What a strange place

20  2015-11-30 by ShitdickJunior

We went from hating Opie to hating Anthony and then Jim, and now we're slobbing on Danny's circumcised heeb pecka.


We only strongly hated Anthony when he seemed to hit rock bottom. He is getting better, so he is back in good graces.

Jimmy has always gotten quick spurts of hate.

And with Danny, why would we not want insider info? What's hard to understand about why that would interest us? Of course we are going to be pleasant. We want to build up his trust to convince him to start dropping bombs.

Tss why not spurts of cum


Every now and then my interest starts to wane and I think well this is it, I'm finally done with that damn subreddit and then a new thing flares up and I'm hooked for another month

You said it pal

some cunt gave him Reddit Gold. Gold of all things.

But, you catch more flies with honey.


I ain't never slobbed on anyones heeb pecka that one time

I always hated Danny and refuse to change. And it's just because he's one of the "chosen people" if you know what I mean.

Danny is an order of magnitude less awful than Rat, because he's actually responsible for some funny moments in O&A history.

Rat is an incompetent, ambiguously gay, wet blanket.

Danny's laugh alone made him better than Rat.

Chosen for the ovens if you catch my drift.

I despise people of the Jewish faith, if see what I'm getting at.

Fucking nation wrecking heebs should be deported, if you're picking up what I'm laying down.

I hate everyone, I just sometimes have discretion.

That should be the slogan of the sub.

Uncircumcised dicks are weird. I'd never suck an uncut cock.

Yeah, what are we...faggots? I think not

That would be yucky!

We're just trying to get an exclusive, maaaaaan

I despise people of the Jewish faith, if see what I'm getting at.