The last time Jim was honestly happy

33  2015-11-28 by Dennyislife


He looks like a hotter Sigourney Weaver

you can take the man out of the dress but you can't that the dress out of the man.

but you can't that the dress out of the man.

and here I thought I h-hat-was in a drought

And you can't take the cock out of his mouth.

"man" is generous.

I joked a few time about him being a tranny, but i wouldn't be surprised if he really did want to be a women and his obsession with trannies was just part of it. Plus it would be hilarious.

His transition would surprise very few of us.

and with the lifts jim stands a whopping 5'7"

damn he's a convincing woman.

But an ugly one.

Dildo Baggins

Such a huggable little rent boy.

"Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard"

with o&j, we all know Jim is in for the paycheck. but what about ATM?

Jim is a worm. Worms are only happy when they're in a prescence of a superior. He hasn't had that in a while.

He was happy he was finally in a movie, since it's so hard to blink and tick your way onto the silver screen.

God I came so hard looking at this.... my mom says it was a bigger load than the one I shot when she put a toothbrush up my urethra.

Whoa you sound cuh-ray zee! I mean you're getting aroused by Jim Norton in a wig, you're sticking toothbrushes in your urethra, your mom is apparently conversant with the intensity of your orgasms -- you're OUTRAGEOUS!


I was just saying the truth as a joke. I do fuck my mom... since 7th grade. She used to check me "to see if I was developing right". Then she started fondling me, and after a few months started jerking me into the sink; checking my development. Then sucking happened because she said it was in the Bible "better in the belly of a whore...". Eventually it got to her torturing my cock and balls. Her favorite is to dress up in a nun costume she got and we did crank a few times while role playing child abuse.


July 1st, 2015

Anthony was already gone, I disagree but it's cool I know you just wanted some fast easy karma posting a pic that's been posted here before multiple times.

Anthony was never the only thing that could make Jimmy happy. That's just pure fanfiction. The attention of a A lister was.

still a repost

downvoting me may satisfy your arbitrary need to exercise some form of power over other people in your life but it won't make me wrong. still a repost.

Didn't downvote sweetie. Not fucked about reposts either. Its reddit. Stop taking it seriously xxx

I don't, it's why I'm not reposting old content or deleting my comments

Not deleting anything or downvoting but carry on.

oh no I didn't mean you were deleting comments, i'm just saying I don't care about reddit enough either to not say it's a repost at the expense of my karma



I was just saying the truth as a joke. I do fuck my mom... since 7th grade. She used to check me "to see if I was developing right". Then she started fondling me, and after a few months started jerking me into the sink; checking my development. Then sucking happened because she said it was in the Bible "better in the belly of a whore...". Eventually it got to her torturing my cock and balls. Her favorite is to dress up in a nun costume she got and we did crank a few times while role playing child abuse.