"Nathan For You" is fucking amazing

77  2015-11-21 by GRIZx


Holy shit you cunts actually like something. It must be good.

It's great. I can't think of a funnier show on tv right now.

Peep Show is up there. The 2 episodes of a new season are fucking amazing. Super Hans is god.

Have never seen this referenced, love this show a lot.

"Oi-Oi! It's Snoopy and the Red Baron! Come in you fuckin' carb loaders!"

  • Super Hans

What network


I watched this episode with my 13 year cousin(suuuuure)He had to "go to bathroom" immediately after this segment for some reason. I then proceeded to threaten to tell on him if he didn't get me Gatorade and Pringles from the corner store. I'm 30 years old

You're living the dream dude.

pretty much how i envisioned everyone on this sub

I literally binge watched an entire season, it's that freakin good. Another person i was with couldn't watch it because "he's a destroyer of Hope". It's a fantastic show for you deviants.

Holy shit, you binge watched eight twenty minute episodes?!

That's like...almost three hours!

I lost it when he padlocked the fucking box. I love this show.

What is this shit? What does it have to do with opie being awful?

I torrented it after a random link on this sub and now I'm hooked. Only complaint I have is that it can be so uncomfortable I have to skip forward sometimes.


those are the best parts

suuuuurree ... where can i order a kid in a box like this ...

Oh Uncle Paul........

Kid sold separately.


HE SHOULD GO TO JAEL... and be puuuniished

It's one of the absolute funniest shows on television.

It's a real hoot.

This sub may be a collection of psychopaths but nobody can deny we know great comedy. Bravo sirs.

Tapped out at 1:21

This show is fucking fantastic


I love Nathan for you, but why is this being posted in the O&A subreddit?

I think we have relatively similar interests and appreciation of comedy. Imo, more recommendations and links should be posted on this cesspool of Opie's old farts.

I think he was on recently

No he wasn't.

The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

When will you American companies stop fucking doing this? It's 2015(nearly 2016) why you still geo-blocking shit.



Ahh I see you aren't one to keep up with politics. The man falling is the Prime Minister of Canada(Justin Trudeau) who just recently used the 'It's 2015' excuse.


It's 2015, why woukd we give a shit about Canada?



You can watch the full episodes of Season 3 on the Much website. I don't know why they couldn't leave the clips up for Canadians, the youtube clips were how I got into the show. Plus Nathan is Canadian, that has to count for something...

Yeah F that.


I was shocked at how funny a Comedy Central series was. This show has made me laugh harder than probably anything in years. The people they fuck with are so fucking stupid.

South Park has been incredible this season too.

The first season was glorious. This season has made me more uncomfortable than I've ever felt. In a good way.



Been watching it since it came out. Glad all the nubs know about it now

Comedy Central is like a secret little club only you know about.

Well no one was talking about that shit 2 seasons ago when it came out. It's been out for 3 seasons and this is the 5th thread ive seen about it. personally I think the first season is the best.

Also everyone watching it is going to ruin it problem is once people know who he is he's not going to get natural reactions anymore.

I've already started collecting rocks to throw at these fucking bandwagon jumpers.

Seriously though Im surprised this sub even likes the show.

He can do a reverse Borat and leave the US to go to other countries.

Just hope how awkward and cringey he makes those interactions doesn't get lost in translation

Also everyone watching it is going to ruin it problem is once people know who he is he's not going to get natural reactions anymore.

Bruh, it's totally obvious that half those people are actors.

2-minutes in, and I bailed out of boredom. #NaahtFuhhhny

Please reference another potential "nugget". I haven't given up on N4U, but if this is a good example of the show, it's a disappointment.

"The Big Bang Theory" if you want smart humor that the rest of country wont get. #nerdpride #frickyeahscience!

That show is unwatchable

Ugh. I know a few people who love that show, and they're all females. Awful.

Your non-ironic use of a 'hashtag' on reddit makes me hope you are killed in one of the inevitable jihadist attacks that are soon to tear apart our country.

Are there any funny episodes?

I see what you tried to do there.

? Was just wondering if there was funny episodes. The one he posted seemed to be some sort of dramatic or possibly abstract art piece. Just looking for the comedy.

Comedy Central is like a secret little club only you know about.

Well no one was talking about that shit 2 seasons ago when it came out. It's been out for 3 seasons and this is the 5th thread ive seen about it. personally I think the first season is the best.

Also everyone watching it is going to ruin it problem is once people know who he is he's not going to get natural reactions anymore.

Just hope how awkward and cringey he makes those interactions doesn't get lost in translation

It's great. I can't think of a funnier show on tv right now.