So, even though he denies it, Anthony's totally Bizarro Opie, right?

13  2015-11-30 by realticketuniversity

Why would Danny make it up?


Believe what you want. It wasn't me. I have nothing to gain or lose by saying it was or wasn't me. I'm still trying to find out if it's really Danny. Some stuff makes sense but some posts just don't sound like stuff he'd say.

Its definitely Danny, he responded to a wackbagger via facebook private message and confirmed it was him.

I can see Anthony denying @BizarroOpie more than Danny making shit up like that out of the blue. Its not like O&A haven't lied previously, like pretending not to hate each other for the past ten years, or pretending several firings were intentional in order to "spin a mythology."

Plus the tweets are too perfect, its absolutely done in Anthony's comedic voice, the cadence of the tweets gives it away.

Besides, every instance of drama involving Opie just puts Jimmy in more of an awkward situation at work, so I can see why Ant would want to deny it was him.

Plus the BizarroOpie is a Seinfeld thing.

"Bizarro" is an evil version of Superman. The character came out in the 50's so it's been used as a term meaning an opposite version of someone or something for decades. BizarroOpie said pretty much the same shit Opie would say. I guess the only real "bizarro" aspect of him was that unlike Opie, he was aware of his own cringe-worthy unfunny desperate need for attention. A true "Bizarro Opie" would be funny, intelligent, and likable.

Shouldn't his tweets be funny if he's Bizzaro Opie?

Besides, every instance of drama involving Opie just puts Jimmy in more of an awkward situation at work, so I can see why Ant would want to deny it was him.

He didn't give a shit during the Greggshells storm. Why would he now? He's been taking little swipes at Opie every chance he can get over the past year.

Plus the tweets are too perfect, its absolutely done in Anthony's comedic voice, the cadence of the tweets gives it away.

Literally everything anyone does around here is imitate the comedic voice of Anthony and Jimmy.

thats because Opie and Anthony fans imitate ant when trying to be funny. its pretty obvious that that twitter account is not anthony.

LOL! You repeatedly try to convince everyone that Danny isnt Danny, and now you are obsessed with making everyone believe the other BS Anthony posts. HI Anthony's bitch/Anthony!!!!!!

It wouldnt even be bad if it was Anthony. If anything, it'd be kinda funny. But it's just obviously not. And if you think it is youre extremely gullible.

It would be VERY bad. It would show how it was HIM who was making everything personal, NOT OPIE. I cant wait to spread this shit around the web to show how Ant was pretending to act like it wasnt personal to him during his "greggshells" video, it was just for the show. LOL, he is going to look like such a faggot and rightfully so because he has been fucking with Opie from the beginning. Now the truth of his childish behavior will come to light.

you clearly take all of this very seriously

Sir, please, stay out of this.

It wouldnt be bad to me. I dont have a personal agenda I'm obsessed with like you do. It is just very clearly not ant that made that fan twitter account.

That's too meta.

The purpose of that twitter account was to mock Opie and his cadence, some of Anthony's cadence just happened to slip through.

Anthony's cadence would slip through into any O&A fan that would bother to make that account. Thats just not something Ant was doing in 2011, and youre dumb if you believe it.

Didn't you just get owned earlier today? And by a bald jewish bartender no less?

Doesnt change the fact that that twitter account is a random fan, and not anthony.

I'm with you Anthony, he's a faker. If not then he's still the petty little faggot we all know he can be.

Everyone is slobbing on his dick now, they'd probably all start loving Opie if he posted here. Fickle faggots, they're like Norton when he meets someone he shit talked then asks for a picture.

Whoopi Goldberg. Sarah Jessica Parker. Steve Martin.

Ethel Rosenberg.

Isn't there something you could ask, that only he would know that would confirm it?

I'm listening to some of the older episodes with Patrice on and when you do your old timey voice, or the hillbilly avoiding the tunnels in NYC they are just great. Thanks!

Believe what you want. It wasn't me. I have nothing to gain or lose by saying it was or wasn't me. I'm still trying to find out if it's really Danny. Some stuff makes sense but some posts just don't sound like stuff he'd say.

Remember, it's not a lie if you believe it.

It was a mistake. I feel like Ant would just own up at this point. I could SWEAR it was him. It wasn't Ant, it wasn't Derek. I suck.

You played a bum hunch. But you know what, it payed off with a few laughs!

Keith the Cop or Brother Joe though?

No, Ant wouldn't use the internet to relieve his micro-aggressions. Plus, anyone would've come up with "Bizarro" in the monicker of an inflammatory account. Certainly not an avid Seinfeld fan.

"The Bizarro Jerry" Seinfeld episode Episode no. Season 8 Episode 3 Directed by Andy Ackerman Written by David Mandel Production code 803 Original air date October 3, 1996

Sarcasm is hard to pick up in text form

I'm the one who upvoted you. Meant for the non seinfeld fans out there. The mock opie tweets are so perfect from that account I really want to believe they're from ant.

I knew what you were doing and appreciate that.

Ah gotcha, my bad...... Apparently intent is also hard to pick up on :)

I'm easy to pick up on. ;)

As someone who wants it to be him (because it makes it much funnier) I can't understand why he wouldn't take credit for it.

The only thing I can think of is, he and everyone else knows who it is, still speaks with the guy and doesn't want to "steal his thunder."

I think Anthony still has hope that he and Opie can patch things up.

This is the only interesting thing thats ever happened on this sub.

What a time to be alive/ hate opie.

this is how the elvis channel must feel when a a guy whose uncle's sister's cousin's mother swallowed elvis's cum back in 1965 calls into the show to describe vague memories of her 50 years later.

Yeah, some guy who served him in a restaurant once.

Fuck me, we're one degree off of the elvis channel..

Someone call the colonel or whatever the fuck that was about.

I don't agree with your premise that it's actually Danny who is posting. The evidence provided so far isn't altogether convincing, and his writing style is (at times) too elegant for a caustic, alcoholic flunky who wears Creepshow T-shirts in public. Anthony denying being Bizarro Opie is further evidence. Plus, he goes into too much detail in his posts - it's as if he's providing overly detailed explanations in an effort to convince us. In my opinion, the real Danny wouldn't be so verbose. Granted, what I know of him is from years ago, and is based on his radio persona.

Screencapping internal CBS emails about the dump report is pretty convincing.

These could have been posted a long time ago on another forum.

That would still mean Danny took the time to address fans - only in the past. Is that more believable than him doing it now?

Do you see anything in the screencaps that indicates we're actually looking from the perspective of Danny's email account? The blue deletions are also suspicious.

Listen, I'm no fucking conspiracy theorist - not even a little bit. I'm just not convinced. I could be wrong.

There's no smoking gun evidence, but it's really hard to make up as much as he's made up and still be convincing. It's also not farfetched to think that Danny uses reddit and checks this sub on occasion.


I agree - it's not far fetched. But considering that I have no evidence that it's him, and also considering that that this sub is full of fat social outcasts with too much free time, it is also not far fetched that someone can pretend to be Danny using their deep knowledge of the show's history.

Well, I was wrong. Someone fuck my mouth with a screwdriver.

if i was going to pretend to be someone on a sub, this is the sub i would do it.There are some fuckin idiots here.

It's him. He replied to an email sent to a known account. He also confirmed it's him on Facebook to another user here (There are screencaps on wackbag). In addition to that, he posted two pics.

There's still value in the Opie and Anthony brand, if Opie sees that it was Anthony making fun of his son being named after a river and going to be gay... Might not be good for business. Just a thought on why he might deny it, if it's true

There was barely a value in the OnA brand when they were still broadcasting together.

I think it was Justin Stangel.

Nah, I'd believe Anthony way more than I'd believe Danny. Even if it is really Danny, he can say whatever he wants. Fans already didn't like him, so he can make stuff up all he wants.

Maybe he's bored. More likely he doesn't really know for sure and is just vaguely remembering something he heard once.

Danny is like the illuminati. He mixes 95% truth with 5% absolute bullshit, and it confuses all the facts and misleads the vast majority of mouth breathers.

Im 99.8% sure Danny was BizzaroOpie and hes trying to garner publicity for his video game now

Maybe Ant just got a taste of his own shit-stirring medicine like he did to innocent young Sam the other month.

What Sam thing are you referring to?

That's correct.

this is how the elvis channel must feel when a a guy whose uncle's sister's cousin's mother swallowed elvis's cum back in 1965 calls into the show to describe vague memories of her 50 years later.