Just watched enemy of the state. Jay mohr killed it wtf has happened to his career?

4  2015-11-20 by olebillyredface28


He's a loud mouth prick with a huge ego. I imagine people hate working with him, especially since his every other sentence became about either his wife or his fucking kid.

And I liked Jay on O&A, he was a shit-stirrer. Still a reprehensible twat I would happily never meet though.

He's got a lot of Danny Ross qualities, plus he's one of those extremely smug cocky good looking assholes. Not too many people are overly fond of that type of person.

I don't know much about her psychological problems, but put together with Jay's personality, and how being married to that Michael Jackson mug makes him look, along with his stubbornly and aggressively defending her all the time, I don't know what's going on there. But it's got to have fucked him up really bizarrely.

He's a fucking douchebag, kind of an Opie with some talent. Many dislike the jay mohr

Yeah but sometimes ( on the phone mainly ) he was frickin hilarious if you'll pardon my language.

Oh yea, he has made me laugh a lot and has a lot of really good impressions, but I can see why people would not want to be around him.

He didn't mention he was in Jerry Maguire enough through out his career. Sad, because if he just forced it into more conversations, he could be a star right now. Such a humble guy

But he does! You are just wrong on this point friend

He was one of the leads in that Jennifer Anischin romcom with that Bacon who got his pekka out in front of Matt Dillon in the film about the animals I saw years ago by myself.

That's such a shitty overrated film. The signature "You complete me" line was the worst bit of shoe horning in cinema history. It was a call back to an earlier scene in the movie where they see a deaf person sign it to another person. That scene literally had no other purpose other than to set up the line for the big romantic moment at the end.

Mohr should be embarrassed to have been in that piece of shit.

His first problem might be that he wasn't even in "enemy of the state". Did you mix him up with Jason Lee?

No, he's referring Scott cann who does look a lot like Jay and OP was being funny. You've been bamboozled!!

Check out the Whooliganz on Youtube for a hilarious Scott Caan rap group.

He got fat and bald. A lot of people in the comedy community turned on him after the Rick Shappiro incident. Louie hates him because of it

What was this?

He stole jokes from Rick Shapiro and wrote them into sketches when he was on SNL.

I had no idea.

He had to pay Rick money and he wrote about it in one of his books where he fully admitted it. This was a long time ago when he was on SNL, so he did have some sort of career after that.

Gary Unmarried ended his career in showbiz.

Stealing/taking/borrowing Bert Kreischer's Tracy Morgan story and putting it on a special was the nail in the coffin. Haven't heard of or seen him on anything since that went down. He did have an AM radio sports talk show last time I listened to his podcast like 2 years ago, but I stopped listening because he did a commercial like every 5 minutes

I tried watching one of his latest standup specials, it was fucking atrocious. He was doing such family friendly shit it made me wanna puke. That baby headed idiot was pandering like no other.

His last stand up was mostly written by his wife... not kidding.

Yup, he brings this up in just about every single podcast now.

If anything made me dislike Jay it's that. If you don't even write your own jokes you don't deserve to call yourself a comedian.

Doesn't help his most famous bit was someone else's story and all his killing is done with the borrowed love people have for whoever he's impersonating. He's absolutely an actor pretending to be a comedian.

You know what's worse than a comedian who doesn't write their own jokes? A comedian who is so proud about their wife writing their jokes that they brag about it on podcasts and openly admit in the special. Jay fucking sucks dog dick

That's fucking disgraceful.

He told Doug Stanhope to quit drinking and to start writing a little bit after that special too. He is a real cunt sometimes

when did he say this to Stanhope?

Right here, not to Stanhope just on his podcast http://youtu.be/qlr09G8PzFc

Stanhope's last special is funnier than everything jay has ever said combined. How the fuck can he even look at a person at the level of Doug and think like that. Jay is an unbearable cunt.

He was the only good thing in the terrible Burt Wonderstone.

HE does these impersonations

Last we heard he was whining on his podcast to Barry Katz that he is a better interviewer than Maron and Hardwicke and that he would be crushing it if he just had a booking agent. He's delusional. Say what you will about Maron and Hardwick, Jay Mohr is one of the least informed and engaged interviewers I've ever heard. It's fun to listen to him hang with one of his friends, but if it's someone he doesn't know personally it's a trainwreck.

Having his whore wife write his last comedy special said a whole lot

Watch Jerry Maguire next. Jay plays himself in that one. Scott Caan is like 5'4.

He's just like Tits only funny.

He is the best at impersonations.

I fucking love Jay Mohrs and his podcast. He is a funny fuck

He cracks me up every time he calls in. I don't know why people think he has such a huge ego. Just seems like a real ass funny dude to me who doesn't kowtow to PC bullshit.

His shitty qualities really shined when he he had Otto on his podcast and kept bringing up some behind the scenes moment that only he and otto experienced and ran over every funny joke or story otto was trying to talk about to bring that same moment up again and force the conversation back to that.


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He is forgiven for his impressions. See Droopy Dog Dice Clay. Also when he takes Gervais and C.K. down a few pegs.

In December 2008, he filed legal papers requesting a legal name change to Jon Ferguson Cox Mohr, adding his wife's surname. 'Nuff said.

Yeah but sometimes ( on the phone mainly ) he was frickin hilarious if you'll pardon my language.

If anything made me dislike Jay it's that. If you don't even write your own jokes you don't deserve to call yourself a comedian.