Grabbed a picture of that Nopie sticker on my bike ride

79  2015-11-21 by GetFitFatFuck


Square crop for Nopie mp3 collection album artwork.

There are other pics on the creator's instagram.

Try and peel it off maybe opies dollar is behind it!

Spread the virus!

more like the cure

tss is fawkin Robert smith gonna come or somethin

You were really roller-blading, fess up.

Nope, this is my bike right here!

There's a pecka on it

afterwards did you eat a nice bowl of organic cereal with some blueberries?

Where ya at with blueberries?


Not a standalone fruit.

Right, hopefully that is opie some day.

It already is

Definitely, I'm ALLL IN with the blu-breez!

Getchur anti-oxidants in sniff and all the other good shit

Looks like No Pie to me

Maybe I'll dick around with it in Photoshop and throw Opie's face from that TBS commercial or something on it instead of having the baby on there.

Hope you don't mind, but I had a few minutes to throw something together. The font isn't exact but it's pretty close.

Nopie Bumper Sticker

edit: added imgur link

Good job man!

Thank you very much.

Yeah Bob Kelly was pretty upset about it too.

damn, thats awesome

Good job man!