Maria Menounos snapchats her cleavage

61  2015-11-26 by BoboOrban6


I'd like to put my penis in her vagina if you know what I mean

I don't.


dats vulgah

Quite a subtle reference.



Fuckin' sexy spic cunt

Hey, turkey, there's no need to use the f-word.

Racial slurs are still tolerated?


Just use the correct slur, Greeks are not spics, sir.

Sorry to be sloppy with my racism, I thought she was Mexican. She's one sexy Olive-Nigger then

Is that a thing? Because that's hilarious




Yes but faggots aren't so please go away

she's greek

Thanks for the help, I'll stop by her dad's diner then

I wanna fuck her in the bathroom while her dad makes the day's cole slaw in a Brute garbage can.

Don't get your pubes tangled in her thick Mediterranean asshole hair.

Then again, those greasy Greeks probably have plenty of oil down there.

She's really sexy if she'd never ever laugh, and still sexy when she does even though it's awful.

If you're saying that she is indeed physically attractive, yet her migraine-inducing laughter is slightly unpleasant to listen to, then I 100% agree with you.

That's exactly what I'm saying, but I'm also not about to say that her horrifying laugh wouldn't stop me. I would have surgery to make myself deaf if this great woman would marry me.

I have a knitting needle, a hammer, and whisky. I'll do the surgery for you.

She's Hispanic?


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I fawked hehr

You're lying again Chip


Andrew Dice Chip?

Hickawry Dickawry Dawk, dis bitch were sawkin mah cawk. Fawk ya.

I would strongly consider having sex with her if given the opportunity.

I'd have to get to know her first. But if things work out after a few dates I would definitely think about taking things to the next level with her. She's THAT pretty.

So brave

offensive. smut like this shouldn't be on the internet, children use this thing for heaven's sake...

Praise His name.

Can I get an Amen....or an A-boy.

I'd cover he in so much rope she'd think she was a sailboat.

Just picturing some bukkake hooer saying "I feel seaworthy!"

So much seamen.

That you for building upon what was admittedly a joke that would pull the emergency brake in any real life situation.

Dootle-oot doot-doot, doodleoodledeedledoot

doot-doot doot DOOT-doot-DOOT... DOOT

Yar. There she blows.

Honestly, she is so fucking hot and she seems really cool too. I don't usually fawn over hot celebrities, but holy shit, she is hot as fuck.

I now I'm about to get trashed for this, but she's legitimately the only entertainment news-type reporter with a nice personality. She's actually cool.

Thanks Nana.


Forgot all about that LAUGH, man...

That fucking broad is so fucking hot. And has been for a long time, too. Good on her

Someone posted a bikini slip picture here awhile back.

Pic or it never happened. I'd like to kiss her bum

Thanks for your service. She is a smoke show, id love to hold her hand and smooch with her.

Thank BonoOrBan. He's the real hero.

I'm at work but I'm trying to get fired.

you uhh you got a little slip down there.

That was me tbh fam.

You're a good lad.

and yet we mock Opie for his tits.

I would breathe my oxygen supply from her asshole

Boboorban constantly bringing the heat. I don't even think I agree with you on many things but I still appreciate your posts. And after bringing this absolute gem to me I'll always be a "boboorbani guy". Thank you for your service

Hey I appreciate it, friend. What's say you and me spit on each other's cocks and fuck until our assholes bleed like a severed limb in a Japanese samurai film?

When is she gonna snapchat her bald spot

If she couldn't do infinitely better I feel like we'd have some real chemistry.

I think she's pretty.

Same grade a tits. Opie's gotta be jealous of those knockers

I don't know about you fellas, but I'd really enjoy ejaculating on those breasts.


Many, many times, yes.

Goddamn Goddamn.


Come on guys let's not be crass. She seems like a delightful lady and should be treated with respect.

You're a good egg, sir.

i dunno why this is here, but I'm pleased all the same



The "OH MY GOD I can't believe I just did that xP" shit is not hot. Stop doing it you dumb cum rags.

I'll overlook her age and fuck her tits.