Opies social media presence being constantly ruined really brings a smile to my face.

60  2015-11-27 by smokinswindler

It's the only thing that he values in his life. Cakestomp going viral again on a day he just wanted to spend with the family is awesome. Watching everyone wish ill upon him in the comment section is just so beautiful. My favorite one was fuck you opie. I hope you choke on everything you eat, not just the turkey


Tits thinks he's a winner even when he's losing.

He's a 57 year old millionaire who interviews famous people everyday yet spends his holidays editing videos to piss off the haters.

That's the bit! That's the bit and Tits still doesn't get it.

The moment he posted his latest video proves what a sad fellow he really is. He's fighting against bored cunts with no lives who are probably using old versions of Windows Paint etc to make him look stupid...and losing.

Even Bobo doesn't fall for the same shit over and over again.

He is an empty shell and it delights me.

Bobo has given out his twitter password a dozen fucking times. I hate the Opester but Bobo is next level retarded

Bobo's actually retarded though.

His Harry hater vine has been up for over 24 hours. 2 revines 3 comments. He's a force to be reckoned with on social media.

There would actually be 4 comments if he didn't delete mine. All I said was "I hope Hudson developes an aggressive cleft pallet and Lynsi stops loving you". Got blocked on my first try.

Well , I for one believe he overreacted. That's a totally reasonable comment.


Go figure someone would block a random weirdo who wished that there child would develop a medical condition. Talk about thin skin amiirite.

If you can't handle some good natured ribbing from the boys you should quit radio forever

Can someone "develop" a cleft plate? I thought that was a birth defect.

Oh Literal RearNakedGrope!

All I said was "I hope Hudson developes an aggressive cleft pallet and Lynsi stops loving you".

I chuckled.

Opie has breasts

I'm on vacation right now, so before the long flight, I loaded up my phone with my favorite bits from the show.

In hindsight, after everything that has gone down, it's interesting listening to the classic moments where Anthony and Jim really get on a roll and are making each other belly laugh. I think Opie resented those moments the most, where he was effectively a glorified board op for two amazingly sharp and quick-witted talents. When Anthony got in trouble, he had to honestly (and incorrectly) be thinking that he could riff with Jimmy and it will be just as entertaining. I honestly don't think he thinks he's as funny as Anthony, but he thinks he's as entertaining but in a different way.

On a side note, I can't believe I gave the Brother Wease show the benefit of the doubt for so long (among many other things, we've now learned). What a heap of shit that guy's show is. This is the guy that Opie brags about being a protege of? The same way the comedians would hardly ever let Opie have it is the same reservation Anthony and Jimmy had all those years when Opie talked about this hack and they just sat there silent rather than trashing him like they would have if the show had no connection to him.

All insights that have been covered here already, I'm sure, but so painfully obvious now.

He was just starting to gain some confidence again. He was taking phone calls during the show, he even posted a Harry video. So satisfying to see him get pulled back down to earth. I was listening to some old clips, and Opie has clearly gotten much worse. He wasn't NEARLY as bad as he is now. I know Ant leaving exposed a lot of his annoying shit, but it's hard to believe how awful he is now.

It's because before he could let Ant do all the heavy lifting and jump in there when necessary. Now all he has is a gritty fake radio voice and documentrees.

My sister in law who was a fan and still follows occasionally, sent me a text with a screen shot of his Facebook and just "lol this is brutal!"


ahhh...comments are disabled on that video now...and he's trying to educate the haters with his annotations of "Homeless Andrew AFTER" and "Opie & Anthony discuss Homeless Cake Stomp CONTROVERSY"

Great way to prove that the hate totally isn't getting to you

Its not getting to him. Have you seen how healthy and happy Opie looks lately?

ME: I'm actually doing just fine fffuckface. The philly crew actually just recruited me for their yearly ice fishing retreat with Father Doris if you need to know. Gonna get some basssssss. Catch a few bassssssss. Sammy! Ever tasted a lil bassssssss?

Hey man, its your karma

I can't imagine the anxiety of waking up everyday and knowing there is massive amounts of vitriolic hatred waiting in dormant for you and being too powerless to let yourself ignore it. Poor millionaire.

You guys really are just sad individuals for wishing what you wish on this guy and putting so much into just hating someone. It makes you all seem a little pitiful. I loved the show when Anthony was still around and there is no question it was better back then, but holy fuck guys don't you have something better to do?

Its a bit you dope! Opie has been a friend of this subreddit for a long time, a long fucking time. sniff

Like playing fantasy football?

