Despite what this sub believes,Jim and Tits are friends.

29  2015-11-20 by FootThingOnHisFoot

Sure, they don't have anything in common.No,they don't spend any time together off air.OK,they sound like they have just met every time they do a show,i'll give you that.Look,I'll admit Jim only stayed with Tits because of the pay increase but apart from that i think they're pretty close.

In fact ,Tits probably thinks Jim is the best friend he has ever had.


Has Opie ever told a story including real friends? He'll bring up celebrities (Dice, Barry, etc), his brothers, and his wife's family but I can't remember Stupid ever talking about real friends.

Might be due to his busy 16 hour work week and children raised by nannies but it truly seems, as in his career, nobody fucking likes this guy.

He doesn't even have stories of childhood friends. He really has been hated by everyone his entire life, and deservedly so.

Jim Chandler and he were great friends... were.

Honestly, I think him and Vos are pretty close (as are their intelligence levels). Other than that, only his family seems to put up with him

Vos is way smarter than Opie is, Vos just is an uninformed mush mouth. He fucks up words and names but Opie is like the kid who keeps trying to shove the square into the oval hole on his toy and never realizes it won't fit. Completely two different levels of dumb

Opie floundered in radio for EIGHT YEARS after graduating college, spinning records during shitty shifts at shitty stations until some marketable talent showed up in the form of Anthony. Anthony was making more money as a tin-knocker than Opie was at radio. It was only when Ant showed up that the show got some recognition and some success and Opie was carried along with it. He owes his career to someone else's talent. At least Vos can say he came up with his own act and made it in comedy on his own merit.

He'll always say that he founded the show or was the boss or gave it direction, he could've been the Henry Ford of running a radio show, without Anthony or Jim or all of the other friends Jim brought in, we still would've never heard of him

I'd say they're pretty close in intelligence as far as learning and basic language comprehension go. Vos just blows him away in wit and humor, which is enough.

Hi$ in-law$ $eem to be friendly with him, for $ome rea$on.

He definitely uses Opie

ME: Obviously my rollerblading buds! FACE! I came up with that term, BTW.

ME: and I invented using the crickets sound effect

How can you forget the philly crew


It's hilarious and pathetic that he met his wife through her family being fans of the show, but at this point he's the one who obviously idolizes them and tries to emulate THEM to fit in with the "Crew" instead of the other way around. He actually brings their lame shit to the show.

If Ant didn't have his hanger on fans ..he'd have no friends either. 'Tis a lonely existence, sitting in a room chatting shit for 20 years

Ant had a core group of friends. Degenerates, but friends nonetheless.

I don't believe that for a second. Ant would definitely be a fun dude to hang out with, Opie not so much

Opie believed Ant was his best friend too. Look how that turned out.


sniff Leave it alone...


I came down with claustrophobia reading it.

Seriously, you learn that shit in elementary school. What the fuck?

Yeah, I tend to think this way too. There is a reason why Ant and LoS will take shot after shot at Opie, but don't say a thing about him when Jim is on their shows.

I would guess Opie doesn't really have many real friends. Most 50 somethings don't... But I would guess a lot of the comics are "friendly" to him, because like it or not he has a long track record of helping them via O&A.

It's 2015. Where are all the new comics on his show? Hell, where are all the old ones? He has become morning zoo. No one does that kind of radio.

Burr, Destefano, Sherrod, Vos, Bonnie, Normand, Virzi, and Bob Kelly, and Ron White have all been on recently as well as the southern dude who's name I don't remember and yesterday Mulaney too. This sub tends to forget that Big Jay, Soder, Dave Smith, and Luis J Gomez aren't the only comics in the world.

The southern guy is Vic Henley, along with attell, dipalo, Quinn, niki glaiser, McFarlane, Godfrey, gottfried, Joe list, Metzger, Machi, fluffy, Rowe,....

Yeah Vic, for some reason I blanked on his name. All on your list and Iliza was in too.

So needless to say, the guy I responded to was way off.

I knew about Iliza, I just hate her so much that I refuse to count her.

She was funny when she was on. I hated that PC shit she's been pulling, and that article she wrote talking shit about ari

Yep you listed a bunch of old comics and some no name people. But Opie is going to skyrocket their careers...

Really? Try harder....

I loved how, during Tits' crying "rebuttal" to "Walking on Greggshells", Jimmy rattled off 4-5 reasons why he stayed at Sirius, and none of them were "Opie".

It was because he didn't want to commute to Ant's house, and he liked the security of working for an established company.

I bet things look a lot different now that Anthony has a studio in the city, and his operation is starting to look stable.

Besides the pay Jim loves taking picture with celebrities just as much as sucking a trannys dick

Stable, yes, but I doubt Ant can come anywhere close to competing with SXM as far as salaries go.

I think the bump in subscriptions due to the fact that Jimmy was joining the show would enable Anthony to at least match Jimmy's Sirius salary.

But Jimmy's a starfucker, and he's got dreams (delusions) of being bigger than he currently is. He'll never get bigger on TACS.

Also, there are a ton of perks at Sirius: tickets, invitations, his highly coveted photo-ops, etc.

Jimmy will never willingly leave Sirius.

I don't think it's debatable that they're friends. But it's just as clear that Jimmy has zero on-air chemistry with him and probably pities his lack of intelligence/wit to some degree.

Jim is moving out of the building he and Opie live in. Almost as if he is distancing himself from Opie.

I don't think they live in the same building though they are both just trump buildings?

Gaurenteed Opie considers Jim his best friend

Didn't they go to the train wreck premier together? Besides, just cause they might not riff on Op when he's on, that doesn't mean it's not happening away from the cameras in order to not feed the trolls on here and anywhere else. If they aren't, I see it as a pussy move by the rattlesnake since he can ask Jim about getting on the show. I'm sure Jim brought in Sherrod after hey had him on the vice show. Op and vos are pretty much best friends. They vacation together, they go out together etc.

Vos was expecting to be Ant's replacement after the firing. He's still waiting for the offer.

He would be great... I didnt know about that. I suspect it must be difficult because of the drive. Vos always mention having to get a hotel the night before to show up for the Wed show.

if vos was the replacement, i'd hope they'd give him a few hundred k to get a place closer to the studio.

Personally I wouldn't want to raise my kids in the city, too expensive also

You need more than a few hundred grand to buy a decent place in NYC. Even tiny apartments (500-600 sq ft) are a $1MM.

who said anything about buying? I know plenty of people who live in nyc or close and don't make a million per year.

Opie should have given him it, Vos is the only living comic that would deserve that spot and be willing to take it.

jim went because there were a ton of stars there and Opie went because there were a ton of stars there.

Tits hangs out with Bob Kelly and Rich Vos a lot. I feel bad for them.

No socially adequate person would call that relationship a friendship.