It's been six years since "Modern Warfare 2" released. Let's reflect on when Patrice describes the "No Russian" board.

22  2015-11-23 by boneystarks


All I remember from that but was tits slams the brakes on the conversation to take a phone call. ME: we got an ex military guy who was in Iraq and even he said the game was too disturbing. The caller of course added nothing and clearly had no military experience and just wanted to talk about the game.

I also remember that that whole episode was hijacked by Brother Wease

Six years? It just came out last week...see because all call of duty games are the same...

Six years and it still looks better than fallout 4

Ultras pretty nice.


And terribly optimized.

Except it doesn't, the trick is you gotta buy a PC and not play on these shitboxes and piss stations

I have a good rig and Fallout 4 looks like shit from an ass compared to Witcher 3, which was made by 40 fat slavs in a house trailer.

Yeah, but Fallout is actually fun. I hated Witcher 3.

Lol, sorry.

yeah it was made pretty shitty. love the series.

mac from the channel worthabuy on youtube cut that game apart pretty succinctly.

So here's a weird thing. My Frankenstein PC is pretty ancient (graphics card is an old Radeon HD 6950 from 2010), but it's held up pretty well over the years. I can play Witcher 3 with most features cranked up except for medium textures, and it looks gorgeous except for some hitching in Novigrad. Similar situation with Dragon Age Inquisition.

But Fallout 4 is flat-out unplayable for me on all but the lowest of settings, despite being far behind Witcher 3 and Inquisition graphically. As soon as I approach the bridge towards Concord, the game starts running at like 5-6 seconds per frame, and even then, the textures never quite pop in all the way (the murals in that freedom museum were just grey blurs to me). How did they manage to get subpar graphics that actually demand more from the hardware than games that look twice as good?

Combined with the voiced protagonist, I'm pretty down on Fallout 4 despite having only played it for two hours.

Yeah there's a name for that. It's called "HORRIBLE OPTIMIZATION"

Bethesda is a giant studio and makes a ton of money and there's no excuse for that game looking like that, and having the shitty facial animations it does.

Because people forgot how shitty fallout and other bethesda games look. people have been modding these games for years to improve it.


Are you that surprised though? >Bethesda

GREENTEXT wit envy tss

Found the retard.

Perhaps you should go out and do normal things, like have sex with women.

How can we when you're hogging all the sexy babes!?!

You people are a bunch of losers.

Don't know how to use a controller? That's okay dad.

I like how Collin is quiet the entire time but then kills it with the best line at the end

Line of the century.

"Board?" Found the 80s kid.

Probably the best mission from any game out there.

It's such an effectively chilling scene that it belonged in a better game. The Call of Duty games are fun, but they don't really say or aspire to much. It was an amazing scene on its own terms, but it felt bizarrely out of place, like if the Col. Kurtz/cow death scene from Apocalypse Now had been spliced into the middle of Fury Road.


Didn't seem all that damaging when I played it.

who gives a care, patrice, just shoot. it's a goddamn vidya game. this was the only time i remember him being a weird baby.

Fuck, I remember first hearing this. It was funny as fuck back then, as it still is now.

I'd rather not


I have a good rig and Fallout 4 looks like shit from an ass compared to Witcher 3, which was made by 40 fat slavs in a house trailer.


I also remember that that whole episode was hijacked by Brother Wease

How can we when you're hogging all the sexy babes!?!