bennington were setting up on his Thanksgiving show. However, I could be completely wrong and it could be real. I'm going to listen to find out. I can tell when Opie is acting, so i can tell if it's real or not.

Jimmy just got butthurt because Opie said they weren't close...and then it exploded. I love them both, and they work well together...i hope it can keep going.

Opie says whatever the hell he wants...generally he just says it like it is. As a fellow asshole, I completely respect him for that.

Jimmy obviously likes Anthony more...but you don't shit where you eat.

Who opened the door and let you in?

Just fuck off Elmo.

Please die.



Jimmy just said he loves doing the show. O&J will continue and you guys will have to suffer for a long, long time - which makes me happy.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.

I never said that asshole! Fuckface!

How much does Opie pay you?


I'm pro Opie. Fuck the worm and the racist.

Have fun listening to the Opie Show.

Hope Opie & Jim work out their issues and continute to do great radio. My hopes for Ant? Stomach cancer.

We get it. You signed up to reddit just to comment on sirius/xm stuff.

this is a full blown fight, jimmy has said several times "he's done in oct"

you get home safely, you hear?

Who are you and how did you find this place?

it was Bobo all along!

Catch a nigga up...what's the bizarro Opie thing?

I bet today is the day he delays it till tonight. It always works out that way.

That's what I'm thinking.

You're a good boy. And a Happy fucking New Year!

Even if completely true, who gives a shit? Has anyone given a shit about B/C list celebrity sex tapes in the last 20 years?

God be with you

#BabyOpie #DiapieAndAnthony

I would love to see TACS subscriber data. You know he gets spikes when this shit kicks off

Some one take that audio and change the word Fez to Opie so he's complaining about himself.

stretch it out

Like Justin's stomach.

The reason I doubt it is that Opie would have never waited four years to mention it.

Thank you for your service

and the app is really that shitty.

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Me too.

Never had any complaints.

Your fleshlight is very polite.

Will you really shout that? That's great

it's not though is it. The tone is completely different.

His voice goes up 3 octaves when he lies

Not necessarily shit on Anthony but just kinda be there for his friend in the room. Like you can support someone without shitting on the other side.

alright buddy, gah blessss