At one point O,A and J were all about staying real. All 3 now pretend that what they're doing is good.

2  2015-11-21 by Lilcumia

This is going great

TACS would be decent if Ant stayed in character and spent 2 hours complaining about Sirius, how the podcast isn't working and drink,rant,repeat.


I love the fact that just before Ant got fired they were talking about the Donald Sterling situation and Opie kept insisting that if the players had any balls they would refuse to play for management. Fast forward to Ant getting fired - "sucks man, I don't agree with management at all."

Way to hide behind your anonymous internet name baby-boy. Consider yourself blocked and doxxed. You're just part of an organized hater conspiracy.

He's probably from Something Awful.

TACS would be great if it didn't suck



Nothing but fake laughs from both shows

Big wheel keeps on turnin huh...

Yup, they're all so fucking hateable now, it's unreal considering how much I used to love these guys.