Schedualed day off tommorow after a relaxing holiday weekend?

7  2015-11-30 by smokinswindler

-Cakestomp gets some heat on thanksgiving, spends day apologizing & responding to death threats

-Former producer giving us a lil taste of what it was like working with the actor Gregg Hughes who plays Opie

-Video of Gregg making amputee grab a 1$ bill is gaining traction on WorldStar.


ME: If you must know, this was a scheduled day off. The Philly Crew Thanksgiving is always a five day holiday.

A lot of people said it was the best Thanksgiving that they ever attended.

Is that how they do it?

Who did cakestomp go viral with this time? I wasn't paying attenshun. I wanna see those numbahs.

nothing special really. no medi outlets, just a few Sjw teens wishing I'll upon Gregg via his Facebook.

Opie is deer hunting in Pennsylvania on Monday.

Fuckin' A

Hopefully being tied to a tree.

Fuckin' A

Hopefully being tied to a tree.