Ama request /u/bensparks

2  2015-11-24 by [deleted]



After reading his history the only word that comes to mind is Profit... He predicted a lot of shit and brought a shit ton of insight into the lies that both OPIE and Anthony have said over the years. I'm on mobile but someone should screen cap all of this, it might get pulled over legal shit with this whole news article and shit.

I was thinking the same thing about saving it

what does he make a buncha fuwkin mony or sumthin

What's the deal with ants heart? In some of these posts Ben said he had stents and others he said he had a heart attack, I could have sworn that I've seen Ant shirtless in pictures of him in his dumb Guinea hot tub with no scars on his chest...Any truth in that?

Stents can be inserted into an artery and moved into place thru the blood vessels. The only time you'll see one of those huge scars is if someone needed open heart surgery.

Ant has admitted to having a stent put in.

Edit: typo

He predicted a lot of shit and I really do believe it's him, but didn't he oppose Norton and the "hang" format?

I mean I feel like he's right about Ant's heart/etc but It's hard to agree with this lol. Especially on a site like reddit with no verification process and a billion psychos spouting shit on here and registering new accounts.

I tweeted that Doof with a maniacal laugh, hopefully he swings by.

U on PC? Will u grab his comment history before he wipes it?

No, If this whole shit with opie goes south for ben im not gonna be the one who gave opie the shit to let him win, If he wants to delete his shit he's very well welcome to. fuck opie.

You're right good point maybe I should take down this thread?

if you want, I'd still like him to do an AMA, but thats up to him.