Tuesdays with Stories has been canceled from the OpieRaqio channel

22  2015-11-22 by JMueller2012

According to their latest podcast. Fuckin' boooooooo


Lol, why? Dont they pay them nothing/next to nothing to do it? What the fuck better do they have to do with the timeslot?

They didn't give a reason

Maybe because Mark and Joe are friends with the Legion of Skanks and have done that show a lot and TACS a few times I think?

The enemy is closing in around The Opester and he doesn't like it.

Didn't Normand say something passive aggressive to Oqie on air and embarrass him? It could be his way of fighting back in an equally passive aggressive way.

Yeah, I wasnt literally asking you, I just meant they have no reason to cancel them.

I'm fat ok

It's never ok.

Me too.



They have to air yet another "Opie Raqio - Best Of" just in case you missed some lame discussion with Florentine, or an interview with a guest that may appeal to 2% of the audience.

I don't have SiriusXM, but how can the opie channel be canceling shows? Isn't it mostly replays of the shitty Opie and Jim show?

Two fucking guys doing their best to sound like they are From the 30's/are the same person , I'm shocked that did not work.

Tits hires them and management fires them. Tits radio empire is shitting the bed.

Calm down with the tits talk buddy, its always on your mind.

With Joe Rogans podcast being the exception, no other show is like Tuesdays. Every other show has call ins, or the option for it. I wonder if that was a decision Tuesdays did, or maybe Op didn't want to budget for a producer/call guy on a 45min long story show. Raceways needs to be 3 hrs. When Kurt and the guests get into a good topic, the time flies. By the 1hr 30min mark they are already rushing to do anything else after Dr Phil, or Racist Norm.

It's because they let Gavin in their studio for Race Wars!

Opie realized he was giving air time to a superior show, so he put an end to that.

The Opie Show has to be the flagship of OpieRaqio, so he populates the rest of the channel with garbage like Sam, Sherrod, a documentary show, and the tired Rich Vos and Bonnie show.

Meanwhile Morning Zoo Wars is still going strong. I tried to listen to the last episode and had to tap out after a few minutes. I'd rather listen to 2 hours of problematic narratives from Kaytlin Bailey than one word from Philly Girl.

Aww man I like philly girl...

Race wars always turns into a yell over each other match desperately trying to get their " hilarious" line out, then Kurt trying to shut everyone up to make his "insightful" point followed finally by Kurt falling over in laughter at one of Philly girls "jokes"

I do like when they get on a good topic and flow but this scenario happens way to much now


Nice little wedding gift to Joe List, compliments of The Opesterrrr

The world mourns. Sports stadiums worldwide will fall silent in tribute.

Thanks for 2 week old news.

You're welcome. Stick around next week when I announce the death of Patrice O'neal.