I can't call Todd a fag any more

9  2015-11-24 by vapeandcoffee

Well what do you know, he is actually gay.



There's a load in my mouth!

"Hey there turkey, my name is Faggot McButtholes, I was in your store the other day..." They look like a happy couple, good luck to them :)


Wow, I don't know why, but I'm actually surprised by that. I thought he was a faggy shitty straight radio host, and now it turns out he's really a shitty gay radio host.

I wanna see the fag movie

"Hey! My name is Dick Suckenmade MeAssholefallout!"

all fag jokes aside.. good for him being that age and coming out with the public eye on him is more of a thing than us young pseudo intellectuals can comprehend. His show still sucks

Pseudo intellectuals? I didn't know this was a comment section for one of Joe Rogans podcasts

Correct, this is the sub for psuedo-homesexuals.

Queebs and quays as well.


Good for him? Gay people aren't looked down on in society today, people will clap and pat you on the back as if you achieved something miraculous if you come out. That freak Bruce Jenner became a tranny after killing someone and he practically gets a parade for it. Who gives a shit where Todd likes to put his dick.

Pre 2000s gays were the best. What happened fam? :(

9/11 changed everything.

Hasn't cut off his dick yet.

There's a Mo on my house!

Sam interviewed the stunt boy from Todd's new show a few months ago - Meatball maybe?

He told a story that included Todd's wife. Wonder what the story is there...

Beard maybe? Wait isn't Meatball gay too? I remember when they first Jocktobered the show and they were reading everyone's bio. His said something like his parents through him out because of life decisions they didn't agree with. It was mysterious.

Meatballs was just a guy who wanted to do radio and was offered a job he probably didn't deserve on an AM drive show in NYC. Then he proceeded to see why. A cornball persona they wanted him to be and all the stunt boy stuff they asked him to do. That was apparently all the two guys in that picture. Meatballs just got stuck in that crap gig before they fired him. No way he could have succeeded with the garbage Todd and Co. had him doing.

it wasn't Sam that interviewed him, it was Erock aka The Hawk

Aka an entertaining broadcaster.

He is, but never intentionally.

Why don't you come back here and alright we get it

it'll never stop being a perfect line though

One of the best moments of the entire show, no doubt.

No clue but it really seems this is Todd's boyfriend


That's Monk, his sarcastic trouble making exec producer. He's never met an insult he wouldn't use.


2015-10-23 14:30 UTC

Yes. Carrie Underwood is that pretty. And yes I look that goofy. #carrieunderwood #storyt… http://ift.tt/1MILt0L

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Why are you looking up todd photos from August?

Todd has always been part of the New Generation.

Linger longer

Then I guess he appreciated the pests superimposing his face over gay porn?

Todd is married with two daughters though.

Lmao, can't even faggot right.

He looks noticeably "more gay" in the photo, which leads me to believe this was a recent thing. The younger guy as well. It makes you Fez.

What the fuck?

My cinnamon's exactly.

All those Broadway song parodies are starting to make a little more sense now.

Man, this really makes me miss O&A. They would've had so much fun with this.

Maybe they're making a joke? Is Todd actually a 'mo?

Didnt one of his former interns, Meatball, say todd had a fucking wife?

gay couples usually get black guys for their threesomes, not black dogs...

Probably a bit. Todd seems like the kind of guy who'd fake being gay to try and capture that younger demo.

Those fucking teeth.

Fire Marshall Bill lookin muthafucka

I thought you were talking about Fez there for a second.


No. Fucking. Gay.


what the hell, really? I could have sworn hes talked about his wife before. maybe he was in character as alster slambag

I'm almost positive he has kids. Not that there aren't homos who start a family before accepting what they are.

He does have kids, 2 daughters. And a wife. So that is true. Can't speak to anything else though.



He looks like he's got full-blown AIDS.

At least he stopped with the blonde hair. He looks more like a human man now.

and yet, still healthier looking that Norton's current form.

I don't think he's gay, that dude works on the show and it looks like they all went to a thing called Bark In The Park. Not gay, still a fag. https://twitter.com/toddandjayde/status/627506373773914117


2015-08-01 15:49 UTC

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Pseudo intellectuals? I didn't know this was a comment section for one of Joe Rogans podcasts

Good for him? Gay people aren't looked down on in society today, people will clap and pat you on the back as if you achieved something miraculous if you come out. That freak Bruce Jenner became a tranny after killing someone and he practically gets a parade for it. Who gives a shit where Todd likes to put his dick.