So did Anthony pull an Opie?

4  2015-12-01 by FunkyTreasure

I didn't watch his show today because I can't sit through more than two minutes of Esther Ku's convulsions but I understand he didn't even mention Danny. At the very least I figured we'd get five minutes of discussion about it. But nothing. This is a classic Opie move. Pretty soon he'll be eating eggs that a cockroach walked on.


We spoke on the phone for a while. Nothing that needed to be on air.

But when Opie wanted to talk off air you didn't understand the point. Not as much fun when it's your dirty laundry being aired?

Danny wanted to broadcast it on his radio show?

He angling for rat's job yet?

"Right. And, and to cover my nervousness I started eating an apple, because I think if they hear you chewing on the other end of the phone, it makes you sound casual."

Now ring billy burr. And Opie. And Lady Di. In reverse order.

You've come across as weak in all of this, just saying

The difference is Opie would never post on Reddit.

Unless we were a sub of people saying nice thing about him, then he'd be obsessed with it and be on here 20 hours a day.

It's enraging how true this is. He's so transparent.

Why is that a bad thing?

Not to sound like a ball washer... But what would Anthony have to say on the show that he hasn't already said here?

also Danny on Reddit is a non story......boring

Well a lot of video game news sites are picking it up

Which is absurd, really. Our hatred of tits led to Red Dead Redemption 2 rumors.

Cereal fight!!!!!!

Ant's track record of internet rumors isn't great, yet you clowns gobble it up like its gospel.

Strange how some of you think you are owed every bit of information about some guys you've listened to a lot.

Anthony created this type of environment when Opie wanted to "grab a beer" and instead Anthony buried him for an entire two hour show that he posted on Youtube for everyone to see. All I ask for is consistency.

Hey I earrrrrned dat info, man

He adverised it as uncensored. And not owed but we are paying for it.

Anthony, including the last episode, takes shots at Opie and the state of the OnJ show all the time. I'm sure he's even made fun of them having Esther Ku on. Then yesterday he has her on and they fake laugh at each other throughout the ep. Why?

And yeah the Danny thing could have been interesting but got avoided.

Sorry Ant I know you're in the thread but how can you take shots at OnJ's content when you'll happily have Esther Ku on ( lie and call her funny is you want ) and avoid topics like Opie. TACS isn't uncensored at all.

He talked about Opie enough. Move on. Esther Ku stinks

Avoid topics like Opie does. Not Opie as a topic.

