Opie getting some love from his fans on Facebook

102  2015-11-27 by arobben


Opie has contacted the owners of Facebook and it's just a few people with hundreds of accounts.

Is that why all the names look like they came from other planets?

I hope he gets strangled with piano wire.

Cancer to your entire blood and bones!

I couldn't help but read that comment as Steve Brule. The only thing missing was "ya dingus" at the end.

Don't touch my drums."

ESL dinks have piss-poor insult game


I'm sorry, but I don't go for such salty goulash.

"You should get cancer!"

I couldn't even make it past that line

Why can't people have normal names like "George" anymore?

Yeah, what's that Rohan guy from Lord of the Rings or sumptin tssss tssss?

Tss fuckin horse lords motha fucka DVV DVV

Tssss...should take a cough drop.

I'm pretty sure they're all Turkish, so they smoke in inappropriate places and love American running water so much they constantly use it

I lived in a house with a few people and had a Turkish roommate years ago and she was constantly running water and whenever we went places she lit cigarettes and she didn't understand why it wasn't ok. "What, you don't smoke cigarette while waiting in line at deli?"

Next you're going to rant about ketchup.

What am I,12?

seriously...everyone on that list has some god-awful unpronouncable, stupid name.

Yeah, like "Opie".


You're referring to Rogan Van Der Shplantz? His family has a long and proud history in this country, escaping eastern Europe after the first pogroms

Because that name sucks.

alright Kareef Boombombo

leave swambi al'hambra ibn sljuk alone.

The jerk store called.

Why would you give the Jerk Store your number? They're Jerks!

Fair enough, fair enough. You had sex with my wife.

They got his number off an AIDS walk list.

It does suck. It just means "farmer", too.

Because those are all bots.

You've got it wrong. Those people aren't Opie fans and they're not giving him love.

Oh literal /u/McGowan9

"Cancer to your entire blood and bones" is such a perfect sentence.

brevity is the soul of wit

~ rich vos

Tss yeah oh captain my captain or sumtin

Social media destroyed Opie's radio show. Got his co-host fired. Yet there's nothing he wants more than love from social media. Going viral is his holy grail. The only time he can do it, it's people attacking him and trying to get him fired. Is this guy retarded? He's basically in an abusive relationship with twitter.

I just watched this video on how social media is destroying humanity. Short vid, but the guy makes some amazing points.

He's got a point

I hate you almost as much as Opie right now.

Remember how bad he felt when those maniacs, unprovoked and of their own volition attacked and ruined the Todd shows online presence when his new show debuted? I'm sure opie is on record saying no one should ever be attacked like that just for making soccer mom radio.

ME: Everyone on the show gets hate. Sniff?


"hope you fucking die soon cunt" great line

Simple, yet straight to the point.

So where are you guys at with the Penis Cancer? -It gets whacked off and ya still got Cancer...

Its a god damn Turkish refugee camp in that picture

ME: Wow, his fans say some fuccckin bruuutal things! I thought this was a family-friendly show. What phase are we in now Sammay?

Did Opie throw his Islanders tickets in the ocean again?

No, just his career.

car... car-ear.. what's that Sam? Cuh-rear? Oh, right, career. Yeah I've been having a car-ear now for 40+ years... Doogie Howser of radio... doing this since I was 18... droppin hammers


Those looks like a lot of very convincing post for just a couple of us "reddit fags"

I bet these people don't even realize he has a radio show. They just randomly stumbled across his Facebook and were so baffled by the anti-funny, pro-shittiness of his posts and personality that they just started hating him for their own reasons

what was this all in response to? something Opie said? or just in response to Opie in general...



He went viral

That is just lovely


How does he have comments from so many different kinds of foreigners?


Has anyone gone to Fiver to see if they can get a hex put on him?

We gotta make this cakestomp snitching thing monthly tradition. Or weekly... Or daily. It clearly hets to him.

Hahaha holy shit that's the hardest laugh I've had since Hater Hater sucked on a black penis

They sound just like his "fans" on Reddit.

Vasilis Foustoukos is my new hero

I love how these people think they're expert moral judges and defenders of innocents, yet they say the most heinous, savage and insipid threats.

Yeah we get it. Opie sucks.

Can we laugh at the hilarious moments they had on the show together instead of just ripping the shit out of Opie all the time? He sucks, but O&A didn't.


I like Opie and I like the show a lot. Don't understand why people treat him like such a heel. Nobody's perfect especially doing 3-4 hours of radio almost every weekday.