what are the most hateable things Gregg has done?

16  2015-11-21 by smokinswindler

leave out the obvious tits & cuck stuff. be as accurate and mean as possible.


Betraying his friend and radio partner of 20 years, stealing his salary, then later trying to revise history in a shameful attempt to justify what he had done which culminated with him crying on air like a bitch.

Don't forget over inflating his value to the show and completely mailing it in, hijacking the room and manipulating people with his pissy bitch moods, and being a pathetic desperate attention whore who would trade it all for a viral video. Oh and demanding respect because he has been doing radio since 18 yet has ZERO success without Ant and Jim. Jim Chandler is more successful than solo Opie.

I remember someone on here said Jim would step over his dying mother to get a picture with a celebrity but Opie has pretty much done that his whole life.

Opie would step over his dying mother to step on a homeless man's cake.

This really is it. All the dissection of his horrible personality and hacky, aspergers-y radio instincts wouldn't have made people turn on him if he hadn't fucked Anthony over and then handled it like the true cunt he is.

All of the Opie hate was born out of what he did to Ant. He ruined the show we loved.

Pre-Ant firing, nobody here shit on the guy. We genuinely liked him and defended him when we could (cake stomp video, OpieSucks' early threads).

People here were starting to hate on Opie before Ant's firing, but a year prior there was almost nobody hating on him.

It was a strong dislike for his shitty on air ability, but no mistake, it was nothing as severe as the shit now.

The part that still gets me is he didn't even listen to the fucking show before his little fit, he just went off what his "people" told him.

Ant treated him with kid gloves, it wasn't even that bad. He addressed some of the issues he had with Opie in a cold, accurate manner, and never once disparaged him. When guys called in asking about Bam, he shot them down.

  • his awful joke floundering and horrifically unfunny voice:





  • his inability to get it:




  • his inability to realize his own lack of talent


Opie: "There's millions to be made and thy're just leaving it on the table because they fuckin' hate each other."

Jim: "I know! The craziness of that."

(everyone laughs)

Opie: "What?"....."I did my 20"......"I put in my 20"

as if working with ant for 20 years was just some pay to pay his dues, completely not realizing without ant he'd be working part time in a radio station sales department, but instead thinks he DESERVES to be where he is, and the years with Ant he was just tolerating him, and its despicable.

digging through years and years of recordings of him talking into a microphone for the sake of a comedy show, and no one can find a single funny thing he's said, but he still tries to market himself as some kind of funny interchangeable character like jimmy, and its the most pathetic thing i've ever seen.

Do you have the hater fighter clip? I can't find it.

Whats the hater fighter clip? Probly not but I could try to find it. I had a whoooollee bunch of opie bombs but my computer died unexpectadly and I lost all my bookmarks. fuckin sucks.

Chrome Sync dawg

I had a whoooollee bunch of opie bombs but my computer died unexpectedly

It was suicide god bless

Here's where I saw it. But the video was deleted. I really wanted to hear how embarrassed Ant felt.


damn now I really wanna hear that. you remember how old of a show it was from? it says it was posted 10 months ago but it obviously wasnt posted that day if ant was on it

No I don't. But they were talking about wackbag and how the mods should put bloody tampons on the haters. It was pretty douchechilling. I haven't heard anything more douchechilling than opie wanting "hate fighters" to be a thing. Jimmy was there too and ignored everyone. Fuck

yeah I cant believe ive never heard of it. I just thought that term came from LoganMathers' youtube account.


Not killing himself

Bashing management for years and claiming it was a tactic to get more money on the next contract. Even if that were true it would mean he has been lying to the fans for years. When he said "Management loves the direction of the new show" all the fans saw him for the hypocrite bullshit artist that he is.

Well, a few years ago they were doing a countdown to their contract running out, then 0 day hit and they kept doing a show. A few days later they announced they signed weeks before. It was pretty funny, got all of the super fans riled up.


Imagine someone spends considerable time and effort preparing a beautiful 3 tiered wedding cake using only the finest ingredients. The Opie and Anthony show was that cake, Opie was the cat diarrhea sprayed against the side of it.

Being cat diarrhea is the most hateable thing he ever did.

Making a vine account 3 years too late (at gae 56) in a pathetic attempt to go viral.

when a caller called in to argue something they were talking about, and Opie wouldn't even let him talk and kept going UUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Then when he finally hung up on him, said "People who have that opinion, I don't even listen to them!"

Calling his fans "hater fighters" and wanting them to put bloody tampons on the "haters". How much of a cunt do you have to be to not notice how douchey that is? I think Ant audibly douchechilled right after he said it.

The time he ridiculed elderly Hogan's Heroes actor and Holocaust survivor Robert Clary and played sound effects over his interview until the guy finally hung up. They used to mess with guests on the show a lot, so that in and of itself isn't necessarily bad. But the difference is when Jimmy or Ant would screw with someone they'd use their wit. Tits just pushed buttons on a board and made sounds come out. A monkey could do that. Also, he wasn't even doing it to provide any kind of comedy or to entertain the listeners . He was just mad because Clary thought he was an idiot and wanted to talk to Anthony, so like the mental/emotional child that he is, he threw a tantrum and refused to let Anthony interview the guy.

The sound bites Opie was playing over Clary didn't even make sense, they almost never do.

Is there a clip of this?

Leaving his mother's slippery womb.

How much time you got friend.

The complete lack of humor or basic intelligence aside, he completely fucked over the guy that held his career up for 20 years. He's one of the most vile humans I've ever encountered. A very mentally ill person that should be studied. Whatever his mom had, he got it big time. He may be the most unaware human alive aside from Lady Di.

Being within 100ft of any microphone.


Turned on his microphone

interrupt every good riff that patrice, ant, jimmy, burr, colin, bobby, jeffries, attell and everyone else on the show, had going.

Almost ruining the chip on worldstar bit because he has little to no understanding of comedy

Chip got a nigga! Ribs hurtin today.

The "me and my guitar" bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX-a5yi64Ms

They were getting callers to show their guitar playing over the phone.

Opie repeatedly played a very annoying sound byte of someone yelling "ME AND MY GUITAARRRR". Over and over again. Jim Norton couldn't conceal his disgust.

This is one of his worst traits. He can't be funny, so he chooses to be annoying or a cunt, as if that's somehow equally valid, or makes up for it. You are paid to entertain your audience, not annoy the fuck out of them, you worthless, balding, titted cunt.

That's what cake stomp and breaking Sandy's guitar was. "I don't have jokes, so I'll be the CRAZY PSYCHO DESTROYER guy".


what a twerp



making yummy unfunny, forced yummy to sell out, made yummy into a preaching douche jizzbag, stopping yummy from doing any show prep or reading any subject hes gonna to talk about on the air

Bam's side pussy.

The criticism of Opie is so overblown and pathetic. Does anyone here actually think the Anthony Cumia show is better than O&A was? If not, then you have to recognize Opie's contribution to the show. They were a great team, and what they did together is way better than what they're doing now apart.

Nonsense. Maybe things were different back on WNEW, but it was Jimmy and Ant who made up the team since I've been listening (from 2009). I have ears. I've heard Opie's contributions, and they have been negligible.

There are dozens of reasons why TACS stinks. The lack of Opie is not one of them.

They were already syndicated before they even knew Jimmy.

Nobody cares about the show back then.

The point is, Jimmy wasn't needed to make the show great.. it was already great/popular before he got there.

It was popular. It wasn't great. Especially by our standards today.

If it wasn't great, it wouldn't have become popular in the first place.. they were great before 2001. They were #1 in their time slot at both WAAF and WNEW before Jimmy was even there.. their ratings only declined since then.

If it wasn't great, it wouldn't have become popular in the first place.

That's not how life and the world work.

We're not talking about life, we're talking about radio.. and what matters in radio is how many people consistently tune in to listen to you.. it's a direct reflection of how good a radio show is.

Ditching that drunk, backstabbing racist WOP after carrying his dumb ass for 20 years.

Oh wait.. That was the best thing he ever did.

Also, he got all your retard cunts in a knot and continues to do so.

If he gets just one of you simpletons to beat your wife and / or kill yourself then he's won.