Harry Hater surfaces again.

3  2015-11-26 by [deleted]



He's just so fucking corny. "Pumpkin heads"

& he would claim it's suppose to be corny and that he knows he's being stupid but fuck-that-shit. He's a corny motherfucker, undeniable

He's just so fucking corny. "Pumpkin heads" & he would claim it's suppose to be corny and that he knows he's being stupid but fuck-that-shit. He's a corny motherfucker, undeniable

He does shit the show would have shit on and made fun of, and he does it without a trace of irony, because he doesn't know what is and what is not funny. His sense of humor is akin to a fucking guy doing radio in central PA in the morning because deep down that's exactly what he is.

Almost all of Tits'z social media is trolling the haters,teehee.

He has pulled out Hater, nicccccce, take a peek, just a little bit, today on Twitter. Poor cunt, he misses the old days when he had fans.

I don't think Bobo was ever really a fan of his

This seems even easier to edit a cock into than the last one

it's already been done. No matter how much Tits tries to own this now, it's too late. Harry cocksucker will always be there and he hates it.

Almost too easy right?

It's like he almost did it on purpose, but...he's not that clever.


2015-11-26 15:07:19 UTC

Happy Thanksgiving to all you pumpkin heads! vine.co

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This to me is confirmation that while he didn't expect "the haters" to go as far as this with their rage during Jocktober he was definitely trying to get a rise out of people.

Otherwise why would be bring it back again?

Those teeth...

He's got the teeth of the British Royal family