Pussy boy Opie is scared

112  2015-11-23 by ScoliOpie


Ben Sparks IS Bald Opie.

We are ALL Bald Opie.

They say every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings. Every time one of Tits' hairs abandons him and falls to earth, another one of us is born. "We are ALL Bald Opie."

Man, that would be hilarious. Opie is going to try and get this subreddit shutdown, claiming it's just Ben Sparks with 100's of accounts ranting about him.

Who's Ben Sparks. I've been listening since Vos proposed to Bonnie but not too much in the past year.

WNEW/ first couple of years XM producer.

He was one of the old producers from like the WNEW / Early XM periods. He's pre E-Rock, but was around at the same time as Steve C. Loves cocaine and Tom Brady.

From listening to old clips it sounds like he was one of the producers when they first got to XM.


He was fired after spitting on a Stern Fan (considered assault by the police and the company) who was talking shit during a walkover from FM to XM. After that, he went crazy on Opie and claimed he had a sex tape of Opie's wife with Bam Margera.

The producer who threatened to knock Jimmy's teeth out. Check out Jimmy vs Ben on YouTube.

I wouldn't b surprised if someone associated with the show is bald opie

The rumor is that D-boi was fired because he started BizarroOpie.

I thought the rumor was he was fired because he told Mars he didn't like opies videos and Mars told opie. Dam I am a gossiping hen.

Cluck cluck! Gimme those eggs you.


"My family is my first priority..."

I thought going viral was his first priority.

Leave it alone!

His only priority is trying to prove to himself he deserves what he has.

" It's one thing to take shots at me. But as soon as you make my family a part of it, it's a different story."

Opie ain't gonna take no shit. He's a badass and all he needed was a Spark to ignite his manliness.

I don't care what any of you say but I hate this cunt Opie more than any other pekka here. I'm shaking right now.

Everyone knew growing up that you didn't ever want to see a Hughes brother get angry. Trust me.

It is. He's playing it cool.

Opie blows, but what kind of mutant do you have to be to harass another grown man for 8-9 years. At least must of us here do it the right way: hiding behind our monitors, while eating cheetos.

95% of the hate here is just fans entertaining themselves... The other 5% is Ben Sparks troll accounts.

...wait. Was Ben born in 1972?


What a fool I've been!

Remember when the sub doxxed and turned on some dummy basement bass player from Alaska? Because Benjamin from Alaska does...

He's probably OD-ed on meth by now.

Sweet dreams young Alaskan prince...

Benjamin72 is alive well and here


I'm ALL IN with the Cheetos. I prefer the crunchy variety to the puffed.

ME: gotta go crunchy. jimmy, where ya at with the Cheetos

Jim: sound of pistol cocking

ME: Jim wait! Lemme record this real fa...

sound of pistol firing

ME: fawkin broootal. We Chuck from Carolina on the line and he wants in badly. Chuck!

I love this sub.


Nothing is ever gonna top that. That last line is pure Opie.

"Just wanted to tell Jimmy I got tickets to his show in a couple weeks. Oh...and happy birthday, Jimmy! Punchin' out!"

but paycheck yum loves opie and the lazy onj show

"Hughes said it was probably true that Sparks felt he had been wronged by him but declined to elaborate.".

Press: What do you mean by that? ME: Leave it alone

You missed a lot of deadlines. Leave it alone.

In true Opie fashion

opie's head is fuckin huge i never noticed that before

is he an alcoholic?


If 3% grapefruit beer counts

"All I'll say is that I did right by Ben...trust me! Mars can back me up on that."

ME: I fought for Ben. PERIOD.


Mars: Damn! Thats a good boss!

I love this shit. This is like Christmas and my buuuurfffday all in one.

One thing though:

" where he was sitting in the dark. "

Not to poke holes but anyone else think this was an odd addition to include? I don't know, but it just doesn't sit right. Like we're they looking through his window or summit?

I think it was the Opster that told Ben to go after the Stern fan that was harassing them. Not sure, haven't heard that audio since it was live.

There's no way anyone could have told him to do it, but in the video you can see that Ben was the one who initially made contact with the Stern fan and not the other way around, so security attacking him and holding him down after he grabbed Ben, who had already technically assaulted him, could've potentially opened the show up to a lawsuit. Also Opie staying well clear of the Stern fan and not saying much, then getting in his face and screaming the second he was held down was the bitchiest move I've ever seen.

I remember qreqqshells was actually instantly embarrassed by his behavior (one would figure he'd usually display some bravado). They were talking about it at XM afterward and Burr was like "Dude, what the fuck happened to you back there? You flipped." and Opie pulled the "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT" thing he does whenever anyone teases him.

Haha, forgot about him getting all strong after the fact. Thanks for the laugh.

opie was so tough once they got back to the studio, ben knew he was in trouble and didnt want to get on air, and opie kept yapping what you afraid of and all that, he prolly promised ben he wont get in trouble but didnt defend him afterward


Of course Tits did not elaborate on why Ben felt wronged, probably because Tits fucked him over like he has so many others. At least Ben didn't end up hanging himself.

Though if you are reading this ben, and you do hang yourself, please make it very clear in the suicide note that it was Opies fault.

Yeah, every ex-employee trashes Opie once they are gone. Not Anthony, Jimmy, or any other co-worker. Just Opie. Even Anthony shit on him

The most pathetic part is Opie still thinks he's a victim. This delusional narcissist can't understand why everyone is out to get him. Assuming they are all jealous of his success and just a bunch of haterzzz

Where there's smoke, there's Greggshells

They're jealous of his success AND his talent. Everyone knows he's the real brains behind the show....



hang on

low blow m8

Steve hung himself?....

Yesssss. That's terrible, I'm sorry...


Has there been one ex-employee of his that didn't hate him?

No. Ever.

Than, he just kind of left on good terms to work for Rockstar

I think Than left on good terms because keeping on good with the show might have helped his stand-up career down the line.

I forgot he was doing standup also. I'm guessing he gave up on that.

maybe anthony ?

"It's one thing to take shots at me. But as soon as you make my family a part of it, it's a different story."

Yeah Tits is known for his ability to take a joke. I fucking hate this lying faggot so much.

I get it, you can fuck with, let's say Bobo's family by making him bang pots & pans in the wee hours of the morning, but when they fuck with your family...

If you're trying to equate 9 years of harassment to Bobo banging pans in his mom's house you really are a tard.

Edit: you people really are amazingly stupid.

You call everyone stupid and yet you're the one who thinks it was 9 fucking solid years of harassment. It wasn't 9 years of harassment, it sounds like it was a few texts spread across the span of years.

Oh my god are you fucking stupid. I don't know the exact details of the texts, but given the possible nature of the them it shouldn't matter if it's 100s of texts, or a few overtime. My guess is if it's come this far it's more than just a few texts, and the harassment still took place over 9 years even if it was spread out stupid.

Oh my god are you fucking stupid. I don't know the exact details of the texts, but given the possible nature of the them it shouldn't matter if it's 100s of texts, or a few overtime.

Okay so in your mind, someone sending constant texts for 9 years straight is the same thing as someone sending 4 texts over the course of 9 years.

I doubt it was just 4 texts and given the nature of the texts 4 could be alot worse than say 100s. Also, the harassment still took place over the period of 9 years stupid.

And the harassment involved more than just text messages. Sounds like Ben was stalking Opie. Ben is 40 now. Even if it was 1 text how is that acceptable behavior, and why should anyone allow themselves to be threatened?

The article even said Ben didn't look well, and he was sitting in a dark apartment when they went to interview him. He sounds mentally ill so who knows what he's capable of.

Also, the harassment still took place over the period of 9 years stupid.

If I date a girl for 2 years, we break up and don't speak for 5 years then we get back together, I don't say we were in a relationship for 7 years. Look at the story being told there, sounds like Ben send some drunk messages recently with years of silence in between and now it's being wrapped up and duping people like you.

And the harassment involved more than just text messages. Sounds like Ben was stalking Opie.

No it doesn't. If it were, Opie would say that or have mentioned it earlier. This is more about the vague "family" element. Which likely translates to "something about his wife's infidelity unless you really wanna believe Ben was threatening the lives of his family based on absolutely nothing.

The article even said Ben didn't look well, and he was sitting in a dark apartment when they went to interview him.

Oh, okay. His apartment wasn't brightly lit. That explains everything. You fucking ape.

No dummy it read the article and it clearly says the harassment took place over 9 years. No one is saying it was a day-to-day thing. You apparently know more than court records. You know a place where lying will get you sent to jail. Jesus, you really are a thick skulled idiot.

No you dummy this isn't something Opie is going to talk about publicly. He won't address Anthony what makes you think he's going to address Ben? Clearly, again you didn't read the actual article which states, once again based on court records that Bens harassment amounted to more than just texting Opie which leads me to believe there is some stalking going on, and Opie should absolutely look out for his family. Ben sounds mentally ill which makes him capable of anything.

Yes, most people aren't sitting in poorly lit apartments disheveled. It's a sign of mental illness you dunderhead. However with you neckbearded losers I can see how this is seen as normal.

Lol, didn't Tits' lawsuit against Ben just get thrown out of court not long ago? Funny how this comes out right after that.

Also, let's not act like Opie wouldn't beat Ben's ass. Ben has NEVER beaten a Frenchman in an underwater scuba fight. Period.

I thought that lawsuit was the Bam banging his wife suit? Was Ben involved in that? I'm genuinely asking because I didn't listen when this was a story.

I don't either. I thought it was the same thing. I don't claim to know about this, and actively researching Opie's life would make me highly likely to kill myself.

IIRC, Rick and Ben were the ones who went to the NY Press claiming a sex tape with Bam existed.

Damn it, well im not researching either... Fuck it, it's true.

True but Opie never did blow with Bono or Tom Brady.

2011 it was thrown out

The cops and the court have to issue order of protection if there is a complaint but the fact that Ben was let go shows you how bullshit this is. Anyone can get a harassment charge, christ this entire sub could be charged. This is typical Opie. He fucked Ben over like everyone else he worked with and couldn't handle the repercussions. This has Kenny written all over it, compiling shit to get charges brought against Ben. I think Ben may have been talking shit to Opie, but Opie has been purposely targeting Ben over the Lynsi/Bam rumors and now he could pull the trigger and get some revenge, seems like Opster was trying to let Ben hang himself instead of stopping it initially if he was so frightened. Just let it go for 9 years!?

"The fear I've been living with for 9 years has been broooo-tul! I was so scared that I had Anthony, Steve C and Derek all fired because I thought they were ALL IN on it. I had no choice, brotherman. The fathers out there get what I'm talkin' about."

It doesn't matter why Ben was fired. It could be bullshit I don't know or give a shit. It doesn't give you a right to harass someone for almost a decade. All this makes me think they had a legitimate reason to fire him. And who gives a fuck anyway? Ben flat out sucked and offered almost nothing to the show. He's hardly memorable.

Pussy boy Opie? Ben could be crazy, on drugs, or both. With the position Opie is in he definitely should be cautious. Why would anyone allow someone to harass them for almost 9 years? No one would allow that to happen.

God bless that American Hero Ben Sparks, he should be considered a saint for his non stop harassment of Opie.

I sure hope none of you fine gentlemen make a few dozen Twitter accounts related to Ben sparks and harass Opie in your free time. That would be a shame if that happened.

And Benjamin not once came and seen my daughter not once sniff

Have we collectively ever acknowledged how creepy it would be to make a trip to someone's penthouse just to see your business partner's newborn daughter (shuuure)?


I mean, it's really not Opie's fault. He's never had actual friends to use as a comparison.


Gregg "Always the victim" Hughes

"Hughes refused to answer the rest of our questions, repeating "Leave it alone" with his hands cupped to his ears until we left."

"on our way we couldn't help but to grab his delicious tits, more on that at 4"

Smigo Hughes? Is that a hyphonated last name?

Also it's getting harder to tell the difference between BaldOpie pictures and regular pictures of The Opester.

Is there a reason why we shouldn't be calling tits Gregg Smigo? It's a really faggy, shockjocky name.

I am waiting eagerly for the day that some legit, mainstream media entity accidentally uses a Bald Opie photo.

Let's be fair, from all accounts I've ever heard about the guy, Ben Sparks comes off as a person involved in drugs who is probably at maximum bitterness after losing his job. What he is actually capable of I don't know, but it's not unreasonable for someone in Opie's position to fear him.

Like 70% of us are involved in drugs

I heard he gave his doorman an extra $20 a year to make sure Ben Sparks stays out of the billion dollar Trump building.

Remember that embarrassing audio when Opie broke down how much he tips for christmas bonuses. I think he first stated like 20k and as soon as that got a what the fuck response it went down to 4k.

Absolutely. And unless it is built into his building dues, there is no way that cheapskate is shelling out 4 grand to help others.

"Smigo" is such a god awful last name

Well it did find the precious...

That's Smeagol, you retarded asshole.

The l is silent you rampaging cunt

No, you are!

I can't wait until he tries to sue Harry Hater next.

baldopie scoring his first header in a jew tabloid!

The Stangels were brought in to create a larger media presence. All news is good news, except that last part about his partner getting fired for being a racist.

There's a problem in the Jewish community

Ben Sparks seems like a real fucking nut. Has he ever said exactly why he has a 9 year psychotic hatred towards Opie? That seems a bit excessive. That's like "you murdered my friend" or "fucked my wife" grudge

He was making Nagel Kid money and living off a diet of cocaine and Captain Morgan. Ben was living the life...

Having that pulled out from under you is worth at least a decade of hate. Especially when you now have to find the money to still buy coke and captain!

Given Ben's history of coke and alcohol abuse it's kinda odd to me that he gave ant so much shit on this sub about his drinking. Maybe he's in denial, maybe he's quit since he left the show, I don't know. But from this situation it seems he was at a party, got a little fucked up, and some unresolved issues with the show bubbled to the surface, prompting him to fire off a few regrettable texts.

Ugh. This sub has officially sucked me in.

Is that true? He enjoyed snorting blow on the reg? Yuck, what a classless piece of trash. Have some class and do pharmaceuticals-coke is disgusting and coke heads are absolute creeps

Wtf are u talking about, almost everyone I know in NYC does coke. It's not that big of a deal. Crack is classless coke is classy, don't you remember the 80s? Lord knows you're old enough

Lol sound like a cute little boy with no real knowledge of the drug game. Cocaine is disgusting

Where do you live? What drugs do you do? Also you're old, what the fuck do you know about what drugs people do nowadays? When's the last time you did drugs? You ever iv? No so shut the fuck up you hag

You have the drug knowledge of Opie

LOL, sez the emo punk fag. You dress like a teenager for fucks sake, ha!

Emo? Wtf are you talking about, I dress like I'm in a band because I'm in a band. I'd love to see how you dress, moron. So out of touch. Probably have to wear a lot of "slimming" clothes I'm sure. "sez" that's a good one benjamin

I bet you get your clothes from kmart

Exactly, keep dressing like a teenage "punk rocker"! YEAH MAAAAAAN!

Yeah, the majority of music in the punk scene was all put out by teenagers not people my age. Idiot. Just because you don't have the balls to do something you're passionate about with your life.

Punks a way of life for me, im not some band wagon faggot. It's not a trend I bet your life is so embarrassing. Let me know some of the highlights, what's the coolest thing you've ever gotten to do? When's the last time you had people pay to see something you do? Yeah, never.

Punk is a way of life for you.... BWHAHAHAHA!!!!

Okay so enlighten me on what you've accomplished in your life?

I've shared the stage with some of my idols, I DJ sold out shows and get paid 100s of dollars for 4 hours of work. So again what do you get to do huh?

Ive done nothing as embarrassing as you have sir. The way you dress is pathetic. Nobody cares about your sold out fag fests.

Let's face it Benjamin you are by far the saddest person on this sub. How many accounts have you had to make? You're a fucking psychopath and I'm sure sadly you don't have a friend in this world. Let alone a woman to fuck that isn't uglier than you. I feel bad for you.


And your way of life is being a sad obsessed faggot whose probably on the verge of suicide if you had any sort of self awareness

Its the punk way of life MAAAAAAN

I heard you, using one of your hero Opie's sayings too. Do the world a favor and just pull the trigger already, also if you're ever in NYC me and my friends would love to stomp you for all the shit your talking. Friends, it's something you should look into getting.

OH no! Punk rocking emo's!!!!!

How's the detox ward? Having to clean up drunk bums shit and piss everyday, what a sick job dude.

They use the bathroom, because they have one to use. So nobody cleans anything up. Is being a dummy part of being punk, MAAAAAAAAN?

Your loying

You're the type of guy who wears family Guy shirts. And hot topic shirts with edgy sayings

Norton-level drug familiarity.

His best story is about doing coke with Tom Brady.

We've been harassing him for over a year...

Yes this will look way better on his next resume then say if he had just moved the fuck on...

Ol' Gravy Legs strikes again...


I don't know who is worse- Opie or the guy who spent the last 9 years stalking Opie with text messages instead of moving on with his life?

Nevermind, nobody is worse than Opie. Stalk on Benny, you obsessed weirdo. Just make sure you get pictures next time you're outside Lynsi's bedroom window. Also, uncle Paul would like some pictures of the precious ones.

Words hurt, GUYZ

'Opie' was terrorized by text messages from ex-producer' ......the title seems to imply that most people know who opie is. Title should prefix with 'Bosomy Sirius XM radio host & brotherman'

If anyone has access to New York Criminal Court info, the case# is 2015NY065393.

Paging KTC...

He is banned from all governmental buildings I would presume, I mean he has to been banned, right?


I'm here in NYC, would I just go to the courthouse an request it?

/u/BenSparks comment?

Wow there's some great stuff In there. Ben claims lynsi was a super fan of the show

Ben made up the tape rumor to Chaunce. Chaunce never named sources but I believe it was hinted at on the show or it was just commonly known awhile back when Ben was still a relevant name in this universe

Remember, Ben also threatened to hurt our little Jimmy on the air https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-zotvvYGpA

Take ya best shot, Benny.

Ha is that Ben's pic in the corner? He looks like he's in a Wilco cover band.

Was expecting an elaborate chip roll the entire time

Exactly. When it got to the part about Ben sitting in the dark alone and shooing the reporter away I thought it was starting to unravel into a Chippypasta.

And what ever happened to Psycho and Sparks? http://youtu.be/zV52b8g-uvk

I wonder what it is about Opie that attracts these types of people and reactions.

You know, I bet it's because Opie is too nice. He's too friendly and too accepting, and people get the wrong idea.

He certainly doesn't act in a way that causes people to have visceral, violent reactions towards him. Nope. He's just too nice.

Some people just don't get it maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. , . ,. .. PeriodS

I cannot wait for Opie to take this head on first thing on the show in the morning!!

Me: That was Queen You're my best friend.Freddie Mercury died on this day 24 years ago...wow twenty four years ago...wow...where you at with the queen Jimmy?

Worm: "Ehhh...they're fine. I mean, they're just not my thing. They had a couple of songs that are okay."

The sad irony is Ben sparks has probably put more thought into opies family than opie himself.

Put your phone down opie. Before Hudson turns queer from staring at his dad's tits. And opetta turns into a skatepark groupie from watching all of mom's friends have fun.

Wasn't Ben heard in the background on one of Anthony's shows a few months ago when he was just broadcasting out of the basement?

"Sparks, looking disheveled, declined to speak Monday at his apartment, where he was sitting in the dark."

Crazy. Nuts. Insane.

Sounds of gunshots and screams could be heard form inside the dark interior. Mr. Sparks angrily exclaimed he was close to finishing his new "Black Ops'. We at the NY Daily News fear the worst..."

Ben is a fucking loser.

Yes Opie is a pussy and he didn't get that U2 picture he always wanted...

Interesting that it's always Opie who finds himself in shit with former employees... Never heard Anthony having to file an order of protection against ex staff. Opie's a piece of shit primadonna and he rubs everyone the wrong way

Ant gets it from girls

Anthony has plenty of drama of his own. Just Google his ex-girlfriends. They've written entire blogs about the experience.

And you're an idiot Anthony has problems with ex staff before. Did you forget about Danny?

I love that they plug his show without calling it Opie Radio or whatever tits is calling it these days

The "threats" quoted don't seem so bad. Certainly nothing life threatening.

The "law breaking" thing is intriguing. Wonder what Ben Folds has on Tits?

BWAAAHAA hope ya got good lawyas Gregg go Pats

and Jets, and Bills, and Dolphins, and Eagles here and there

Baaaah dude dude


didn't they already go to court over this in 2009? Find a way to block Ben's nr

The wacked-out ex-employee "caused [Hughes} anxiety, stress, sleeplessness, and fear in that he was forced to look over his shoulder to see if the defendant was following him," according to a criminal complaint.

Sparks admitted to cops that he "sent the texts" and added that he "knew it was wrong, it was excessive, I'm sorry."

"I went out to a party and it brought up a lot of things from the past. I knew it was wrong," according to a court transcript of Sparks' arraignment on Nov. 16 in Manhattan Criminal Court.

An order of protection was also issued last week in favor of Hughes and his wife Lynsi Smigo Hughes.

ANOTHER court case a few weeks after we blew apart the last one he filed?

What was the last one?

Opie trying to bury the fact his wife fucked a skateboarder with aids.

That is not a particularly flattering picture of Ben.

It's the type of picture they release after they find Ben Sparks eating Opie's liver, straight from the source.

The next flattering picture of him would be the first


He's charged with misdemeanors. You can look up his case in the New York State Unified Court System.

Is this the only way Greggie can get some type of buzz for the show now?

Texting for 8-9 years? This Internet savvy math wizard doesn't know you can block people on your phone?

So an ex employee drunk text him one night after having a few too many drinks at a party and he freaked out and called the cops?



8 or 9 years....something doesnt add up man. cmon.

A few months ago, Anthony and Stuttering John talked about an obsessed fan stalking Stern. Now, suddenly Opie has a similar story. Hoo, Hoo. Opie is ripping me off, Robin.

I'm still shocked that 'mo Opie didn't take his wife's last name when he got married.

When Benjy goes to jail or dies of erotic asphyxiation (or both) the post count in this sub reddit will drop to next to nothing.

As much as i hate Opie... Ben Sparks was a fucking obnoxious wanna be tough guy faggot.

So the guy went to Anthony's party, all of the disgruntled former employees clinging to the failing Cumia project bring up a bunch of shit, creepy gets all pissed and blows up Opie's phone.

These people are all 30-60 years old. Sad.


I promise you opie deserved this. No one acts like this without a reason.

High school never ends


Opie could just block his number... What a retatd

Ben Sparks is a faggot.

ooooh gossip, had no idea this was happeneng, its recent. will he comment on it? I bet Ben was on this sub....

I kinda wanna go back and checkout every regular as of 2-3 months ago and see who has since stopped posting and find the perp.

Here ya go /u/bensparks

You're all sick.

"on our way we couldn't help but to grab his delicious tits, more on that at 4"

LOL, sez the emo punk fag. You dress like a teenager for fucks sake, ha!

Emo? Wtf are you talking about, I dress like I'm in a band because I'm in a band. I'd love to see how you dress, moron. So out of touch. Probably have to wear a lot of "slimming" clothes I'm sure. "sez" that's a good one benjamin

I bet you get your clothes from kmart

Your loying