The Paycheck Kid is getting noticeably more awkward with every TACS appearance

3  2015-11-24 by [deleted]

But why?


Because it is weird. The show is done. I'm sorry but it's gone. We need to let it go. Anthony is doing his thing and Opie is doing his. Worm is just trying to collect checks.

To quote Anthony, "Like O&A, how many years before people realize it's actually working?"

A decade.

He doesn't fell comfortable in his own skin. He needs to just come out as trans and get on the hormones already.

He already got Charlie Sheen HIV by proxy, so he's already half way to being the open twink he's always wanted to be.

I think it's getting impossible for him to keep his lack-of-a-chin up. This most recent visit began with O&J talk and he didn't attempt to lie and say "it's going well" or "it's different, but it's still fun." He just said he misses Ant twice and then Anthony tossed out a "who knows what the future holds" statement to get people's hopes up for an A&J Show.

But hopeful statements don't put steamy piles on Jimmy's coffee table, so we'll see how the next contract negotiation goes.

But hopeful statements don't put steamy piles on Jimmy's coffee table

Why would stacks of cash be steaming?... oh. OH

1) Every time he is about to loosen up and really have that sniping, belly laughing back and forth they used to have, he pictures Gregg secretly watching and getting jealous -ME: "What the fuck, how come he doesn't laugh like that with me? I thought we had finally got the chemistry goin." Cue a week of passive aggression.

2) He then remembers the joyless pit of despair he has to return to for his paycheck and gets sad inside.

He might also feel like a sellout and a shitty friend for leaving Ant hanging for that paycheck.

Jim most deffinitely feels he sold out. Probably more so cause of all the shit he gave other celebs. Though he did convince himself he's an addict.

Probably more so cause of all the shit he gave other celebs.

When did Jimmy give celebrities shit for taking a paycheck? I'm not calling you out; I'm honestly curious. It's thrown around all the time, but I honestly can't recall an instance of it.


I think it's on Ant's end too. He is definitely more stiff around his guests than he used to be. Probably because he has to think about running the show and changing topics rather than just being funny.

He should have someone who steers the show


it's finally starting to sink in that he failed at being a comedian. any day now he goes home, tears those stupid fucking celebrity photos off the wall, and cries naked in front of the fire. with any luck he'll take a bottle of tylenol as a cry for help but fall face first unconscious into the fire.

It's not that he failed, he didn't fail, he makes a living doing it. Whats sinking in is that he succeeded at being a comedian and is at the bottom of the list of successful comedians because he probably never would of succeeded without OnA

Plus they're on to what, the third generation of O&A regular comics soaring past him in the entertainment industry?

He's sadly been brainwashed.

Jimmy has become a lot less funny than he used to be, and less engaged in conversations than ever before

Maybe the fact Anthony invites his co-workers stalker to a PR party might have something to do with it. Maybe.

An ex producer who's probably never done anything to Anthony?

its been going on years so ant most likely knew. I am sure Opie would of bitched about him.

So why should Anthony give a shit if this guy harasses a guy that Anthony himself hates?

If the ben sparks guy on reddit is really him he sure talks a lot of shit on both of them

Your right. Why should ant give a shit about having insane stalkery people at his PR launch for his podcast. Sorry.

It's not like 'insane stalkery people' isn't a way you could describe a heavy portion of the OnA fanbase

haha too right, you could paint the majority here with that brush.

ex-co-worker, opie got him fired remember

Jimmy got fired?