Major Douche Chills

49  2015-11-30 by JimmysLostFat


Says the guy who has his brother pay his mortgage.

lol, you can't get more entitled than having your entire life paid for by your millionaire brother.

"Sons of Anarchy should be required viewing for anyone who thinks they're a tough guy." Thanks you 60 year old man who dresses like a roadie.

*kid brother

This man is 60, thinks it's still "counter culture" to ride bikes (50 years after Easy Rider), plays in a U2 tribute band, has a podcast with less fans than a malignant tumor, and believes that the blackety-black-black man is a savage. The balls.

babbys first war film

Name a better one

equal or better: platoon, full metal jacket, come and see, apocalypse now, patton, deer hunter, band of brothers, the pacific.

Saving Private Ryan is one of the best, but comes close to cornball at parts.

As far as an actual depiction of war, none are better than Saving Private Ryan. I have seen the opening Omaha Beach scene probably 50 times and I still get nervous at the beginning.

We Were Soldiers was pretty goddamn good and close to reality.

Birth of a Nation.


Italians were on the other side of that war.

have an upvote!

"Entitlement" doesn't even make sense in the context he used it in. This is just the lazy regurgitation of a borderline t-shirt slogan for approval.

Joe reminds me of the poor fuck in this sketch from an old british comedy show called "Big Train", but without evoking any of the sympathy.

Big train ruled

I'm sick of entitlement walking around here with a big head!

My grandfather fought in WW2 for Joe to have the freedom to couch surf in his brother's mansion.

Now that is a MANS man.

Yeah, maaaaannnn.

They should all watch Sons of Anarchy too.

them bitches are property

Of course when Brother Joe wants to impart some wisdom upon the kids it's with a movie. Forget books or real world experiences, you gotta form your character through media that requires the least amount of effort to absorb and can be conveniently consumed in two and a half hours so you don't have to think about it when it's over

That is the kind of dumb shit Opie would say if he wasn't a pussy that's unable to formulate his own opinions.

Yes, watching a war movie totally gets rid of people's entitlement.

He looks like the white burglar you see in every commercial for home security systems

The state of Joe Cumia's syntax. Nobody THINKS entitlement gives them something. 'Entitlement' is the state of thinking you should be given something, and the self-unawareness that comes with it.

This dope rambles and it doesn't make sense from a logical or grammatical standpoint. I bet he watched that movie and really felt like he was in the trenches. He saw it and thought "I've been through heck, these guys on twitter don't even know what they're talking about because I watched a fake movie about war."

So basically his point was "you guys are pussies, be real men and watch a Hollywood blockbuster that depicts combat" as a way to really show everyone you've got brass nuts.


wow, his FB and twitter is like Ant with all humor removed and racism turned up. He keeps posting fucking graphs about black people committing crime. He should instead worry about his fat heart giving out

What branch of the service did "Brother Joe" serve in?

Ant mentioned one time that he was in the army and served in the 82nd but it could be baloney

His facebook says he moved to Ft. Bragg in '79 (home of the 82nd). But that could be baloney, too.

W.A.C. Womens auxiliary corps for all you shitbrains

Kids today!!! Right guys?

There is nothing, nothing, nothing more entitled than the baby boomers. Millenial entitlement is mildly annoying, baby boomer entitlement literally fucked up the planet.

"We're the chosen generation! We're fed up with all of your bullshit" they said to their WW2 veteran parents

Jesus that movie stunk. Sentimental fucking drivel.

Found the millennial, Bro Jo! Get em!

Yup. Im a millennial. Left school when I was 16 to work full time, humped shit to support myself, went to university as an adult, humped even more shit to support myself while getting my grades to the point I could do honors and a masterate. Now I have a full time job and a part time job.

Oh, you pretend to be in a rock band while your brother pays your bills? Please teach me about responsibility.

Wow, it is hard to come off as a bigger douche than Joe...but you found a way, bravo.

I always knew I could do it, im number one!

The opening sequence is brilliant tho.

Its aight, but even that has some incredibly hammy moments. Spielberg should stick to movies about dinosaur theme parks.

Joseph Cumia might be a dumb emotional faggot, but you're still a worse cunt than him.

I probably am, I know very little about Joe except he has the same taste in movies as a 12 year old. What makes me so bad?

I get you don't like Joe, but trying to insinuate that Saving Private Ryan is a bad movie is just fucking retarded. Eat shit and die faggot.

Did you cry at the end, when hes standing at the grave with his family? Did a single tear roll down your cheek? Do you collect Hallmark cards too? Child

But.. but.. da old man got da sads!!


(When he salutes I can't decide if I want to throw up, throw myself off a building or beat my pregnant wife)

You're a bad dude man, you don't take any gunk.

You know it!!!

I have seen EVERY episode of Sons of Anarchy!

I play the bassoon in a Pet Shop Boys tribute band too...

You're a bad dude man, you don't take any gunk.

What does this even fucking mean? Kill yourself, autistic retard.

You seem really upset. Did I hurt your feelings?


had to check and make sure this wasnt on /r/forwardsfromgrandma

Haha The Tom Hanks flick? I suppose Passion of the Christ should be mandatory for all Atheists also.

Millennial is unappreciative, watches big budget 90's war movie, is now appreciative, the end.

Don't worry about old man Joe, Saving Private Ryan just gets him nostalgic. It reminds him of his salad days.

He really does hate those millennials huh?

Who doesnt? I'm only a couple of years older and they make Gen X look like kraut killing supermen. Definitely the most entitled generation in the western world who offer NOTHING. Baby boomers were flakes but at least the culture was vibrant. Look at Millenial culture.

U are like so different bruh

Thankyou for your service.

This fake tough guy idiot regurgitating sentiments all of his dumb old friends say. The military consists mostly of millenials. Dick head that pretends to be the U2 bassist for a living.

The majority of the boomers I know who would spout this kind of nonsense are going on their second heart attack while dealing with their obesity induced diabetes and sleep apnea. They'll believe anything they are fed by cable news and still have to call the "Geek Squad" to solve basic computer issues.

Hardly a generation I would like to emulate.

Just wait till your 60...

I will wait until I'm sixty when I am still eating healthy and not believing everything I hear on TV. You think at 60 I'll be yelling at the TV because some random politician is or is not wearing an American Flag pin? Maybe I'll be worried about Jade Helm 2.0 for some inexplicable reason?


hahahaha what a dolt.

Did badass BroJo ever enlist? Is better than us BroJo a veteran?

He's starting a military cos-play/reenactment group. Nothing original for Bro Joe

WOW! Brother Joe saw Saving Private Ryan, he was really in the shit. When you're leaching in your little brothers surround sound movie theater it must really feel like you're an actual war hero for a couple hours.

Smoke a bowl and watch in home theatre. It's really close...

That's right, Bro Cum is a REAL man who worked for every penny he has, unlike all of these entitled millennial pussies. A movie starring Tom Hanks about WWII proves that! Brocum really telling it how it is! What a clueless fucking faggot.

Ever since someone pointed out that Bro Jo's eyes are closed behind his tough guy shades, it's all I can think of when I see his stupid avatar. - The coolest website on the internet.

I know what your thinking, oh he probably just haven't updated the site in 20 years, but nope you will find 2016 2U tour dates there...

When Brother Joe stormed the beaches of Normandy he was so brave...

Oh wait.

Brother Joe stormed the beaches of Mediocrity



I actually agree with this gaylord on this one

What's douche chilly about that?

Its aight, but even that has some incredibly hammy moments. Spielberg should stick to movies about dinosaur theme parks.