Jim Norton's new book

11  2015-11-20 by [deleted]



Coincidentally Opie's book also has the same title.

Also, at this point nobody should feel it necessary to add ageing effects to Jim's face. He looks terrible ( sorry Jimmy ) already.

That's supposed to be aging? I thought they were bruises.

he fell down the stairs by accident

Black barbers are submitting bids to fix that hairline.

Tits gave the poor boy jaundice

"many don't know that I had no choice but to resign or be cut off of my aids medication. Gregg was so unfunny they had to surgically implant an electronic device that would make me laugh, he had a button on the board controlling it. "

But Jimmy is happily laughing at bombs for money

Solomon Whorefuck

Shorn headed

Looks like his crush Pete Davidson

The years of alcohol abuse has finally caught up to him. Cirrhosis is a bitch.

"Ten years with AIDS."

you're no k1bbler


This looks like the work of BaldOpie

"Twelve Years a Cuck" and photoshop Jim's face on "Twelve Years A Slave" book, and you have the actual book that will come out.