Keep using racial slurs

0  2015-11-26 by [deleted]



Fuck you nigger kike

I'd like to think we use them not to be edgy or cool, but simply because they're fun. Anyone so far up their own ass or so in love with their culture that they take offense to words is simply an asshole. I will use the word "Nigger" casually with no harm intended but I wouldn't directly call a black person "Nigger" unless I wanted a fight. I refer to women as "cunts" "twats" and "broads" in a joking manner, but I'd never call my mother or GF that. Go buy your Opieradio "Words Hurt" coffee mug and shut your cunt mouth.


CLASSIC!!! Any time you criticise somebody AT ALL, they throw you in with the ultra-PC crowd. I was with you right up until the end there. I was just picking on the people who are clearly desperate and looking for attention off anyone from O&A

Quit being a nig

Well no, I actually didn't lump you into that category. I just assumed you were an over-sensitive cunt with some sort of unrelated axe to grind with the world. So whatever is, feel free to vent, we're here to help!

Not sure if your new to this sub but it's mostly bashing the shit out of O&A so we are not exactly looking to get on their good side. O&A didn't invent racial slurs either that was Howard Stern.

Hoo hoo

You probably are a cunt to be honest. Why else would you care about the racial slurs used by "immature zilches" on a subreddit attached to a show that was known for being needlessly offensive?

And to post this drivel as though it were some sort of verbal smackdown that was going to put us all in our place? That's hole behaviour right there. I'd think of some reason you're a bitch too but I think cunt covers it well enough.

I didn't know cunts were a race.

do u have a bf? :)

No. Probably because I'm an over sensitive cunt who can't take a joke and rararararara

send me a pic of ur gash tbh :)

I got a big dick but it's like 2 different colors and has warts

You didn't know that Anthony will invite you over to his house and give you 5 grand if you use the word nigger online 2500 times? It's like a Speedy rewards card. Do some fucking research on the subject before you start trying to make fun of me for trying to impress washed up Long Island shock jocks. Oh, nigger nigger nigger nigger, just got my free vacation and 5 grand. Showed you up.