What are your favorite hobbies?

0  2015-11-29 by GregorianChantz

I enjoy collecting pictures of marsupials, putting fireflies in mason jars, listening to age appropriate Opie and Anthony episodes, listening to kevin hart and Aziz ansari stand up, making candles with my mom for Christmas gifts, sucking on nectarine pits, dancing with my puppy firetruck, trampolining into my pool( i have a pool my parents are rich), going to movies I just saw the good dinosaur it was amazing, hanging out with my friends and neighbors, eating blow pops not sucking on them and waiting for gum, stargaze with my dad on beautiful nights, go to church and praying, listening to really good music everyone says i have the best playlists, going to restaurants( i like getting a side salad and not eating it), super gluing things together, I like volcanoes, eating otter pops when I'm done swimming, black ops 3, calling people I don't like Lynis, pooping in bathrooms at school barely anyone uses, fishing with my dad, hugging my mom, putting up Christmas lights, and coming here. What are your favorite hobbies?


I like to downvote people who pretend to be little boys online.

I like to downvote people who prey on little boys online.

[ shake, shake ]

My uncle is a comedian and was and is a regular guest on opie and Anthony he's really funny I'm sure you guys know him I see posts about him all the time but I never comment because he said not to bring up his name on this message board. He's my moms brother he got me a really cool train set last year for Christmas I cant wait til Christmas this year. I told my mom and dad I want a new iPhone, a new tank for my gecko, a trip to Australia, polo shirts, snowboard, and a tv.

[ shake, shake ]

This is awful babbling nonsense but I agree about the lightning-bugs-in-mason-jars thing.

Yeah fireflies are really neat. We always have a bunch in our backyard but I haven't seen any because it's really cold. Next time I catch some ill post a photo here and give you guys a few tips on jarring bugs :)

What kind of mental illness is this? Bi polar? Personality disorder?