got -10 for saying the word 'nigger.' You fucking SJW faggots need to get the fuck outta here as this should NEVER be happening. PC has no place in anything, ESPECIALLY comedy, jokes, or anything attempting to be homerous. Just fuck off.

0  2015-11-29 by rimitress


No one cares. This isn't a Klan rally, faggot.

just saw this post and wow did you niggers take the bait.

You didn't get -10 for saying nigger. You got -10 for making a shitty post. Nigger.

Cry more, nigger.

cry me a nigger

A nigger. A nigger? A nigger, cook.

Tss homerous, what are ya a fawkin cartoon character or sumthin?

Niggers are sexy when you whip them

Calm down Artie


Good! You suck, and your "look at me, I'm edgy like Gavin" posts suck, too.

Don't attempt. Just put the dick in your mouth.

Yeah, this is the thing that people don't understand here... You don't get to use the "this is comedy" line when what you wrote wasn't spelled correctly, in the right context, or funny. You hit the bad post trifecta.

See how dumb you come off when you try to spell? Its the same with everything else you try to do.


Fuck you, you fucking African American.

Shut up. There was nothing funny about your comment, it was Opie level shock hackery.

Ha Ha you suck cock I hope your parents are dead

There are somethings you can think, but can't say. For instance, you can't call Aunt Beverly a "cunt" at the Thanksgiving table when she starts shit talking your football team ... teachable moment.

I don't mean to offend you or anything, but please leave and never come back, and consider fucking your mother.


Haha he got you guys good!

humerous. fuck me.

What about the ulna and radius, cocksucka?

Humorous, you fucking retarded cock knocker.

Calm down Artie