Opie lies to Randy Couture about fighting a Frenchman in a SCUBA suit underwater (2:21:57)

11  2015-11-20 by onadoor


Full story transcript, interruptions removed:

"You ever fight a Frenchman underwater? You laugh but I have. Do that! I've got something you haven't done! SCUBA diving I got into a fight with a Frenchman underwater. It was, it was a wonderful fight. No-one got hurt because we were slow motion fighting but it was a fight. You can't get any like footing so we were like kind of rolling as we were fighting. But yeah, that went down. YEEEEEEEAH. I was SCUBA diving really fast and the Frenchman came down on top of me coz he wasn't listening to what they were trying to tell him on the boat because... he's a, he was just an ass, I should say. He landed on top of me, and then we had a fight, because that's what you do. Yeah. Yeah. See, I got something on him. I knew I had something on him."

That is so cringe-inducing that I thought this was a fake transcript that you made to shit on Opie a little more. So I clicked the link and nope, it's 100% accurate. What an attention-starved child he is.

Opie is a fully functional mentally retarded aspergers autustic man.

Nope. There's no way I'm listening to that after reading this. Nope that is not happening

Jesus mother of Christ does Opie stink on ice

It's how convincingly he sells the story that gets me.

I made a post about this exact incident a couple weeks ago, my favorite part is Jim giddily saying "Tell him!" because he knows full well it's bullshit and knows Randy will too.

This isn't the first time Opie told the story. If someone can find the original when Opie goes into more detail of "what happened", it's even more cringe educing.

I've heard it, but don't know where it is. The thing about this that makes it so awful, despite not being the most detailed, is that he was telling it to try and impress a UFC hall-of-famer. He's a tough guy not to be messed with, that Opie.

Opie, Randy Couture...not so different.

I remember in the original Opie was talking about going for the air lines or respirator or something like that and Ant walked on those Greggshells and uncomfortably said something like, "Great. The story is now attempted murder."

Then tits said "oh no 70 feet you just swim right to the surface, no problem".

You're just jealous because you aren't physically capable of fighting 60 feet under water

That's cos there are 60 of them. Double guns cocksucka!

The thing about Opie hate is, your life can make you the biggest loser ever and you can come on here and feel secure knowing you will never be "bragging about fighting nonexistent people to impress a UFC legend" embarrassing.

I know it's a lie because the French haven't the nature for war. Their Gallic laziness combines with their Latinate voluptuousness with the result that they would rather eat and make love with their faces than fight.

That's cos there are 60 of them. Double guns cocksucka!