what drug was jimmy addicted to or does he just say that to seem more 'experienced'?

0  2015-11-23 by LeVampire1992


He drank some beers and smoked some weed. He claims to have done crack and mescaline but his lack of an ability to get a story straight on those leads me to highly doubt that. Both are very memorable drugs. He either didn't do them, or he thought he did and they weren't real. Many teens will embellish their level of drug-use to seem cooler to their friends, or to seem more troubled if it's a cry for help, either are possible for Jim. He stopped doing drugs when he was 19, it's been like 30 years and he acts like it's still a daily struggle. Who ever called him Jim Nye the Sober-Guy, thank you, because Addiction-Jimmy is by far his most obnoxious and embarrassing character.

At this point why not just relapse, do something to make himself interesting

Something other than a tranny massage story. Ok so it would still be "I did a little bump of coke last night, drank a quarter of a Corona, I was soooo fucked up. Then I ate a few pretzels and passed out in front of my computer while edging... It's an arms day so my trainer, with the nice camel-toe, is gonna make me stretch elastic bands for like 15 minutes"

I'd like to see Jimmy act on coke, his eyeballs would explode

Oh god, old Tremor-face Norton could not handle it. He really should try some percocets or oxycontins, maybe a muscle relaxer? Even a handsome man that blinks that much would never make it in "show-biz"

His tic would either go into hyperdrive or he'd be cured of it. One of the two.

I smoked Crack a few times like 10 years ago. My mouth still waters when I think about it. Shits crazy.

I did cocaine a few times before I ever smoked crack, I was 19, we ran out of coke but my buddy who had a trust-fund (only like 300k from his dead dad when he turned 18) had plenty of cash and all his dealer had left was crack. It was 3 dudes in an apartment with a case of beer left, at 3 am playing video games. some disgusting broad in her 50's showed up to deliver what I believe was $200-300 worth of crack. We got drunk and smoked crack with this lady until roughly 9am, she pulled her gross big-nipple tits out, but it was fun at the time. I remember this vividly 12 years later,and I've had way more awful experiences I cant possibly remember. So Jim being confused about details is bullshit

That sounds like a tremendous night! Did you fall apart immediately after?

Actually no, one night of drug and alcohol use will not destroy your life. I went on to to serve in the US Army with a top secret level clearance (I obtained absolutely no secrets) in civil affairs and psychological operations. I didn't drink my life away until several years and several failed relationships later.

So yes.

:( yeah, i'm a disaster

Taal be irie. De sa-looshan to aal de problam be in dem emptee bottle. Red Stripe! Horray Beer!

Last year at this time I was just getting fawking zooted on Coke and or heroin everyday. I never even think about Coke anymore but I literally think about doing heroin everyday. Booting up and taking a warm bath is the best feeling in the world. I remember the first time I snorted H I was making a turkey sandwich at my friends house and lost all control of body and blacked out on the floor, still a better experience than the O&J show.

As someone who has done drugs I find it weird that he's able to go all out on whoring but not use.... Most people have to be 100% on the straight and narrow. If they use anything or do shady shit they go back to drugs really quick.

I've been to NA meetings and stuff like that and about 25% of the people there just want attention. You don't say anything but it's ridiculous. I don't know why anyone would want to go to those meetings. They made me want to use because they were so fucking depressing.


He probably doesn't like the taste of alcohol and pretends to be a recovering addict so he doesn't have to be embarrassed when he winces drinking a beer around adults.

He had a beer then fell into a downward spiral of self-destruction and had another...

Booze and weed, I think I heard him claim before he did coke

Cum. He was addicted to cum.

ten points to gryffindor young sir.

Apparently so are you.

thats dumbledore you filthy muggle.

Idk that.


He's such a lying little worm .. he never did any drug beside drink a couple of beers and sexually harass women which led to him being embarrassed and going cold turkey for 30 years.

There is nothing wrong with being "sober", but this little mollusc leeches onto the identity of an addict to try and make himself seem more interesting. That is all.

Oh god, old Tremor-face Norton could not handle it. He really should try some percocets or oxycontins, maybe a muscle relaxer? Even a handsome man that blinks that much would never make it in "show-biz"

His tic would either go into hyperdrive or he'd be cured of it. One of the two.