What a dick

87  2015-11-21 by vapeandcoffee


Reasonable positions.

I don't have a problem with them.

You should take out the ones that put him in a good light.

It's missing @OpieRadio .

Good point. Reupload coming.

and SiriusXM all over it!

He sure controlled his bitch when she bought that $7 million apartment of theirs.

And lets her fuck random personal trainers without saying anything.

And lets her fuck the dog without saying anything.

You used the wrong picture, here's the correct one: https://i.imgur.com/tfKJFRt.jpg

I thought it was a bald Opie. I can't even tell the difference any more.

can he not afford to get his teeth fixed?

A lot of celebrities just don't bother to get their lower teeth fixed because you can't see them in photos. Tim Allen used to have awful teeth, nearly ruined Galaxy Quest for me.

huh interesting i'll have to be on the lookout for that next time i watch it. hopefully its not like Tom Cruise's middle tooth or Megan Fox's toe thumb. where once you see it you just cant unsee it.

Tom Cruise's teeth are extremely irritating. At least he has tried to fix them though. They were disgusting when he first started acting. So were DeNiros.

Why do you care about another man's teeth is the real question... EDIT: Why are you downvoting me and not answering?

Maybe if you answered his question first....

Why don't you?

Wow Opie said that? He's not as bad as i thought

Unconvincing. Not because of the abhorrent views, but because Opie is too emotionally damaged to have such conviction and ideological clarity. These are almost flattering in a way.

This could be fun

These might have some wings.

Aren't all those quotes from Anthony and Gavin's shows?

Stop with the micro agression. You're making me feel unsafe. There's are things Opie Hughes said.

This entire sub is a safe space, what the fuck are you talking about?

Attribute it to Gregg "Opie" Hughes, Opie Hughes is just a character.

These are all perfectly calibrated except for the cakestomp one. The rest read like actual things that people share to be outraged about.

i giggled at alot of these, i hope it gets some numbers

Opie actually said something funny once?

Do people really think those opinions are offensive or outrageous or is this some retarded epic meme?


You started an online video game clan called "team $wag". You also play Minecraft.

I'd stay away from the fag word.



The way you posted this does make it seem like you'd have an issue with someone thinking those things. The problem is your imgur upload makes Opie actually seem like a more likeable person.

Tom Cruise's teeth are extremely irritating. At least he has tried to fix them though. They were disgusting when he first started acting. So were DeNiros.