Could someone fill me in on these staff Jews?

2  2015-11-29 by smokinswindler

I was only a regular listener after the Lady Di interview and listen to scattered archives. Who is this Danny guy?


Danny was a cunt that did his actual job fairly well when he wasn't crying about something.

Steve "YESSSSSS" C was a fat sad fucker that hated himself, which made for great comedy.

Erock is a fat happy fucker that drinks diet coke ice cream floats and watches childrens cartoons as a hobby. He's subtle manipulator that makes bank at SXM.

Sam is Opie but somehow stranger looking and with a worse voice. He's good at stirring shit, but that's literally it.

Mars is hispanic.

The interns were a revolving door of college kids with no real aspirations, and that one dumbass 40 year old dude that accomplished nothing.

Travis is gay.

Kenny is a retired snitch-cop that defends police despite the fact that most of his peers probably hated him. He's also Jim's surrogate father.

takyon_deathyon is a fucking loser that wrote out a dossier on a bunch of faggots from a dead radio show, because he's an asshole with literallly nothing better to do, and hates himself a little for typing this out.

Danny was a sometimes funny but hate-filled individual that was constantly getting into arguments with people, both on and off the air, due to his extremely abrasive personality.

His behavior was tolerated because he was Ants drinking buddy/friend and Ant would constantly go to his defense, but he pushed things too far when he insulted the second highest person in Sirius and not even Ant could save him. He harbored some resentment over his firing (a cushy gig that he will never get close to matching again), which appears to have led to a breakdown of his friendship with Ant.

He has opie level self-awareness so if he were to be questioned on any of this he would always claim the other person to be at fault, but most of his problems are self made.

Also If you like listening to archived shows, try I'm on April 1st of 2010 and streaming the rest of the shows for that year continuously and then I'm going to start on 08/09/11

or don't, I don't give a shit

I want to make a beer out of malt, hops and Auschwitz ashes. I'll call it He-brew. Waka-waka
