You guys all hate Opie but the bottom line is

0  2015-11-23 by AlimonyKills

Without Opie there would have been no Anthony and not only that, Opie had nothing to do with Anthony posting those racial tweets like a doofus.

You call Opie tits? Okay. Opie was the cow offering his milk to this Italian trash to suckle from. It's not Opie's fault that Ant started biting at the udders like a rabid dog. Yes, o+j sucks but come on. Opie offered his olive branch and it's not his fault that Ant was too emotionally immature to accept it.


I can only speak for myself here. I don't give a fuck about Anthony, he can rant about savages all he wants and the only way I'd listen is if he started to pay me a monthly subscription. "Opie discovered Ant" is a cop-out and something Opie doesn't deserve to hitch his wagon to for life. His on-air contributions have been little to none over the years, mainly he just detracted from what the show was. 1000's of hours of radio, he might have made me chuckle once or twice. No matter what kind of speculation or fan fiction is written here, none of us know the real story about what went on behind the scenes. Ant offers one, Opie offers another, somewhere in the middle maybe? Anthony is anti-social drunk with relationship issues, and Opie is an over-sensitive faggot who gets his feelings hurt, holds grudges and they are both adult children. The only way they can ever reconcile is if Ant apologizes to Opie. Just like when you apologize to your GF/wife even though you didn't do anything, she's all emotional and crying (Greggshells) and you're just sick of arguing and want to have sex again.

Calm the fuck down.

I thought I was extremely calm, offering an unbiased view, metaphors and all that bullshit. Tell me to calm down? Go fuck yourself and then eat your own cum-turd faggot

That's the greatest reply I've ever read.


calm down.



How many other cliché expressions can you think of?

Sorry, I'm drunk. I feel for Opie when I drink.

You should try going to an AA meeting

Oh advice show jimmy

Nobody gives a fuck

It was sirius/new or whatever company you choose who were suckling them on their bountiful breasts, opie merely guided Ants mouth next to his. Work on your metaphor game bitch!

Well said
